• BOOK CLAIMS DONALD TRUMP WILL RUN AND WIN IN 2024! A riveting account of the HOAX that sent a presidential campaign chairman to solitary confinement because he wouldn’t turn against the President of the United States. The chief weapon deployed by the government-corporate-media Establishment against the Trump presidency was propaganda. Time and again, allegations from anonymous sources were disseminated by a partisan media, promoted by a dishonest Democrat Party leadership, and ultimately debunked when the facts surfaced. But by the time the truth came out, it was too late. There had already been casualties. One of the highest profile casualties was Paul Manafort. Desperate to defeat Donald Trump—or hamper his presidency after he won—Democrats and their Establishment allies colluded with foreign operatives to concoct a completely false narrative about Paul’s supposed conspiracy with pro-Russian elements in Ukraine to further Vladimir Putin’s efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election. But it wasn’t just defamation of Paul’s character. They took the unprecedented step of enlisting the US intelligence and law enforcement communities in using their power against President Trump and his campaign team. Political Prisoner finally exposes the lies left unchallenged by media who pronounced Paul guilty long before his case ever saw the inside of a courtroom. Not only is it untrue that Victor Yanukovych or any of Paul’s clients were “pro-Putin,” it is the opposite of the truth. Paul’s work in Ukraine and throughout his career was 100 percent aligned with US interests in the countries he worked in, sometimes even acting as a back channel for the White House itself. Neither was Paul guilty of laundering money, evading taxes, or deliberately deceiving the US government by failing to register as a foreign agent—which he wasn’t. These were all politically motivated charges manufactured by the Special Counsel’s team for one reason and one reason only: to get Paul to testify against Donald Trump about a conspiracy that never existed. When they hear the basis of these spurious charges, Americans will wonder what country they are living in and what has happened to our system of justice. Political Prisoner tells the real story of Paul’s life and career, exploding the lies about his work in Ukraine, his previous work with foreign governments and business interests in other countries, his involvement with the Trump campaign, and the “process crimes” for which he was wrongly convicted and sent to prison. It is no exaggeration to say that everything most Americans think they know about Paul Manafort is false. 360 pages
  • America is at war. But this not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields —at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies in a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany. Though important, however, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a psychological war —a PSYWAR. If an unfriendly foreign power had carried out against the American people the actions carried out by Wall Street bankers, Oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations entrenched at the Council on Foreign Relations and its parasite organizations, we might well have considered it an act of war. Unfortunately, most Americans ignore that they are under attack. The reason is because, like Ninja assassins, the main weapon used by the conspirators who have managed to infiltrate and take control of the U.S. Government and most of American life has been their invisibility. For almost a century, these small group of conspirators have been waging a quiet, non-declared war of attrition against the American people, and it seems that they are now ready for the final, decisive battle. Unfortunately, as the last two presidential elections showed, the brainwashed American people reacted by changing the puppets, leaving the puppet masters untouched and in control.In this book Servando Gonzalez studies in detail the origins of the conspiracy, who the conspirators are, the main elements of this PSYWAR and, what’s more important, how we can fight back and win
  • This book exposes the very real Islamist threat to America. It’s no longer lurking at America’s door, it has already penetrated deeply into the federal government and our culture. The over arching goal of the leadership of every major Islamic sect is to create a global Caliphate or world government. Iran wants to create world chaos to allow the Shi’ite Muslims to form a Shia Caliphate. While allowing Iran to obtain the nuclear bomb will be catastrophic, there is an equally dangerous Islamist cancer that is systematically Islamizing American politics and culture; Wahhabi Islam. Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi Islam is the foundation of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Qaeda uses violence, while the Muslim Brotherhood uses stealth and deception. By preying on political correctness, they have convinced most Americans they are peaceful, share the same God and want to coexist. While peaceful coexistence may be what the average Muslim wants, it is not true of the Islamic Brotherhood leadership. The Brotherhood has a well-developed, step-by-step plan to turn America into an Islamic controlled nation within a few years as part of their world Caliphate. Nearly all Muslims believe that the return of the Mahdi, their Messiah, is eminent. When that happens he will lead Islam into global conquest and a global Caliphate. This story quite literally leaps off the pages of the Bible in ways non-Jews, Christians and even Muslims will find shocking. Very few Americans know that Obama’s Kenyan family is steeped in Wahhabi Islam, or that prior to the 2008 election Egyptian TV and radio bragged that a Muslim was going to be president. The implications are stunning and should be understood by everyone -- before it is too late. Paperback: 102 pages Publication Date: 2013 Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5
