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    By Robert Thomas Raming The two-party system in America is dysfunctional. It has degenerated into a group of career politicians by and addicted to the power of their office. The US Government, once a beacon of light for liberty and justice, has embarked on a course of war and inflation that threatens to destroy the American Dream forever. There is a very small and secret group of power brokers that is intent on destroying the Constitutional liberties that we cherish as they establish a New World Order. They hide among us in plane sight, using deception and propaganda techniques first employed by Lennin and Trotsky. This global elite will stop at nothing to increase their power. Here is what Woodrow Wilson had to say about this shadow society: Some of the biggest men in the US in the field commerce and manufacturing know that there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Preserve the United States Constitution. Take back our government from the politicians. • Secure our borders as the first line of defense against terrorism. • Avoid all unnecessary wars. • Eliminate the deficit and pork barrel spending. • Give the United Nations 3 years to find another home. • Make English the official language. • Insure the survival of States rights. • Initiate a grassroots drive to protect our liberties. • Protect the creativity and free spirit of the individual. • Protect private property. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED M of L Publishing. 203 Pages. Paperback
  • A Simple Self Awareness Exercise for Overcoming Stress & Illness If you could learn the secret of how to control your emotional responses, how to find that God-given switch in your mind which would allow you to energize and motivate yourself, you would never again feel conflict, guilt, fear or depression. If you are willing to be shown how, you can become the person you were created to be. A simple procedure that will prove to you, through your own experience, that control over yourself without unbearable suppression is not only possible, but vital to your health, to your future happiness – and to your very existence. "The exercise is the only program of self-therapy which achieves the desired end-state of therapy; to lessen the dependence on the therapist – the goal is self-awareness. It’s the only approach that I have ever seen in the whole field of psychology which allows you to become independent, competent and effective.” ~ Dr. George Hayter, M.D.
  • Talking Trump Christmas Card Wishes You A Merry Christmas In Donald Trump's REAL Voice! Surprise Someone With A Personal Holiday Greeting From The President Of The United States! Envelope Included WATCH VIDEO below to see and hear this great card! Yes, it’s really President Donald Trump’s voice! DONALD TRUMP'S VOICE ACTIVATES WHEN CARD IS OPENED! Create big laughs when someone opens this funny Christmas card and suddenly hears Donald Trump's booming voice saying: “We're going to start saying Merry Christmas again. Merry Christmas!" MAKE SOMEONE'S CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN! Whether you’re a patriot or a prankster (or a patriotic prankster), this is the greatest Christmas card you can give somebody. This novelty talking card is a funny gift for both Republicans and Democrats. And even thought it's a great gag or prank, the elegance and extra durability of this high-quality, glossy finish card is sure to impress colleagues and acquaintances.
  • By Ray Yungen Today there is a Society-changing movement. Every person needs to know what is taking place in their town, in their school, in their church, and in their family. Learn how the “entering prayer is re-shaping mainline denominations. Find out how some of the fastest growing techniques sweeping the medical field are based on occultism. This Book exposes one world religion. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 190 Pages. Paperback
  • by Rabbi Nachum Shifren Public Enemy #1 Our Schools ! Abusive racial epithets, physical assaults, death threats, his classroom burned to the ground. Rabbi Nachum Shifren, former LA City school teacher tells a brutally honest tale of racism and corruption in our public schools. Rabbi Shifren is a 2010 candidate for the California State Senate. Review "We now live in a world of Columbine-style school violence, on-campus gang violence, racial, and sexual violence, and student-on-teacher violence that has made our schools (especially inner city schools) more like correctional institutions focused on physical misbehavior control than institutions dedicated to learning. 'Kill Your Teacher' is not a how-to manual for abusing classroom instructors. It is a warning to us all that inept and corrupt school administration policies are exacerbating the risks to the safety and learning environment of teachers and their students. Rabbi Shifren writes with the special expertise and first-hand knowledge gained from having been a Los Angeles public school teacher teaching Spanish since 1991. Exposing what he was witnessed with over virulent Black/Hispanic and Black/Anglo racism in the student bodies of these schools, 'Kill Your Teacher' is sobering reading and will prove a substantial contribution to the national dialogue currently underway concerning issues of safety, race relations, and moral clarity withing the context of our public school systems and administrative policies." ~Mr. James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review Review "Rabbi Nachum Shifren exposes the bureaucratic stagnation that plagues the Los Angeles Unified School District. He documents instances of racism towards him, threats of violence, and the extreme application of PC politics. What is sad is that we have lost a talented teacher that truly cares about his students and actually brought standards and discipline to inner city schools". ~Miztvah Rabbi Shifren articles can be read here Paperback: 90 pages Publisher: Heaven Ink Pub Size: 8.3x5.3
  • By Richard Mack In this book Sheriff Mack clearly outlines why the unrestricted right of the people as individuals "to keep and bear arms" is essential to the preservation of both individual liberty and domestic tranquility. Mack reminds us of facts that were self-evident to earlier generations of Americans, but which are all but forgotten in today's climate of incessant cries for more gun control. 223 Pages. Paper Back
  • by James L.Hirsen, Ph.D. The global activists have some sinister beliefs. They wholeheartedly embrace environmental extremism, New Age mysticism, radical feminism, and international governance. Further, they fully intend to spread their philosophies worldwide. But, most frightening of all is their plan to implement a global agenda by using the powerful weight of international law. SUPPLY IS LIMITED Softcover - 208 Pages.
