• The following treaties on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook om Russian "psychopolitics." It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations. 65 page booklet
  • by Brother Gregory Williams The Covenants of the gods is a detail examination of the contractual nature of the governments of men, and the methods those institutions use to increase their power and authority over men. A central theme of the book was asked by Cecil B. DeMille in the movie The Ten Commandments: “Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world.” By presenting the facts and the progression of legal systems and relating them to the precepts of law passed down through that by ancient Biblical texts, the context of history, and the language and literature of men a unique perspective is unveiled. The vanity of mankind inclines him to blame others for his undesirable state, condition, or lack of liberty, when in truth the source of our decline into bondage is our own sloth and avarice. Proverbs 12:24 tells us: “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.” If men will be free, if they want their rights back they must first take back their responsibilities as free souls under God, for themselves, their families, and their community. If you want to know the whole truth and the ambuscade of your subjugation and the growing power of the governments of the world. The Covenants of the gods will reveal the process and the precept of that descent into slavery. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32 Binding: Softcover, spiral bound Pages: 141 Size: Large - 8.5"x11" About the Author Brother Gregory Williams is a minister with His Holy Church Married with 6 children and 11 grand children, he lives in Central Oregon. As a young man, he entered the seminary where he studied Latin, Greek and theology. In the course of his studies, he began to discover secrets hidden for centuries within ancient libraries which exposed the folly of the sophistry and superstition of the people. His quest to understand the whole truth has led him down a path of law and language, connecting the dots of history in a unique picture of bondage and freedom; discovering the problem and finding the solution.
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  • Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide Hardcover 224 pages When a drug-addled Hunter Biden abandoned his waterlogged computer at a Mac repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019, just six days before his father announced his candidacy for the United States presidency, it became the ticking time bomb in the shadows of Joe Biden’s campaign. The dirty secrets contained in Hunter’s laptop almost derailed his father’s presidential campaign and ignited one of the greatest media coverups in American history. This is the unvarnished story of what’s really inside the laptop and what China knows about the Bidens, by the New York Post journalist who brought it into the open. It exposes the coordinated censorship operation by Big Tech, the media establishment, and former intelligence operatives to stifle the New York Post’s coverage, in a chilling exercise of raw political power three weeks before the 2020 election. A treasure trove of corporate documents, emails, text messages, photographs, and voice recordings, spanning a decade, the laptop provided the first evidence that President Joe Biden was involved in his son’s ventures in China, Ukraine, and beyond, despite his repeated denials. This intimate insight into Hunter’s dissolute lifestyle shows he was incapable of holding down a job, let alone being paid tens of millions of dollars in high-powered international business deals by foreign interests, unless he had something else of value to sell—which of course he did. He was the son of the vice president who would go on to become the leader of the free world.
  • Security Risk Senators: Part 2: Michigan to Wisconsin By: Trevor Loudon Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations. Security Risk Senators profiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again. Book 2 of 2: Security Risk Senators 366 Pages Paperback SEE ALSO Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts
  • By Phil Hart Phil Hart is currently serving in the Idaho State Legislature. Read this book to discover how our civil leaders have defrauded you and the rest of the hard working people of this great nation of their hard-earned wages. They have squandered the money on social programs that have fostered laziness and bred criminals - all for the sake of political power. You need to read the rest of the story in my book. "History, Mr. W. said, informed them of the annihilation of nations by means of direct taxation. He referred gentlemen to the situation of the Roman Empire in its innocence, and asked them whether they had any direct taxes? No. Indirect taxes and taxes upon the luxuries and spices from the Indies were their sources of revenue but, as soon as they changed their system to direct taxation, it operated to their ruin; their children were sold as slaves, and the Roman Empire fell from its splendor. Shall we then follow this system? He trusted not." The issue of direct v. indirect taxes has been debated in Congress beginning not long after the constitutional ink had dried. From page 1898 of The Annals of Congress (the 4th Congress, 1797) Representative Williams from New York was recorded as reminding Congress of the Roman example of direct v. indirect taxation. Taxes on labor, as currently collected by the IRS as an "income" tax, cannot be described as anything other than a direct tax. Senator Norris Brown from Nebraska, the man who wrote the 16th Amendment, defined clearly what income was and what the income tax was intended to accomplish. Not once did Sen. Brown mention that Congress intended to pass an amendment that would grant the federal government a new power to directly tax the wages or salaries of working people. Morris Publishing. 438 Pages. Paperback
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