  • by Jonathon W Emord **Forward by Ron Paul** As the nation drowns in a sea of debt and over-regulation and as government offers no clear solutions, constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord presents a bold plan to restore the republic. Drawing from law, history, and economics, Emord explains that each obstacle to power and arbitrary will that the Founding Fathers placed in the Constitution has been abandoned, transforming the limited federal republic defined by the Constitution (protective of individual liberty and sovereignty) into an unlimited bureaucratic oligarchy antithetical to the Constitution. It is that transformation which created the seeds that have grown into limitless government, corruption, regulation of all aspects of life, destruction of free enterprise, planned economies, and a deprivation of economic and civil liberty. Having identified precisely why and how the United States has lost its foundational principles and its rights basis, Emord then charts a bold course to resurrect power limiting doctrines, eliminate excess government, and restore individual sovereignty and liberty. Indeed, Emord offers a detailed plan for deregulating markets and weaning Americans from entitlements (including Social Security and Medicare), without leaving dependents destitute. In his foreword, Ron Paul describes Restore the Republic as ". . . an invaluable explanation of how constitutional bulwarks against big government were eroded-and how we can rebuild them," concluding that the book is "highly recommended" for all "interested in regaining our lost liberties and restoring our republic." Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Sentinel Press; 1ST edition (March 1, 2012)
  • Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles interviews experts on both sides of a heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington Monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation only, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or does Washington, D.C. symbolize another Christ, the Masonic Christ? Find out, in this bold and sure-to-be controversial documentary. Part two explores the highly controversial subject of America's capitol. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of American freedom, or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? DVD 170 minutes
  • By Dr. Anthony Kubek The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, outlined some of the long-range objectives of the Chinese Communists in a speech he delivered to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the party. A summary of his speech in Beijing Review stated three long-range objectives of Red China's Rulers. They are: • To become the world's leading economic power. • To become the world's leading military power. • To strengthen the Chinese Communist Party and its dictatorial power over the economic and military might of China. "We cannot and must not ignore Taiwan. When I was at General Instrument Corporation we had some 5,000 employees in Taiwan, so I visited there over the years. And I have never ceased to be amazed at what the handful of people on that relatively small island have succeeded in doing. Taiwan's accomplishments are indeed breathtaking." -- Donald H. Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary(pg. 172) "A must read to understand the United States TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT commitment!" -- M. Stanton Evans, National Journalism Center Published by, Hallberg Publishing Corp. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 227 Pages. Paperback
  • Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. • Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? • Are the Revolutionary War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge? • If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols based on Pagan traditions? There is no doubt that much of America’s national heritage was Christian, but just as a coin has two sides, our national heritage has a second side – one based squarely on occult secret societies and their values. To find the answer to these questions, we follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their ancient hope: to rebuild the lost empire of Atlantis. In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England. When Bacon penned his classic work, "The New Atlantis" he believed that America and Atlantis were one and the same. He outlined his vision for the perfect society, and some suggest the program he set forth has been the driving force behind the course of modern history. While he did not originate the concept, it was Bacon who articulated an ancient plan to be carried out by all the secret orders. As Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, Bacon sent his followers to the new world. A 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads, "Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme". Because of his influence, Francis Bacon is considered by some to be "the real and true founder of America". For centuries, controversy has surrounded this figure who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I, and secret author of the Shakespeare plays; the man whom Thomas Jefferson considered one of the three most influential men in history. Is it possible that Bacon’s vision guides America today? Where The DaVinci Code meets National Treasure, learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation’s infrastructure. Find out why some believe that from ancient times America has been chosen to fulfill a secret destiny. Winner of "Best Documentary Feature Screen Craft Award" at the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival. DVD 120 minutes
  • Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts By: Trevor Loudon Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations. Security Risk Senators profiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again. Book 1 of 2: Security Risk Senators 396 Pages Paperback SEE ALSO Security Risk Senators: Part 2: Michigan to Wisconsin
  • Security Risk Senators: Part 2: Michigan to Wisconsin By: Trevor Loudon Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations. Security Risk Senators profiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again. Book 2 of 2: Security Risk Senators 366 Pages Paperback SEE ALSO Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts
