This book exposes the very real Islamist threat to America. It’s no longer lurking at America’s door, it has already penetrated deeply into the federal government and our culture. The over arching goal of the leadership of every major Islamic sect is to create a global Caliphate or world government. Iran wants to create world chaos to allow the Shi’ite Muslims to form a Shia Caliphate. While allowing Iran to obtain the nuclear bomb will be catastrophic, there is an equally dangerous Islamist cancer that is systematically Islamizing American politics and culture; Wahhabi Islam. Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi Islam is the foundation of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Qaeda uses violence, while the Muslim Brotherhood uses stealth and deception. By preying on political correctness, they have convinced most Americans they are peaceful, share the same God and want to coexist. While peaceful coexistence may be what the average Muslim wants, it is not true of the Islamic Brotherhood leadership. The Brotherhood has a well-developed, step-by-step plan to turn America into an Islamic controlled nation within a few years as part of their world Caliphate. Nearly all Muslims believe that the return of the Mahdi, their Messiah, is eminent. When that happens he will lead Islam into global conquest and a global Caliphate. This story quite literally leaps off the pages of the Bible in ways non-Jews, Christians and even Muslims will find shocking. Very few Americans know that Obama’s Kenyan family is steeped in Wahhabi Islam, or that prior to the 2008 election Egyptian TV and radio bragged that a Muslim was going to be president. The implications are stunning and should be understood by everyone -- before it is too late. Paperback: 102 pages Publication Date: 2013 Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D With military defeat of the Nazis in World War II, many people began to fear the threat of communism. However, what most people don't realize is that the Power Elite (PE) has used both communism and Nazism in a dialectical process to bring about a techno-feudal world socialist government. While much of the world celebrated the Allied defeat of Hitler in 1945, what they didn't know was that the Nazis were winning the war for control of much of the world's economy. By 1943, Hitler's second-in-command. Martin Bormann, had $180 billion in assets (today worth trillions of dollars) that he could use to execute a secret plan to spread national socialism around the world. In 1944 Sumner Welles wrote in The Time for Decision of a secret Nazi plan to be fulfilled "perhaps two generations from now." Moreover, the secret Nazi plan is simply one part of a larger PE plan to control the world. This book covers all the above, including how America is being moved more and more toward a techno-feudal national socialism in order to fit into the PE's master plan. Binding: Paperback Pages:159 Publisher: Bible Belt Publishing (2010)
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D This book covers major topics of interest today. It begins with a section on “Barack Obama,” including the effects of “Obamacare.” Because a lot that is occurring in society at present has to do with values, the second section deals with “Morality,” including Biblical principles. Since the movement toward the New World Order is largely driven by “Economics,” that is the third section of the book and covers the coercive measures the Power Elite is using, as well as a look at the techno-feudal future. How well we can compete in the world today depends on our level of “Education,” which is explained in the fourth section of the book and includes an identification of our educational problems and solutions. The Power Elite’s plans include a one-world religion as well as a one-world government; therefore, section five is on “Religion and World Government.” Prominent among the Power Elite are the Rockefellers, so section six is entirely about “The Rockefeller Plan” in this regard. And the Rockefellers have been proponents of “Population Control,” which is section seven and includes the subjects of eugenics and euthanasia. A topic not really discussed in other books is how a “Secret Nazi Plan” has been part of the Power Elite’s strategy, and this is covered in part 8. A hot topic in the news today is what Iran will do, and section 9 looks at “What Is the Role of Iran” in the movement toward a New World Order. Finally, this book in section ten explains how “Big Brother” will emerge from the New World Order. And there is an extensive index in the book for those interested in conducting their own research on these subjects Pages: 270 Binding: Paperback
by James L.Hirsen, Ph.D. The global activists have some sinister beliefs. They wholeheartedly embrace environmental extremism, New Age mysticism, radical feminism, and international governance. Further, they fully intend to spread their philosophies worldwide. But, most frightening of all is their plan to implement a global agenda by using the powerful weight of international law. SUPPLY IS LIMITED Softcover - 208 Pages.
This book is the third in a series, each covering three subjects: mental health, education, and social control. The impetus for this series has been the recommendation of President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. The problem with this legislation is its sweeping nature. Among its Purposes is to increase fund for, and expand the scope of, the Safe Schools-Healthy Students program in order to provide access to more comprehensive school-based mental health services. The danger with measures such as these involves how mental health joined with education can be used as a means of social control. This book, like the previous two, looks at issues like these and others concerning mental health, education, and the power elite's increasing social control over our lives. 128 Pages Out of Print, Supply is Limited
By Judith A. Reisman Ph.D. Kinsey wrestled human sexuality from the constraints of love and marriage in order to advance the grand scheme to move America and the world toward the euqenic future envisioned by the elite scientists of the "new biology." To ensure that his "grand scheme" would be more than a mere trend, Kinsey worked closely with elite members in the legal and medical professions to change or eliminate most sex offenders laws. America's sexology profession and accredited sex education field are based entirely on Kinsey's research. The question remains how far did Kinsey, his colleagues and supporters go to remake America and its way of life? The Indiana University Kinsey team closely collaborated in human sexual experiments on children without informed consent. The author asks, how could these human sexual experiments on thousands of little children have happened in America during the 1930s and 1940s? Or were these experiments even conducted in America? Shocking new discoveries reveal Kinsey's collaboration with a Nazi pedophile. In 1948, the Institute for Sex at Indiana U. was led by eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey whose sex research shocked America's moral foundations and launched the 1960s Sexual Revolution. Fifty years later new revelations confirm Dr. Judith Reisman's 1981 expose of scientific fraud and criminally derived data contained in the publicly funded Kinsey Reports. Dr. Reisman revealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof labratory built to his specifications at Indiana U, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was a scientific protocol for Kinsey's 1948 report. "Dr. Reisman has produced a scholarly and devastating study revealing the ugly and frighteningly dangerous pseudo-scientific assault on our children's innocence." -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger Published by The Institute for Media Education, Inc. 342 Pages. Paperback
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science), and taught in the public school system and at the university level. Dr. Cuddy has also authored or edited fifteen books and booklets, authored hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, and served as a senior associate with the U.S. Department of Education in Washington. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC-Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs "USA Today" and CBS' "Nightwatch." Many today are looking for a conspiracy behind the movement for world government, but they may not find it in the usual sense of a secret cabal meeting clandestinely. Rather, what is occurring is a type of networking of like-minded individuals. For years, leaders in education, industry, the media, banking, etc., have promoted those with the same world view as theirs. For decades, the power elite have made a conscious effort to get key people with their same world view into key positions of influence. Ultimately, this manipulation would take the form of a dialectical process toward a world of synthesis. The thesis of western capitalism and the antithesis of eastern communism would synthesize into world socialism. Hopefully, the American public will awaken soon and regain control of our republic from those who are moving us toward socialism and who threaten to diminish our heretofore constitutionally protected freedom and our nation's sovereignty by moving us toward a world government. Let us pray for god's help in our efforts.