• The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual docu-thriller following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he deals with the emotions of his own investigation into the events of 9/11. The fast pace and the filmmakers commentary on coping with the emotions involved in finding truth, sets the film apart. Even though, I didnt know it at the time, work on this film started in February 2011. Back then I was a regular guy trying to live the American dream, with three kids and a wife, who was pregnant with number four! It started with an innocent question about 9/11. And that lead to more innocent questions. And after a while, I completely changed my opinion of the official story of that day. That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world was turned upside down. I couldnt stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings. I tried talking about it, but felt like no one was listening. At the time, my wife didnt even believe me . . . nor did my friends and family. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. So, to preserve my sanity and save my marriage, I began putting this film together. I had no idea any of this would ever happen because I simply made it for my wife, my sister and a couple of dear friends. I made it to speak to them directly, to get them to open their eyes. And it worked, because just all my friends and family that have seen it have changed their opinion about 9/11, maybe all by the time you read this! As time went on, I realized there are millions of people, like me, whove had a hard time talking about the truth of 9/11 with people in our lives. As I further understood that and continued getting requests to see the film, it began to evolve into a bridge for all us, no matter where we stand on 9/11. Mostly, the film is meant to be an effective introduction to the controversies of 9/11 for those of us who still have no idea there are any controversies. If this issue is going to ever get into the spotlight, itll need a catalyst and I hope this film can do it.
  • This DVD is no longer available in stores - only 5 copies left. The politicians told us that we had to bail out Wall Street to keep Main Street afloat. Yet many of us continue to lose our savings, our jobs and our homes. They told us that we had to swallow hard and make difficult sacrifices for the good of the country while Wall Street executives received enormous bonuses. The same political class tried to convince everyday Americans that the reasons for the bailout were just too complicated for us to understand. We must hold our noses and simply accept the solutions offered by the financial experts . . . the same ones that allegedly did not see the bubbles expanding or their imminent collapse. They gave our hard-earned money to Wall Street, without any strings attached, without oversight, while turning a deaf ear to our intense and vocal opposition to the bailout. The politicians did this just weeks before an election. They saddled us and our children with an alarming debt burden as they facilitated the greatest transfer of wealth in American history. And we sent more than 90% of the incumbents back to Washington. “Life On The Edge of A Bubble” challenges the prevailing myth of the sudden, unforeseeable and unique nature of the economic crisis. The film brings to light the seemingly unfamiliar historical pattern; in fact, economic bubbles and their subsequent panics are a rather all too frequently repeated economic pattern. Each generation inevitably finds itself precariously perched on the edge of yet another financial bubble. The DVD also includes a special documentary short on the genesis of our nation's banking and financial system. If knowledge is power, then this film arms the viewer with the information they need to restore the promise of the American Dream. * Why are politicians rewarding greedy con-men on Wall Street with your hard earned money? * Why didn't the "experts" see this coming * Is this time really different? * How did the American people lose control of their banking system? * Is there a pattern to this madness? * Have backroom deals killed our Economy? * Can we sever the link between money and politics?
  • Matrix Entertainment in association with OATH KEEPERS present a James Jaeger film. SYNOPSIS: Globalists in the Power Elite -- working through the United Nations -- are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as "Agenda 21." Considered a "conspiracy theory" by the Mainstream Media and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term for Agenda 21 -- "sustainable development" -- crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory"? The UN says "sustainable development" is simply the "Environmental Movement" reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it's the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government. What's the reality? FEATURING: TOM DEWEESE MICHAEL SHAW ROSA KOIRE JOHN McMANUS DEBBIE BACIGALUPI LORD CHRISTOPHER MONCKTON EDWIN VIEIRA, JD G. EDWARD GRIFFIN PASTOR CHUCK BALDWIN STEWART RHODES, JD WILLIE SOON, PHD KRISANNE HALL, JD DAVID KOPACZ HAL SHURTLEFF KEN GULLEKSON NIKOLA LONCHAR MARK PASSIO REV. STEVEN LOUIS CRAFT Special Appearance: PAT BUCHANAN
  • The true story of the Georgia guidestones Adullam Films has released a new documentary, "Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidstones." This film is a must see for those who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism towards the cause of population control. In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C. Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted to erect a monument they hoped would inspire “the Age of Reason.” The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or “guides” that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide? 120 min.