  • By Michael S. Coffman So you don't believe a world government is being formed? The vast majority of Americans refuse to believe that world government is being formed right before their eyes. Even Christians and Jews who are warned in the Bible to look for such a government are being deceived. Through never before experience global delusion, many people, pastors, churches, rabbbis and Synagogues are helping to promote the agenda! They refuse to believe that an absolute totalitarian government steeped in mystic pantheism will soon dictate the actions of every human being on earth. While Americans are denying it, it is being openly discussed in Europe, and in the inner governmental circles of Russia and China. Read in this highly referenced and explosive book how this plan is being implemented step by step. Go behind the scenes in the tremendous geopolitical power struggles that are changing the very fabric of earth's history as major global factions battle for supremacy in the New World Order (global governance). Learn how Kosovo, Chechnya and Israel have been used as pawns in a much bigger agenda of intrigue that is stranger than fiction. And, most of all, how global events seem to be rushing to fulfill prophecy written thousands of years ago. Are we in the last days before Jesus Christ returns? Judge for yourself! Published by, Environmental Perspectives Inc., 84 Pages. Paperback
  • By Paul Cappadona This book could change politics forever! A must read for every voter, every American. Good government and Christianity go hand-in-hand and there is no separation of church and state except in regards to establishing one domination above another. It is the state that needs to be taken out of the church and separated for the state is the thing which must be feared. I will not allow myself to be a Juror unless I am certain that I can protect the rights of the innocent as well as proclaiming the guilt of the criminal. I will remember that when I take my jury oath, I become the Judge and the Judge becomes the mediator. 200 Pages. Paperback
  • By Peter and Timothy Flaherty The name alone evokes a myriad of reactions. But, who is this lawyer from Arkansas who would change America's values & alter our country's course? What underlines the ambitions, ethical lapses, and scandals. This book covers it all. Her early years; Her rise to power; Scandal and corruption in high places. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 237 Pages. Paperback
  • This work provides an in-depth analysis of the ingenious system that the Framers designed to identify the best possible presidential candidates. Unfortunately the system has been destroyed by the machinations of party politics. All patriots interested in restoring the Framers' original plan will recognize the need to understand this unique process. Important concepts discussed: • Direct vs. indirect elections • A representative republic vs. a democracy • The role of independent electors • Electoral votes are nominating votes • The principle of federalism • The subversion of the process by political parties • The 12th Amendment institutionalized party usurpation • The empty shell we have today Gary and Carolyn Alder are dedicated to teaching the principles of freedom. Pages: 115 Binding: Paperback
  • By Dean Tong, MSc With the rise in divorce and child custody battles, child abuse charges (oftentimes false) have become the weapon of choice. These false accusations rip families apart and leave a long line of destruction in their path. Elusive Innocence gives those falsely accused a vehicle for countering and defeating abuse allegations. 277 Pages. Paperback
  • By Scott Tips • Why does an obscure rule-making process called Codex Alimentarius hold the keys to your health • Why have health-freedom fighters been challenging this process? • Who stands to gain the most once Codex Rules are implemented? • How does the Codex process fit into the web of international treaties being woven around us? • How is Codex helping to promote the globalization agenda? • Why is the mainstream media strangely silent about Codex? • What do you need to know now to protect yourself and your health? Through the insightful articles written by a handful of health-freedom fighters who have actually researched, studied, and spoken out at Codex meetings, this first-of-its-kind collection of articles on Codex will help answer these questions and more. 290 Pages. Paperback
  • by William Hunt This non-fiction book explores the science of climate and the science of weather. It will show that these and other legitimate sciences have been ignored while Global Warming/Climate Change proponents have 'pushed an alarming environmental agenda' that is soon to affect each of us worldwide. * The big difference between true conservation and a more radical environmentalism with their very different goals, methods and philosophies. * Creating practical alternatives to current electrical generation and alternative fuels. * Finding "common sense conservation" tips for the home that saves homeowners and businesses energy and therefore money. Finally, Mr. Hunt will allow for you, the reader, to 'weigh the evidence' and come to your own fact-based conclusion as to whether Global Warming/Climate Change is based on myth or fact. William Hunt is a naturalist and scientist with four degrees in the biological, geological and engineering sciences. Paperback 130 pages.