  • By Jeffrey M. Smith Is your food safe? What the biotech industry doesn't want you to know... Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS You're Eating. This explosive expose reveals how industry manipulation and political collusion-not sound science-allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Scientists were offered bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or distorted. Government employees who complained were harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. Laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The crop was approved without further tests. When a top scientist tried to alert the public about his alarming discoveries, he lost his job and was silenced with threats of a lawsuit.Read the actual internal memos by FDA scientists warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases-all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for Monsanto. Discover how industry studies are designed to avoid finding problems. Learn why the FDA withheld information from congress after a genetically modified supplement killed nearly a hundred people and disabled thousands. Published by, Yes Books, Inc. 288 pages. Paperback
  • By Holly Swanson Just below the radar a subversive movement is hijacking public education to politically indoctrinate America's children. This movement is targeting our children, changing the purpose of public education and politicizing the curriculum to dictate how our children will think, live and VOTE. Learn how: • The party and movement behind the plan to use education to indoctrinate our children • The name of the programs designed to change our children's cultural, religious, social, economic and political beliefs • The solution: what we can do to expel these political indoctrination programs. 463 Pages. Paperback
  • By Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency IDentification, is a technology that uses computer chips smaller than a grain of sand to track items from a distance. And as this mind-blowing book explains, plans and efforts are being made now by global corporations and the U.S government to turn this advanced technology, these spychips, into a way to track our daily activities and keep us all on Big Brother's short leash. Compiling massive amounts of research with firsthand knowledge, Spychips explains RFID technology and reveals the history and future of the master plannersص strategies to imbed these trackers on everything from postage stamps to shoes to people themselves and spy on Americans without our knowledge or consent. It urgently encourages consumers to take action now to protect their privacy and civil liberties before it's too late. 288 Pages. Hard Cover
  • Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals describes in detail the process being used at every level of government to reorganize our society under the excuse of environmental protection. Author Tom DeWeese pulls back the curtain to reveal the policies and the powers behind them that are systematically changing our culture and system of government to impose a political agenda of top-down control at every level. He provides invaluable insight as to how elected officials are pressured by an army of private organizations, planners and federal agencies, armed with federal grants to impose specific regulations in the name of Sustainable Development. Sustainable serves as a hand book for property rights activists to organize opposition. It provides vital information to a news media that is basically clueless to these policies, and it provides a blue print for fighting back as it offers hope to those who are its victims. Soft Cover 195 pages
  • Video Chronicles Medical Horrors of Aspartame. An industry case study of a food supply in crisis. In November of 2001, Cori Brackett, co-owner of Sound and Fury Productions, unaware of any controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners and had been a heavy consumer of diet soda, began experiencing a tingling sensation in her hands and feet. She read an article about aspartame being connected to many health problems and quit using products like diet soda - which contain aspartame. However, the tingling stubbornly continued, eventually convincing her to seek medical advice. Her doctor ordered an MRI of her brain which resulted in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. After 7000 miles, and 25 hours of footage, Sweet Misery reveals one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence in the history of the industrial revolution. The toxic long-term effects of aspartame are often dismissed as a "hoax" by the sweetener industry and at least five other Internet websites. The real footwork, however, unravels something less comforting than a mere "Hoax. Sweet Misery is a documentary just released by Sound and Fury Productions. Aspartame is inherently, markedly and uniquely unstable in aqueous media" is a quote from the congressional record in 1985, yet it was approved for use in soft drinks and other beverages. So what happened? Is there credible evidence if you look beyond the smokescreen of corporate medicine? The primary research and interviews have been quite disturbing. DVD 90 minutes
  • While aspartame was the single focus in "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World," Sweet Remedy demonstrates that a corrupt flagship regulatory agency has given birth to numerous toxins in our food supply. This is no accident. A close examination of the global corporate power stucture demonstates that neurotoxic foods resulting in a dumber populace is simply a matter of policy. In the United States and through each nation within its global corporate grasp, maintaining a healthy mind and body is an act of civil disobedience. Ultimately, healing has become the path of resistance for informed individuals. We interview a host of MD's and Natural Health practitioners to gain the clearest possible perspective for a path to recovery. Perhaps the sweetest remedy this film offers is the hope provided by witnessing a variety of people withstand the confusion, casualties and obstacles involved with taking control of their food and their health. • What happened after aspartame was approved? • What happens when people in the public spotlight start getting sick? • A thorough history and examination of MSG. • A more definitive link between aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis. • What happened with Stevia? • How could it be that so many diseases are linked to excitotoxicity? • Why do so-called experts get away with lying to us in the media? • Exactly how dangerous are these foods to children? • An unsettling link between aspartame and genetically modified foods. • How Monsanto and its star aspartame executive hit a brick wall. DVD. Run time: 90 min.