  • While it is generally accepted that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth came to promote a Biblical world view, can the same be said of the revolutionaries who lived 150 years later? The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers explores this question in depth as this powerful documentary delves into the controversial and often debated beliefs of the founders of the American Revolution. Were these men Christians, according to the Bible? Was it their "original intent" to found America on the teachings of Christ and the Apostles? Or were their opinions closer to those of the Enlightenment thinkers in Europe? Most importantly, how do the answers to these questions impact the thinking of the Church today? This film is a must-see for all American Christians as the answers to these questions are sure to shock even the most zealous patriots. "For there is nothing covered, that shall no be revealed…" Luke 12:2
  • In 1881, two scholars named Westcott and Hort published a revision of the New Testament that would send shockwaves through the academic world. Their new textual theory declared that the King James Version (which had been trusted for centuries) was full of errors. Sacred readings, long cherished by the faithful, were now declared to be forgeries. The world was informed that the book, which had been called the inerrant Word of God, was in need of correction. The new theory claimed that recently recovered manuscripts revealed a truer version of Scripture. Yet others warned that these manuscripts were, in fact, the creation of early Gnostic heretics that had been rightly abandoned centuries before. Was the new revision filled with ancient corruptions? Follow the story of the Bible’s controversial history into the twentieth century, as the work of Westcott and Hort would transform biblical scholarship, inspire the work of various Bible Societies, and pave the way for the cause of ecumenical unity between Evangelical Protestants and Rome. INFORMATION COVERED IN THIS DOCUMENTARY: 1) The history of the Revision of the Bible in 1881. 2) The objections of Dean John W. Burgon concerning the “new Greek text” invented by Anglican scholars, B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort. 3) The analysis of George Sayles Bishop, R.L. Dabney and William G. Blaikie who likewise opposed the Revision of Westcott and Hort in the 19th century. 4) Proof that the purpose of the Revision was to overthrow the Received Text of the Protestant Reformation. 5) The warnings of Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener who declared that the theory behind the new Greek text was based on conjecture and fantasy. 6) The “Romish” doctrines of Westcott and Hort, as revealed in their letters, along with admissions of willful deception and heresy. 7) The warnings of early Church fathers concerning the corruptions of Gnostic heretics who altered ancient manuscripts in the early centuries. 8) Examples from the Critical Text of what are believed to be Gnostic influences that currently influence the majority of modern bibles. 9) How the work of Westcott and Hort was transformed into the Nestle-Aland Greek text, used by the vast majority of Bible colleges and universities, as well as most Bible translations. 10) The beliefs of Dr. Kurt Aland (the chief influence behind the Nestle-Aland Greek text) who denied the apostolic authorship of the New Testament, and suggested that Jesus may have been a mere “phantom.” 11) The influence of Dr. Bruce Metzger, a leading Bible critic of the 20th century (who worked on the RSV and NRSV translations) and his denial of the authorship of Moses in the Old Testament. 12) The influence of William Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and Dr. Eugene Nida, father of the dynamic equivalence method of Bible translation (i.e. paraphrase). 13) The development of “bridge bibles” and what they mean. 14) The discovery of the Bodmer Papyri by a Jesuit priest. 15) Proof that the discovery of the Bodmer Papyri is associated with ancient Gnostic groups from the Nag Hammadi region of Egypt. 16) The influence of Rome, her Jesuits, and the ecumenical movement in the development of a single Greek text, as the “one world Bible” to unify all churches. 17) Discussion with Dr. James White (author of The King James Only Controversy) concerning his defense of the Critical Text and modern versions in general. 120 min.
  • The True Christian History of America is a powerful documentary, showing the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back to England and the great Reformation. For many years, Americans have been taught in our schools and universities that the founding of our Republic was the result of the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment first declare no taxation without representation? Or trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare that the “reign of political Protestantism” would commence, just before signing the Declaration of Independence? Filmed on location in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary contains unique interviews with experts from around the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. At a time when America and the principles of freedom stand in peril, it has never been more important for the Christian world to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history on the influence of Christianity in the United States. What you will learn from this documentary: 1) The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, and its basis in Scripture, along with how it influenced the American Revolution. 1a) Thomas Paine’s admission that the Biblical arguments in his pamphlet Common Sense were derived from the teachings of the Puritans. 1b) The Treaty of Tripoli -- how its declaration against Christianity was refuted by a prominent founding father, and signer of the U.S. Constitution. 2) The Biblical origins of the Magna Carta of 1215 A.D., and its use by the founders. 3) How Magna Carta introduced the lawful right of resistance against tyranny. 4) The influence of John Wycliffe on the concept of God given rights. 5) The influence of the Wycliffe Bible of 1384 on government of the people. 6) How the death of Jan Huss impacted the origins of free speech. 7) The Hussite Wars and their influence. 8) Martin Luther’s influence on freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. 9) What Luther and the Reformers believed about the right of self-defense against tyranny. 10) The Reformed view of the Old Testament examples of war and whether or not New Testament Christians could engage in warfare like ancient Israel. 11) How Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans abolished the doctrine of the divine right of kings through the use of Psalm 149. 12) The English Civil War, and how it set the pattern for the American Revolution. 13) The French Huguenots and their influence on the American Revolutionaries. 14) How the English Bill of Rights in 1689 set the pattern for the American Bill of Rights. 15) Samuel Rutherford and Lex Rex (the Law is King) and its influence on the U.S. Constitution. 16) Why George Washington refused to be crowned king of America. 17) The Reformers influence on Thomas Jefferson, and the doctrine of man’s depravity. 18) John Adams on the history of the Christian founding of America. 19) Early American leaders who declared that Christianity is the only true religion, with proof that they never intended it should be counted equal with Islam or paganism. 20) Explanation from our original interviews with Constitutional lawyers about the Bible-based Christian worldview contained in the Declaration of Independence. 21) Harvard trained lawyer, Herbert W. Titus explains how the Constitution itself proclaims Jesus Christ as the Lord of “time” and of the United States. 170 min.