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    With mountains of documentation, mostly from government and corporate sources, Sutton shows that Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and allied gifts, "peaceful trade" and exchange programs. We've built for, sold or traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, computers - even the Space Shuttle. Peaceful trade is a myth ... to the Soviets all trade is strategic. The paradox is that we spend $300 billion a year on a defense against an enemy we created and continue to keep in business. The deaf mute blindmen, as Lenin called them, are the multi-national businessmen who see no further than the next contract, who have their plants defended by Marxist troops (in Angola); who knowingly sell technology that comes back to kill and maim Americans. Sutton proves conclusively that the United States financed the economic and military development of the Soviet Union. Without this aid, financed by U.S. taxpayers, there would be no significant Soviet military threat, for there would be no Soviet economy to support the Soviet military machine, let alone sophisticated military equipment. The book reads almost like a legal brief from the prosecution. By Antony C. Sutton Paper Back 260 pages $19.95
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    Breaking 170 years of secrecy, this intriguing exposé takes a behind-the-scenes look at Yale's mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Explored is how Skull and Bones initiates have become senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, spies, titans of finance and industry, and even U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush. This book reveals that far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the postcollegiate world. Included are a verified membership list, rare reprints of original Order materials revealing the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen, and a peek inside the Tomb, their 140-year-old private clubhouse. 335 Pages
  • By Berit Kjos Parents have every reason to ask serious questions about the state of their children's education. Instead of academics, schools today are aiming squarely at another goal - preparing your children to become part of a global community...and a global spirituality. With concrete examples from public school material, Berit Kjos demonstrates how myths, feelings, and imagination have replaced facts, logic, and history in our classrooms. Brave New Schools will equip you to: • Recognize dangerous teaching methods and content. • Understanding the national computer monitoring system. • Help your child resist the seductive myths and misinformation. • Communicate your valid concerns to teachers and administrators. • Discover the inner workings of the new educational system. Published by, Harvest House Books Inc. 308 Pages. Paperback
  • By William Owens On one level I confess I understand this tendency, yet we as Black Americans must move beyond this. Would you let someone you did not know enter your family circle to date your daughter in order to “give him a chance?” I doubt you would. Therefore, does it make sense to vote for Barack Obama for the same reason? Do you really want to vote someone into the highest office in the land just to “give the brother a chance?” The purpose of this book is to challenge you as a Black American to look deeper at Barack Obama the man, his voting record, and his position on the important issues facing our country, which, unfortunately, seem to change with the next newscast. I believe when you take time to look closely and dispassionately – and if you are truly honest with yourself – you will see a politician who is charismatic but seriously devoid of the kind of experience that qualifies him to be President of the United States. I think you will see a young man who is anything but candid about who he is, what he really  believes, and who his associates are. Under real scrutiny Barack Obama emerges as a continuously morphing, media-made cyborg candidate. One is left asking “Who or what is behind the Barack Obama phenomenon?” I’m not alone in this assessment. I cannot tell you how many discussions I have had with both prominent and ordinary Black Americans who have expressed serious doubts about Barack Obama and where he will take us as a society and as a nation. I urge you, don’t put your race before your principles, before the truth, before your family, and before your own country.
  • By Gary Tunsky Gary Tunsky is one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject of pH, and in this book he explains in eloquent detail how properly regulating your pH is the secret to beating almost every known disease today. Are you aware of the important role the body’s acid-alkaline balance plays in maintaining optimum health? Many top research scientists and microbiologists have shown scientific evidence that proves balanced pH is a foundational component to health and wellness. One of the contributing factors in all disease can be boiled down to one very simple thing — TOO MUCH ACID! In this groundbreaking new book you’ll learn the simple secrets that the medical elite are hiding from you. If you’re sick and tired of the confusion and mystery medical science has attached to disease, this powerful new book will cut through the clutter and show you how to bullet-proof your body from the ravages of disease. 117 Pages. Paperback
  • PRESS TRUMP'S HAIR, HEAR HIM TALK! 10 new sayings in Donald Trump's real voice! Fantastic audio quality-you'll think Trump is actually in the room with you! Perfect as novelty gifts or political pranks. REAL & UNCENSORED! No voice actors here-this is the real and uncensored Trump at his boldest, brashest and funniest! Unique political joke gifts or office manager gift. It’s like a pen and an action figure rolled into one! REPLACEABLE BATTERIES INCLUDED IN EACH PEN! Winners aren't losers, and these novelty pens will keep talking for many years after President Trump – the boss - takes office! Own this unique election memorabilia and Make America great again! MAGA for Christmas, Birthday, father's day. THE GREATEST DONALD TRUMP GIFT GOD EVER CREATED! You've seen other humorous office gifts like the Hillary Nut Cracker, Obama and Donald Trump Toilet Paper, Donald Trump Doll, and other adult gag gifts for the office desk. Now experience one of the funniest 2016 presidential political gifts and novelty gifts EVER! Perfect birthday gift for Dad and Fathers Day gift. Shocking Prank! THE HILARIOUS POWER OF DONALD TRUMP IS IN YOUR HAND! Just click the pen and listen to Trump pump you up! Funny gag gift for Liberals, Democrats and Republicans. Whether you support Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, this pen will make you laugh!
