By Frosty Wooldridge
“Few challenges throughout history will affect the course of human events like the topic
of this book. Immigration, both legal and illegal, will determine if America is to
survive as a viable, prosperous nation into the 21st Century or sink into the depths of poverty.
Wooldridge offers a thorough examination of this topic with exhaustive research and critical
thinking.” — Kenneth R. Hampshire, President, Advanced Health Group.
“This book is the first of its kind. The impact is powerful and undeniable in reporting damages
caused by the immigration invasion. The human flood pouring over our borders carries disease,
crime, violence, lawlessness and chaos. National security is endangered by the “Trojan horse”
of immigration from which terrorists can strike from the inside. Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion
is our call to action” — Michael E. Crowe, Virginia Coalition Against Terrorism
“Wooldridge opens the door for a debate of national importance, which few Americans realize at this time. His stark honesty, however grim in its reality, is the result of painstaking research. Every American needs to read this informative but shocking book.” — Joseph Kubiak, Manhattan Beach, California
“Every American must read this compelling book. Wooldridge makes a clear and readable approach to the severe problems facing this nation as a result of illegal immigration and its impact. Readers will be overwhelmed by Wooldridge’s clear, intelligent and factual information on this critical issue. After reading it, follow his list on ‘How To Save America.’ You’ll be doing it for your kids.”– Jan Herron, Evergreen, Colorado
322 Pages. Paperback
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