  • 3 hr. running time The Untold History of the Bible: Based on the award winning documentary, A Lamp in the Dark, this newly edited version is about half the length of the three hour original. It has been designed as a concise witnessing tool, while preserving the vital insights and dramatic integrity of the original. Enter into the world of saints and martyrs wrestling against the powers and principalities of the Dark Age, when the Bible was outlawed by the Roman Church and those who dared to handle it faced imprisonment, torture and death. Learn the stories of the valiant men of faith who laid down their lives so that future generations could hear and believe the Word of God. The story of the Bible is also the story of the Church and the unfolding of the light of the Gospel in a dark and dying world. We truly believe it is sad that many of our brethren today do not realize the great sacrifice paid by the saints who have come before us for our sake. It is our prayer and sincere hope that this work will continue to equip and strengthen the faith of others. This new DVD is broken into the following chapters: 1. The Gospel: beginning in the first century, the gospel account is given, along with the warnings from Jesus and the Apostles concerning grievous wolves that should come to devour the flock of Christ. 2. Inquisition: while most modern believers are unaware of it, the Great Inquisition began not over Muslims, Jews or witches but rather, because of Bible believing Christians. Learn the details of how the Inquisition was launched to stamp out the preaching of the true Gospel and the knowledge of the Word of God. 3. Wycliffe: the man known as the Morning Star of the Reformation, John Wycliffe is one of the most important figures in Church history. Learn how he developed the first English Bible and was hated and accursed by Rome for it. 4. Reformation: from the influence of John Wycliffe and his Lollard preachers, to the Ninety-five Thesis of Martin Luther, along with the prophecy teachings of the Reformers themselves concerning Antichrist and Mystery Babylon the Great, this film documents the true (and often unknown) causes of the Protestant Reformation. 5. Tyndale: perhaps the single most important man in the history of English bibles, William Tyndale was known as the apostle of England, and was persecuted for years before being martyred for the Word of God. From his memorial on the River Thames to the Tyndale Museum near Brussels, travel with the production to see where this man of God was burnt at the stake for his faith. 6. English Bibles: the history of how our English bibles were developed, beginning with the Wycliffe Bible, to the collation of Greek texts by Erasmus, through the translation work of William Tyndale to the King James Version of 1611. 7. The Jesuits: in 1540 the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of overthrowing the Protestant Reformation, and to ultimately subvert the Bibles produced by the Reformation. Learn the origin of the society that was once called the engineer corps of hell. 8. The KJV: known as the best selling book of all time, the King James translation is seen as the crowing achievement of the Reformation, and a uniting text for English Protestantism. Because of its symbolism, Rome and the Jesuit Order have always hated this Bible and have spent centuries seeking to destroy it. Learn the plan set forth by the Jesuits in the 19th century to seize control of the Bible. Is it possible, that this affects our bibles even today? The Untold History of the Bible is designed as an educational tool, featuring powerful dramatizations of key historic events, along with on-location footage in the U.S., England and Belgium.
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    What happens globally when: a) Healtcare/Controlled-Planning b) Sustainable Environmental Development c) Economic/Credit Crisis d) Public/Private/Partnership ALL COLLIDE TOGETHER
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    a) The Power b) Their (globalists) Role c) Total Control (of everyone and everything)
  • 2 DVD Set ORIGINAL INTENT takes a look at the Founders' intentions at the time they wrote the U.S. Constitution, not some "living" interpretation that merely caters to the political whims of the day. Unfortunately, influences, such as Cultural Marxism and Corporate Fascism, have perverted the Democratic and Republican parties so much, the Founders' original intent has been seriously compromised. As a result, the republic guaranteed by the Constitution has wandered down a road towards insolvency, immorality and totalitarianism. ORIGINAL INTENT explores how this has happened and offers solutions that Americans, no matter what party affiliation, can apply to restore a nation of values, general welfare, and leadership-by-example. 180 Min.