  • Trumped: The New American Revolution TRUMPED is about a national movement to "make America great again," a second American Revolution to restore the Constitutional republic via a rebirth of the Republican Party, represented by the political establishment outsider Donald Trump. That movement can be best described as an organic uprising by the conservative base of the Republican Party, fed up with the anti-American counter-revolution against America that consumes Washington D.C. politics. TRUMPED is a story not about the man at the front of the Revolution. Rather, it is about "the people" responsible for the Revolution. "The People" are turning out in record numbers to take back control of their party and their country from so-called "anti-imperialist" global elites. TRUMPED is about a counter-revolution to destroy America and the New American Revolution to save the republic. The following questions are answered in TRUMPED: * Who is the real enemy within? * Why are DNC voters flying the Soviet flag? * What is their real agenda? * What are their tactics? * What motivates the enemy? * Why Trump? * Why now? * Your role? * The true State of our Union? * Why no American flag at the opening of the DNC convention? * The complete truth about the 2016 revolt? 165 pages, Paperback
  • By Debra Rae In todayÕs spiritual arena, defined by what Christian author Dave Hunt calls a religiously pluralistic international community, believers face a deadly beast. That beast is a meticulously molded, highly seductive, and broadly held world view that effectively undermines Bible truth and, if possible, derails even the most devout among unsuspecting believers. As the story goes, a young Robert Lewis Stevenson pressed his face against the front window of his family's home. When darkness set in, the lad remained riveted to the sight of an old lamplighter systematically illuminating the old-fashioned gas lamps flanking the street. The boy cried out to his nanny, Nana, Nana, come quickly! There’s a man out the punching holes in the darkness! In ABCs of Cultural-Isms, Debra Rae does just that. With thoughtful precision, she skillfully punches holes in contemporary darkness. A well-researched, alphabetical, single-volume primer, ABCs of Cultural-Isms is a sequel to ABCs of Globalism (Huntington House Publishers, 1999). Information packed contents feature little known facts in up-to-date overviews interwoven with sound Biblical perspective. Each peerless volume belongs in libraries of all concerned Christians who revere Bible truth and who seek to engage the culture for godly purposes. A master educator, Debra skillfully scrutinizes contemporary cultural "isms" from progressivism to postmodernism, syncretism to New Age mysticism, pseudo-egalitarianism to globalism. In so doing, she defines critical, but often confusing terms to expose pervasive cultural influences that miss the mark of sound theology and thereby give way to confusion, complacency, and even cunning. 308 pages. Paperback
  • by Tom Horn Best selling author Thomas Horn had been wrestling with certain images and enigmatic information for years having to do with the beliefs of an Occult Elite pertaining to the return of a pagan deity, which they believe will rule a final earthly empire. The Bible identifies this personality as the Antichrist. But now things were making sense to Thomas – world affairs, changes to U.S. domestic and foreign policy, a renewed focus on the Middle East, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Babylon – and he found it astonishing. The words, deeds, gestures and coded language of the world’s most powerful men were clearly pointing to an ancient, prophetic, cryptic and even terrifying reality. What even the best researchers of the Illuminati and veiled fraternities such as the Freemasons were never able to fully decipher is spelled out herein for the first time. The power at work behind global affairs and why current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos is exposed. Perhaps most incredibly, one learns how ancient prophets actually foresaw and forewarned of this time. Thomas believes this New World Order is very near. "Apollyon Rising 2012" Reveals for the First Time... • Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all time, sitting right in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram-the Lost Symbol-which waits it's final use by the hidden, occult hand guiding the Secret Destiny of America toward the year 2012. • Catholic priests who tried to warn about what was coming died under mysterious circumstances. • In more than one place in the New Testament, scripture reveals by the same name that the deity encoded in the Masonic prophecy on the Great Seal and elsewhere throughout Washington DC will be the dreaded Antichrist • Jesus himself, in Matthew 24, may have set the date for the apocalypse around the year 2012. Review Apollyon Rising 2012... could be one of the most dramatic times to live that we have ever witnessed.... Incredible! --George Noory, Coast to Coast AM. Binding: Paperback: Pages: 320
  • By Thomas R. Horn & Terry L. Cook When a former police detective (Terry L. Cook) joined a best-selling prophecy writer and investigator (T homas R. Horn), you can't even guess what top secret plan they uncovered involving widespread adoption of human biometric tracking beginning in the year 2017. The research findings look into all emerging fields of related technology including smart tattoos, biochips with smart genetic components, etc. But what is disturbing is how a plan to use some form of this technology has been on the drawing board for some time with the target year 2017, as illustrated in this video. And now that the government shutdown is over, president Obama says he will begin pushing hard for immigration reform, which is a Trojan Horse for a national identification system without which nobody will be allowed to work (buy or sell).
  • By David Thibodaux The politically correct movement has moved beyond college and university campuses. It has succeeded in turning the educational system into a system of indoctrination. Its effect was predictable: Declining scores in public schools and students who know more about condoms and abortion than math and science. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 224 Pages. Paperback
  • By Phil Hart Phil Hart is currently serving in the Idaho State Legislature. Read this book to discover how our civil leaders have defrauded you and the rest of the hard working people of this great nation of their hard-earned wages. They have squandered the money on social programs that have fostered laziness and bred criminals - all for the sake of political power. You need to read the rest of the story in my book. "History, Mr. W. said, informed them of the annihilation of nations by means of direct taxation. He referred gentlemen to the situation of the Roman Empire in its innocence, and asked them whether they had any direct taxes? No. Indirect taxes and taxes upon the luxuries and spices from the Indies were their sources of revenue but, as soon as they changed their system to direct taxation, it operated to their ruin; their children were sold as slaves, and the Roman Empire fell from its splendor. Shall we then follow this system? He trusted not." The issue of direct v. indirect taxes has been debated in Congress beginning not long after the constitutional ink had dried. From page 1898 of The Annals of Congress (the 4th Congress, 1797) Representative Williams from New York was recorded as reminding Congress of the Roman example of direct v. indirect taxation. Taxes on labor, as currently collected by the IRS as an "income" tax, cannot be described as anything other than a direct tax. Senator Norris Brown from Nebraska, the man who wrote the 16th Amendment, defined clearly what income was and what the income tax was intended to accomplish. Not once did Sen. Brown mention that Congress intended to pass an amendment that would grant the federal government a new power to directly tax the wages or salaries of working people. Morris Publishing. 438 Pages. Paperback