  • Directed and Producved by Josh del Sol The award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability. And be inspired by emerging solutions. With compelling insight from whistleblowers, government agents, lawyers, doctors, researchers and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates the claimed benefits and emerging risks of a profit-based global initiative that seeks to change the way we live. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle and ultimately empower you. 90 minutes
  • By Stephen Baskerville Why is the American family in crisis? Political scientist D. Stephen Baskerville argues that the most direct cause is the divorce industry itself: a corrupt government-run system that abuses parents and children, runs rampant over civil liberties, steals the wealth of families, and is accountable to no one. "This book is a tremendous and much-needed report on how Family Courts and government policies are harming children." --Phyllis Schlafly 365 Pages. Hard Cover
  • By Paul Cappadona This book could change politics forever! A must read for every voter, every American. Good government and Christianity go hand-in-hand and there is no separation of church and state except in regards to establishing one domination above another. It is the state that needs to be taken out of the church and separated for the state is the thing which must be feared. I will not allow myself to be a Juror unless I am certain that I can protect the rights of the innocent as well as proclaiming the guilt of the criminal. I will remember that when I take my jury oath, I become the Judge and the Judge becomes the mediator. 200 Pages. Paperback
  • Author: Devvy Kidd *Buy 2 and Save!* Only $39.90 CLICK HERE Do You Know...? * Do you know not a penny of your federal income tax funds a single function of the U.S. government? 'What?' you say. 'How can that be?' Where does the money go? * Do you know the Federal Reserve isn't federal and why it is the head of the beast for our economy? * Do you know social security is not an insurance? What is it then? * Obamacare is destroying the middle class. More major premium hikes are about to hit Americans while that unconstitutional behemoth has begun its final meltdown. Tens of billions of wasted dollars ó all borrowed with the debt slapped on our backs. Is there a solution or will more politics continue to destroy health care for Americans? * More money for education! Why is that worn out slogan worthless? Why are students in this country so poorly educated? The U.S. government spends more than $600 BILLION BORROWED dollars a year on education yet a large majority of high school seniors in this country are too poorly educated for even college level reading. What is the solution? * What do you know about those dangerous smart meters being installed on people's homes across this country? What you don't know is deadly for you and your family. * The massive invasion by illegal aliens continues to loot and destroy our country. Do you know that since 9/11 more Americans have been killed and murdered by illegal aliens than were killed that horrible day? That is a fact. The real solution is right there ignored by YOUR congress critter while ten to twelve Americans die at the hands of illegals everyday. * Why do many of us call the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) the Federal Death Administration? Most Americans have no idea how deadly the FDA is and why nothing has been done to stop them from approving drugs that kill and maim thousands of Americans before they're pulled from the market. The answers to all those questions and so many more are in this book. This isn't about politics, it's about taking politics out of solutions already there. * Devvy Kidd is an author, investigative journalist and federal whistle blower. She has appeared many thousands of times on talk radio over the past 26 years. She lives in West Texas with her two rescue dogs, Missy and Maddy. 430 pages *Buy 2 and Save!* Only $39.90 CLICK HERE
  • Sequel to A Lamp in the Dark In the 19th century, a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a never-before-seen manuscript called Codex Sinaiticus. The work was allegedly “discovered” by a German scholar named Constantine von Tischendorf, who declared this to be the oldest Bible ever found. Tischendorf said he found the work in a rubbish basket at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Egypt. While many in the academic world did not fully believe his story, they were willing to accept his claims about the antiquity of the codex. Yet shortly after his discovery was published, a renowned Greek paleographer named Constantine Simonides came forward and declared that the manuscript was no ancient text at all, but had been created by him in 1840. The controversy surrounding these events is, perhaps, the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. It involves Jesuits, the Pope, a high-minded German, a committee of Anglo Romanists, and a mysterious Greek patriot. It is a story that (while quite true and well documented) a vast majority of modern academics know nothing about. Yet the subject matter dramatically impacts the world of biblical scholarship, even to this present hour. Most of what today’s scholars believe about manuscript evidence is based on the events of this era, and the footnotes in your Bible are the proof of it. Topics discussed in this documentary: New details about the Counter Reformation and its origins Answers arguments concerning the Waldenses, Albigenses, Paulicans -- and the accusation that they were “Manichean heretics.” History of how the Papacy was established in 606 A.D. Italian missionary explains Rome’s works gospel vs. the gospel of grace The Jesuit plan to seize control of the Bible. The Oxford Movement and its use of “Protestants” as secret agents for Rome. The Jesuit origins of higher criticism as a weapon against the Bible. Rome’s history of creating forged manuscripts and fake relics. The never-before-told history of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. Westcott, Hort and the Revision of 1881. Featured experts: Dr. David Brown, Dr. Henry Hudson, Dr. Ronald Cooke, Dr. Alan O’Reilly, Les Garrett, Roger Oakland, Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. H.D. Williams. Duration: 2.5 hrs.