  • MAINSTREAM: How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda a James Jaeger Film MAINSTREAM traces Hollywood’s origins from the early art-driven movie moguls to the profit-driven corporations of today. With the government-decreed divestiture of movie theaters in 1948, the Golden Age of Hollywood was destroyed. Along with this destruction of the “studio system,” movies became increasingly formulaic, exploitative, violent and produced by a small “control group” of insiders. Then, with the advent of TV and various influences from Europe, Hollywood movies descended into a morass of political correctness and fake news that gave birth to what we know as the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Now governed by just 6 huge conglomerates, Hollywood movies and the New York-based media (collectively the MAINSTREAM MEDIA) have become involved with hundreds of predatory, unethical and often times illegal business practices that result in discrimination against talents, crews, executives and whole populations. Worse, the movies and network news have become a tool of the Globalist Agenda, an agenda to outsource the U.S. manufacturing base in the name of “free trade” and destroy the American Middle Class in the name of “stockholder value.” Hollywood has become one of the “big bad” corporations it endlessly dramatizes in its movies. And all this started as a consequence of government intervention into the right of the movie moguls to market their own movies in their own theaters. 180 Min.
  • Why In the World Are They Spraying Since the release of the groundbreaking documentary “What in the World are They Spraying?”, millions have woken up to the damaging effects from chemtrail/geoengineering programs. As a result, movements around the world are being formed to address these crimes. While many who were previously unaware of these programs are now taking action, the question now that is often asked is “Why” is this happening. Michael J. Murphy, Originator and Co-Producer of “What in the World are They Spraying?” in association with Barry Kolsky have produced “Why in the World are They Spraying?” which will answer that question. “Why in the World are They Spraying?” is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, “weather control”. We are encouraging everyone who purchases a DVD to make copies and hand out for free in support of our vision of making this issue known to all. Order yours now! DVD $29.95 60 min.
  • Does Evil Exist? What if the evil we never acknowledge has infiltrated the Church, twisted the Gospel, and exploited otherwise well-meaning Christians for its own dark purposes? Enemies Within: The Church heralds a clarion call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted Holy Scriptures. This incredible DVD examines the evidence and exposes the false teachers behind one of the greatest evils of our time-the heresy of the “SOCIAL GOSPEL”! "Enemies Within: The Church" shows evidence for exposing false teachers and organizations with an underlying agenda to undermine the influence of Christ across the world. Every single problem we face in the western world is ultimately a theological problem, and every solution to each problem is a theological absolute. What happened to the living, powerful, transformative, nation-shaking Christianity that Jesus brought to our world? Something dressed up to look like Christianity is doing just fine here in America, but can it possibly be the real thing? It certainly resembles Christianity, but most of the people I know sense that something isn't right. Cashiers say that the best way to recognize a counterfeit dollar is not by studying counterfeit dollars, but by getting to know the real thing well enough that you can easily discern the fake. Maybe that's part of our problem today? Maybe members of this present generation who call themselves "Christians" really believe they are Christians, because they can't recognize the counterfeit? When we look at history, the western church we see right now hardly resembles what it once was. In the twentieth century, the twin evils of Communism and Fascism slaughtered nearly 200,000,000. Both forces are still attempting to co-opt Christianity to serve their goals. If this evil is still alive and active, why is it seldom addressed in most churches today? Could it be that this evil is compromising our churches from the inside out? What if these forces are twisting the doctrine that grew our great nation to suit its own purposes? This documentary will answer these questions and provide the theological solution necessary to stop the destruction of our beloved nation's foundation: The Church. —EWTC
  • "Enemies Within" profiles twenty US senators and more than a hundred US representatives, exposing their ties to the Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Council for a Livable World, and other radical anti-American organizations. “The Enemies Within” is designed to show American voters exactly how modern communism works and how it impacts on your life, every single day. Just how do the communists win big on things like Obamacare and immigration “reform,” which go completely against the wishes of the American people? Trevor Loudon’s research has been cited by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, countless articles, blog posts and in books by well known authors Paul Kengor, Aaron Klein and Jerome Corsi. He has given countless radio interviews and addressed audiences in more than 30 states in his four tours of the United States. Trevor Loudon speaks on internal subversion, communism and socialism, national security, culture and constitutional conservatism.