  • By Judge Andrew P. Napolotino In this alarming book, Judge Napolitano makes the solid case that there is a pernicious and ever-expanding pattern of government abuse in America's criminal justice system, leading him to establish his general creed: "The government is not your friend." As an attorney, a law professor, a commentator, a judge, and now a successful television personality, Judge Napolitano has studied the system inside and out, and his unique voice has resonance and relevance. Whether in the big, headliner criminal cases or in the thousands of small-town trials no one ever hears about (but should), the police, the prosecutors, the politicians, the judges, and the machinery of government are inexorably grinding away at the individual liberties guaranteed to all Americans by the Constitution. But in this sensational new book, Napolitano sets the record straight, speaking frankly from his own experiences and careful, thorough investigation and revealing how government agencies will often arrest without warrant, spy without legal authority, imprison without charge, and kill without cause. Napolotino reveals: • Breaking the law to enforce it • Attacking the innocent • Creating crime • Grabbing guns, endangering citizens • Filching property • Gagging free speech • Bribing witnesses, buying convictions • Assaulting the people • Justice Department's terror tactics Thomas Nelson Publishers. 233 Pages. Softcover
  • By Byron J. Richards An expose into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies. Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs are pushed on Americans simply for profit. The FDA is actively attacking health freedom and seeking to eliminate natural health options. This book contains powerful information you want to know! 273 Pages. Paperback
  • Edited by Jennifer Brozek, Amanda Pillar The apocalypse has arrived. Humanity was decimated by bio-terrorism; three engineered plagues were let loose on the world. Barely anyone has survived. Just a year before the collapse, Grants Pass, Oregon, USA, was publicly labeled as a place of sanctuary in a whimsical online, “what if” post. Now, it has become one of the last known refuges, and the hope, of mankind. Would you go to Grants Pass based on the words of someone you’ve never met? Important Information: Grants Pass is really the place to be to ride out the coming storm. The book Grants Pass is published in Sweden by Morrigan Books. It prophesies that Grants Pass and the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon is going to be one of the safest places to live in the coming global upheaval. NewsWithViews staff knew about this 20 years ago and is the reason why we are headquartered here. NewsWithViews highly recommends those who can afford it, and who live in highly populated areas, especially the east coast, to move to Grants Pass, Oregon. We honestly believe the Rogue Valley to be one of the safest places to live in the coming apocalypse. Word of Caution: Jobs are scarce and hard to come by. You either must have a business to bring with you or be financially secure. The Rogue Valley is incredibly beautiful, with mountains, forests & rivers with long sunny summers and mild winters. A word to the wise, don't procrastinate! The bible says the prudent see danger coming and prepare, the fool doesn't and he suffers for it. For more information on relocating to Grants Pass, here are some handy links: http://www.visitgrantspass.org/index.aspx?page=8 http://www.grantspass.com/ http://www.thedailycourier.com/ http://www.grantspasschamber.org/ Binding: Paperback Pages: 243 Fiction
  • By Dr. Edwin Vieira The most important constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of the rule of law and the ability of the people to enforce true law by restraining runaway activist judges. For decades, such judges have been simply making up law. What is worse, liberal and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behavior by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate. Today, one in every three Americans have been killed by abortion simply because a handful of unelected officials said it was acceptable for these Americans to be killed. But issues like abortion and homosexual marriages can be resolved immediately, without special constitutional amendments, if we will simply\ avail ourselves of the measures given to us by our Founding Fathers to hold renegade and lawless judges accountable for their behavior. In this brilliant, accessible, and documented work, Dr. Edwin Vieira offers us the best researched and clearest overview to date of the power of the people to control a runaway judiciary. "It is time to put the Judiciary back in its proper place. Dr. Edwin Vieira, a Trustee of The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF) and a brilliant legal scholar, has comprehensively addressed these and other issues in this study commissioned by the TCCF (Constitutional and Statutory Remedies for Judicial Usurpation and Tyranny). As I am sure you will agree after reading this important work, Dr. Vieira has made an historically significant contribution to the public policy debates of the twenty-first century." -- Howard Phillips, President, TCCF 328 Pages. Paperback
  • By Frosty Wooldridge "Few challenges throughout history will affect the course of human events like the topic of this book. Immigration, both legal and illegal, will determine if America is to survive as a viable, prosperous nation into the 21st Century or sink into the depths of poverty. Wooldridge offers a thorough examination of this topic with exhaustive research and critical thinking." -- Kenneth R. Hampshire, President, Advanced Health Group. "This book is the first of its kind. The impact is powerful and undeniable in reporting damages caused by the immigration invasion. The human flood pouring over our borders carries disease, crime, violence, lawlessness and chaos. National security is endangered by the "Trojan horse" of immigration from which terrorists can strike from the inside. Immigration's Unarmed Invasion is our call to action" -- Michael E. Crowe, Virginia Coalition Against Terrorism "Wooldridge opens the door for a debate of national importance, which few Americans realize at this time. His stark honesty, however grim in its reality, is the result of painstaking research. Every American needs to read this informative but shocking book." -- Joseph Kubiak, Manhattan Beach, California "Every American must read this compelling book. Wooldridge makes a clear and readable approach to the severe problems facing this nation as a result of illegal immigration and its impact. Readers will be overwhelmed by Wooldridge's clear, intelligent and factual information on this critical issue. After reading it, follow his list on 'How To Save America.' You'll be doing it for your kids."-- Jan Herron, Evergreen, Colorado 322 Pages. Paperback
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    Out of Print - Supply is Limited by Randall N. Bear For the first ever, a world-renowned, New Age leader tells the inside story of the fast-growing New Age movement. The week this book was published author Randall Bear meet a puzzling and untimely death. Upon completing a lecture tour in New Mexico on the topic of the New Age Movement, his car ran off a mountain pass. Inside The New Age Nightmare reveals Bear’s tale of seduction, from teen-age dabbling in Eastern religion to a meteoric rise in New Age leadership. He details the sequences of uncanny events and bizarre experiences that led him to become an internationally recognized expert in "crystal power" and New Age philosophy. In the midst of a storybook career, Bear had a dramatic and horrifying encounter with the evil forces behind the New Age movement. About the author: Randall bear, a former naturopathic doctor, was an internationally known authority in the area of crystals, sacred sciences and spiritual teachings. Formally a co-director of the Starcrest Academy of International Law and Science in northern New Mexico, he co-authored the best-selling New Age books Windows of Light: Quartz Crystals ans Self-Transformation and The Crystal Connection: A Guidebook for Personal and Planetary Ascension.