  • The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual docu-thriller following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he deals with the emotions of his own investigation into the events of 9/11. The fast pace and the filmmakers commentary on coping with the emotions involved in finding truth, sets the film apart. Even though, I didnt know it at the time, work on this film started in February 2011. Back then I was a regular guy trying to live the American dream, with three kids and a wife, who was pregnant with number four! It started with an innocent question about 9/11. And that lead to more innocent questions. And after a while, I completely changed my opinion of the official story of that day. That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world was turned upside down. I couldnt stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings. I tried talking about it, but felt like no one was listening. At the time, my wife didnt even believe me . . . nor did my friends and family. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. So, to preserve my sanity and save my marriage, I began putting this film together. I had no idea any of this would ever happen because I simply made it for my wife, my sister and a couple of dear friends. I made it to speak to them directly, to get them to open their eyes. And it worked, because just all my friends and family that have seen it have changed their opinion about 9/11, maybe all by the time you read this! As time went on, I realized there are millions of people, like me, whove had a hard time talking about the truth of 9/11 with people in our lives. As I further understood that and continued getting requests to see the film, it began to evolve into a bridge for all us, no matter where we stand on 9/11. Mostly, the film is meant to be an effective introduction to the controversies of 9/11 for those of us who still have no idea there are any controversies. If this issue is going to ever get into the spotlight, itll need a catalyst and I hope this film can do it.
  • By Gary Tunsky Gary Tunsky is one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject of pH, and in this book he explains in eloquent detail how properly regulating your pH is the secret to beating almost every known disease today. Are you aware of the important role the body’s acid-alkaline balance plays in maintaining optimum health? Many top research scientists and microbiologists have shown scientific evidence that proves balanced pH is a foundational component to health and wellness. One of the contributing factors in all disease can be boiled down to one very simple thing — TOO MUCH ACID! In this groundbreaking new book you’ll learn the simple secrets that the medical elite are hiding from you. If you’re sick and tired of the confusion and mystery medical science has attached to disease, this powerful new book will cut through the clutter and show you how to bullet-proof your body from the ravages of disease. 117 Pages. Paperback
  • Sale!