  • by B K Eakman Microchipped is a collection of articles and speeches prepared by the author after publication of her best seller Educating for the New World Order. A large number of standardized tests, administered annually to millions of school children throughout the United States and Canada, have been found to contain a substantial number of “affective” questions which have nothing to do with evaluating those students' academic accomplishment or potential. When challenged, state education officials deny that affective questions appear on the tests, but when claims are proven, tests have been withdrawn. Similar tests reappear months or years later under a new name. The fundamental question surrounding the issue must be: In whose vision of the future is a new world order to be structured? In that of the government and the myriad special interests that wield influence there? We hope not. Paperback: 285 pages Publisher: Halcyon House Product Dimensions: 8.9"x6"
  • by Shane Ellison M.S. Is Big Pharma making Americans sick – and costing us billions of dollars unnecessarily? Can we find a cocktail of nutritional supplements on the cheap that can protect us from cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease? According to Shane Ellison, M.S., an award-winning scientist with a Master’s Degree in organic chemistry, the answer to both questions is an unequivocal “yes.” In his new, eye-opening book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures: 10 Lifesaving Supplements for Less Than $10, the former Big Pharma chemist exposes how the drug industry fails America’s health while costing us huge sums of money and reveals how 10 supplements - that can easily be found on the shelves of mass retailers like Walmart - do a far better job of restoring and maintaining wellness. “Slowly but surely, I came to realize prescriptions have become more deadly than the so-called diseases they are trying to fight,” says Ellison. “As a young chemist working within the pharmaceutical industry, toiling over the design and synthesis of new medications, I was burdened with this paradox and chose to ignore it. I wanted to believe that prescription drugs could serve as the healing compounds they were promoted as, and that my work and that of others was an asset to the health of millions. But as time passed, it became irrefutable. Outside of emergency medicine, the mass use of prescription drugs as vitamins was undermining health and longevity and big bucks were helping the paradox flourish. Trained as a chemist to identify health problems and solve them at the molecular level, I set out to find a solution to the myriad of health and financial problems caused by this corrupt logic.” Over-The-Counter Natural Cures reveals:
    • How to replace prescription drugs with supplements.
    • Why symptom-masking drugs from Western medicine are powerless against serious health issues such as obesity, lethargy, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
    • How to easily and inexpensively avoid being nutrient-deficient.
    • Why 90% of Americans are nutrient-deficient and how we spend $6 billion a year in search of the ‘right supplement’ while making decisions based on false advertising claims.
    • Ways to combine nutritional supplements with healthy diet and lifestyle habits.
    • How to avoid dangerous drugs/supplement interactions.
    • When to administer the proper supplement dose for maximum efficacy and insure safety.
    Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc. Binding: Paperback Pages: 240 pages
  • James Wesley Rawles Part novel, part survivalist-handbook, Patriots tells of a small group of friends facing every American's worst nightmare葉he total collapse of society. The stock market plummets and hyperinflation cripples commerce and then a seemingly isolated financial crisis passes the tipping point when an unprepared government fails to act. Practically overnight, the fragile institutions of democracy fall apart and every American is forced to survive on their own. Evading mobs of desperate, out-of-control citizens who have turned Chicago into a wasteland of looting and mayhem, this novel's protagonists make their way to a shared secure ranch in the wilds of northern Idaho. Here the survival-driven group fends off vicious attacks from the outside and eventually assists in restoring order to the country. The compelling, fast-paced action-adventure novel has readers jotting notes and referencing the book's impressive index for informative survivalist tips on everything from setting up a secure shelter to treating traumatic flesh wounds. From the Author Most of my outdoor skills were learned from my father and grandfather. I'm from a pioneer family -- my great-great grandfather brought his family out west in 1857 by covered wagon -- and a lot of knowledge was passed down through the generations. Things like how to start a fire in the rain, how to shoot, how to hunt, knot tying, how to butcher wild game, how to make jerky, how to cut and split wood safely -- all of the basic back country skills. -- James Wesley Rawles Binding: Soft Cover Pages: 384 Size: 6"x9" Publisher: Ulysses Press Fiction
  • By Dr. Anthony Kubek The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, outlined some of the long-range objectives of the Chinese Communists in a speech he delivered to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the party. A summary of his speech in Beijing Review stated three long-range objectives of Red China's Rulers. They are: • To become the world's leading economic power. • To become the world's leading military power. • To strengthen the Chinese Communist Party and its dictatorial power over the economic and military might of China. "We cannot and must not ignore Taiwan. When I was at General Instrument Corporation we had some 5,000 employees in Taiwan, so I visited there over the years. And I have never ceased to be amazed at what the handful of people on that relatively small island have succeeded in doing. Taiwan's accomplishments are indeed breathtaking." -- Donald H. Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary(pg. 172) "A must read to understand the United States TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT commitment!" -- M. Stanton Evans, National Journalism Center Published by, Hallberg Publishing Corp. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 227 Pages. Paperback
  • By Jeffrey M. Smith Is your food safe? What the biotech industry doesn't want you to know... Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS You're Eating. This explosive expose reveals how industry manipulation and political collusion-not sound science-allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Scientists were offered bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or distorted. Government employees who complained were harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. Laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The crop was approved without further tests. When a top scientist tried to alert the public about his alarming discoveries, he lost his job and was silenced with threats of a lawsuit.Read the actual internal memos by FDA scientists warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases-all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for Monsanto. Discover how industry studies are designed to avoid finding problems. Learn why the FDA withheld information from congress after a genetically modified supplement killed nearly a hundred people and disabled thousands. Published by, Yes Books, Inc. 288 pages. Paperback
  • By Debra Rae Do you know what organizations are working together to form a New World Order? Finally! A reference of over 100 entries covering topics on religion, economics, education, environment and much, much more. Includes up-to-date overviews, coupled with Biblical perspectives. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 352 Pages. Paperback
  • By Holly Swanson Just below the radar a subversive movement is hijacking public education to politically indoctrinate America's children. This movement is targeting our children, changing the purpose of public education and politicizing the curriculum to dictate how our children will think, live and VOTE. Learn how: • The party and movement behind the plan to use education to indoctrinate our children • The name of the programs designed to change our children's cultural, religious, social, economic and political beliefs • The solution: what we can do to expel these political indoctrination programs. 463 Pages. Paperback
  • by Brother Gregory Williams The Covenants of the gods is a detail examination of the contractual nature of the governments of men, and the methods those institutions use to increase their power and authority over men. A central theme of the book was asked by Cecil B. DeMille in the movie The Ten Commandments: “Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world.” By presenting the facts and the progression of legal systems and relating them to the precepts of law passed down through that by ancient Biblical texts, the context of history, and the language and literature of men a unique perspective is unveiled. The vanity of mankind inclines him to blame others for his undesirable state, condition, or lack of liberty, when in truth the source of our decline into bondage is our own sloth and avarice. Proverbs 12:24 tells us: “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.” If men will be free, if they want their rights back they must first take back their responsibilities as free souls under God, for themselves, their families, and their community. If you want to know the whole truth and the ambuscade of your subjugation and the growing power of the governments of the world. The Covenants of the gods will reveal the process and the precept of that descent into slavery. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32 Binding: Softcover, spiral bound Pages: 141 Size: Large - 8.5"x11" About the Author Brother Gregory Williams is a minister with His Holy Church Married with 6 children and 11 grand children, he lives in Central Oregon. As a young man, he entered the seminary where he studied Latin, Greek and theology. In the course of his studies, he began to discover secrets hidden for centuries within ancient libraries which exposed the folly of the sophistry and superstition of the people. His quest to understand the whole truth has led him down a path of law and language, connecting the dots of history in a unique picture of bondage and freedom; discovering the problem and finding the solution.
  • Author: Holly Swanson The Education for Sustainability movement is drastically altering the curriculum in our schools, changing the role of public education and imposing a political agenda on our innocent children. The aim of this indoctrination program is to train Americas children to be against our form of government, free enterprise system, religious beliefs and much more. Parents, grandparents, family and friends... Find out how this harmful program affects the hearts, the minds and the future of the children you love. Find out how it affects you. This book is an indispensable resource that exposes the agenda of the Education for Sustainability movement; identifies the groups that are pushing this program into our schools, confirms the intended outcome and explains why this program must be expelled. Stopping the misuse of public education to indoctrinate our children is one of the most important issues of our time. Our children are in harms way and this is a call to action. Cover: Paperback Pages: 200 pages Publication Date: July 12, 2012 Size: 10.9 x 8.4inches
  • Sale!

    The Rise of Tyranny

    $24.95 $19.95
    Jonathan W Emord Jonathan Emord is a constitutional lawyer whose many legal victories over the federal government have exposed the true nature of bureaucracy’s unchecked, unprincipled, and unconstitutional expansion. He is a man who has devoted his life to reversing the tide that draws us closer to the abyss of medical tyranny (and, by extension, totalitarianism) and to winning back our health freedom and all the other freedoms that constitute individual liberty. ~ Will Block The Rise of Tyranny brilliantly explains how we arrived at the sordid state where our Constitution is in exile, and how we are all increasingly held hostage to the behemoth of a multi-headed bureaucracy that threatens not only our well-being but also our survival. Excerpt from the book: "We can perceive abuses whenever agency actions sacrifice fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property to yield outcomes favorable to a preferred regulatee. At FDA, the agency's Commissioner has repeatedly approved drugs that the agency's own medical reviewers have deemed too unsafe to enter the market, thus favoring the pharmaceutical company proponent of the drug over the American public. The results have been catastrophic, leading to tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Likewise, FDA maintains a pervasive censorship over therapeutic claims for foods and dietary supplements to ensure that the drug industry enjoys a federally enforced monopoly on the right to communicate treatment information. At DEA, the agency's Administrato has driven out of existence some 50 independent supplies of cough and cold remedies, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs, actions that financially benefit drug company suppliers to traditional pharmacies. At CMS, the agency has permitted its contract carriers to audit and demand reimbursement of Medicare funds from practitioners who supply non-Medicare covered services, do not bill Medicare for those services, and are nonetheless denied Medicare reimbursement for the services Medicare does cover - all on the basis that the practitioners have provided non-Medicare covered and non-billed services that Medicare disfavors". Paperback: 148 pages Publisher: Sentinel Press Size: 9"x 6"
  • By Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams "He (Adolph Hitler) was the central figure around which a number of men grouped themselves, from the 1920's onwards, in a movement to gain control of the German people. As the movement developed they were aided and abetted and supported financially as well as politically by the industrial capitalists of the Rhineland; but the initiative did not come from the latter. It came from Hitler as the condottiere of a band of evil men who were united by a common vice." -- Samuel Igra, Germany's National Vice, 1945 387 Pages. Paperback
  • By Dr. Jan Strydom and Susan duPlessis If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or some other behavior disorder, be careful. This diagnoses might be false. The authors of this book explain how parents can teach their children the skills of concentration and self-control without drugging them into submission. This book is about parenting with out using harmful drugs. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED Throughout the world youth-related problems are becoming more and more acute. The number of children being diagnosed with behavior disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and Tourette syndrome is multiplying. Youth violence, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage promiscuity, and teen suicides have become commonplace. Learning disabilities and illiteracy are increasing at an alarming rate. Who or what is to blame for these problems? Are some of these problems truly the result of biochemical imbalances or neurological disorders 'in the brain? Are some caused by foods containing artificial colors and flavors? Should we blame vaccines? Heredity The TV? Peer pressure? The authors deliver ample evidence to demonstrate that these popularly proposed causes play no more than a minuscule role - if any - in the creation of these problems. Backed by in-depth research, they offer a very logical explanation for their origin as well as their alarming increase. The book reveals the true causes of ADHD and other youth-related problems. Parents, who know the true cause or causes of such problems, can prevent them from occurring. Parents who are already in dire need of finding help for their children will find that the book also explains what they can do to overcome ADHD and other emotional and behavioral problems - all without the use of drugs.Jan Strydom, a doctor in education, had been involved in consultation and research of learning and behavior problems over a period of 25 years. He also holds a M.A. in philosophy. 298 Pages. Paperback
  • by various authors A collection of essays by prominent conservatives including Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews.com Special limited print, collectors edition, highly recommended. Only 75 books available, when they're gone they're gone!! Sales help fund the Tea Party Express movement. Conservatism is America is back with a vengeance! People are awakening to the disturbing sound of a war that is encroaching upon our freedoms and liberties by progressives and liberals who are intent on disrupting what is treasured by many American loving patriots. in Why the Conservative Mind Matters, you will be inspired by the views of people who play a vital role in preserving America's liberties, from pastors and political leaders, to mothers and business professionals. We are confident that you will enjoy our second edition, and encourage you to inquire on how you can potentially be in a future edition by visiting us at: www.whyconservativemindsmatters.com to learn more Binding: Softcover Pages: 254
  • This internationally televised expose is the most powerful rockumentary ever produced, bar none! Fasten your seat belts as you go on an eye popping ride upon the roller coaster of Rock, and find out how Rock's most popular artists have "Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll". In this mind blowing expose Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God's plan for family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth. DVD 180 minutes
  • During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization manipulated to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy. Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principal business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed. • The Monopoly men who run the Federal Reserve • The declining value of your money • Social Security • What assets to hold on in uncertain and perilous times DVD 50 minutes
  • • Why Remove Genetically Engineered Foods From Schools. • The Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and their Cover-Up. • The Impact of Healthy Food on Learning and Behavior at a Wisconsin School. Shocking research results, inadequate regulations, and warning from eminent scientists, explain why genetically engineered foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids' meals. The dramatic story of how student behavior in a Wisconsin school was transformed with a healthy diet, provides added motivation to make a change. International bestselling Author Jeffrey M. Smith describes how the biotech companies rig research, cover up health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve foods that even FDA scientists said were unsafe. Parents, teachers, students and school officials describe dramatic improvements in student behavior following a change in school meal.Discover the evidence that confirms that these dangerous foods should never have been approved, and find out how to protect yourself, your family, and the next generation. DVD 100 min.
  • This documentary focuses on the growing police state in America and shows how the Bill of Rights and the Constitution literally have been cancelled by recent legislation and executive orders. With the next crisis, the President will have the power to confiscate all property including homes, cars, and money; all commercial property; all means of transportation; and can round us up into work brigades. Anyone who criticizes can be imprisoned without legal defense. Presidents now have more dictatorial power than King George had when Americans fought the Revolutionary War to rid themselves of him. This program includes a plan for restoring the Constitution without armed revolution. DVD 75 min.