    With mountains of documentation, mostly from government and corporate sources, Sutton shows that Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and allied gifts, "peaceful trade" and exchange programs. We've built for, sold or traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, computers - even the Space Shuttle. Peaceful trade is a myth ... to the Soviets all trade is strategic. The paradox is that we spend $300 billion a year on a defense against an enemy we created and continue to keep in business. The deaf mute blindmen, as Lenin called them, are the multi-national businessmen who see no further than the next contract, who have their plants defended by Marxist troops (in Angola); who knowingly sell technology that comes back to kill and maim Americans. Sutton proves conclusively that the United States financed the economic and military development of the Soviet Union. Without this aid, financed by U.S. taxpayers, there would be no significant Soviet military threat, for there would be no Soviet economy to support the Soviet military machine, let alone sophisticated military equipment. The book reads almost like a legal brief from the prosecution. By Antony C. Sutton Paper Back 260 pages $19.95
  • By Michael S. Coffman So you don't believe a world government is being formed? The vast majority of Americans refuse to believe that world government is being formed right before their eyes. Even Christians and Jews who are warned in the Bible to look for such a government are being deceived. Through never before experience global delusion, many people, pastors, churches, rabbbis and Synagogues are helping to promote the agenda! They refuse to believe that an absolute totalitarian government steeped in mystic pantheism will soon dictate the actions of every human being on earth. While Americans are denying it, it is being openly discussed in Europe, and in the inner governmental circles of Russia and China. Read in this highly referenced and explosive book how this plan is being implemented step by step. Go behind the scenes in the tremendous geopolitical power struggles that are changing the very fabric of earth's history as major global factions battle for supremacy in the New World Order (global governance). Learn how Kosovo, Chechnya and Israel have been used as pawns in a much bigger agenda of intrigue that is stranger than fiction. And, most of all, how global events seem to be rushing to fulfill prophecy written thousands of years ago. Are we in the last days before Jesus Christ returns? Judge for yourself! Published by, Environmental Perspectives Inc., 84 Pages. Paperback
  • The Bogotazo, the name given to the riots that took place in Colombia's capital in April 1948 in reaction to the assassination of populist leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, is a historical event which, despite having been widely studied, still remains shrouded in the mists of mystery. Many questions about the Bogotazo have not been answered and some of the answers do not seem to be true. In example, what role did the newly created CIA play in the events? Was Gaitán's assassin an isolated individual seeking revenge, or a Manchurian candidate created by a vast conspiracy? Was it a mere coincidence that Fidel Castro was in Bogota at the time, or did he play a relevant role as an agent provocateur in the events? The Bogotazo marked the beginning of the Cold War in the American Continent. According to the author, it was not just an affair of Colombian national politics, but an event of continental scope. Its main objective was to stir up the fear of communism and to affect Latin American and American thinking so that they would accept the beginning of the Cold War. Like so many similar events used as a pretext to terrorize people with the fear of terrorism, El Bogotazo was a typical false flag operation in a psychological warfare operation whose secret objectives were fully achieved. Using the methodology of the intelligence analyst rather than that of the historian, the author has here unraveled a mystery that had hitherto defied explanation. His compelling and groundbreaking conclusions have dramatic implications for our better understanding of the planned New World Order —the communo-fascist totalitarianism the globalist conspirators and their secret agents are striving to impose on the entire world. 248 pages paperback
  • The Coming Battle tells the true story of how the banking money power gained control of America. First published in 1899. TCB is the chronological history of the usurping of every American’s sovereign rights by the unseen money powers and their agents. READ – how recessions depressions and panics are created at will and how the stock markets are manipulated for power and gain. READ – how the large corporations, with the banking money power, imported cheap foreign labor, resulting in countless labor riots. READ – how the European Socialists came to America with the backing of the money power took control of the influential colleges, universities and Seminary schools. READ – how the money power created food shortages, resulting in starvation and suffering in a nation of plenty and how small family farms are set up for foreclosures. READ – how silver was demonetized by the money power, resulting in a five-year depression, that devastated the people and the western regions of the United States. READ – President Andrew Jackson’s complete Farewell Address and his warning for America. READ – That President Andrew Jackson refused to renew the Banking Charter, then, angry Bankers recalled all their loans therefore bankrupting thousands of businesses.  READ – how the Bankers created two class of citizens, Creditor class and the Debtor class, poor and the rich. READ – how the banking money power fleeced the treasury of our gold and silver then replaced it with their worthless paper money. READ – how the legislation was signed and passed into law pledging every America citizen as collateral for the repayment of all government debts in gold and silver. By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. Nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself. Different players, the same game. World domination. Told in breathtaking detail with proof-positive evidence taken from Congressional records, newspaper reports, writings of the day, and statements by our founding fathers. You will not read about this in any history book. A Chilling and all-too-true saga of power run amok. Must reading for all Americans who want to know where our country went wrong an how we were set up.

    364 pages


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  • by James L.Hirsen, Ph.D. The global activists have some sinister beliefs. They wholeheartedly embrace environmental extremism, New Age mysticism, radical feminism, and international governance. Further, they fully intend to spread their philosophies worldwide. But, most frightening of all is their plan to implement a global agenda by using the powerful weight of international law. SUPPLY IS LIMITED Softcover - 208 Pages.
  • By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano How the federal government has sized power by rewriting the supreme law of the land. The Constitution was once the bedrock of our country, an unpretentious parchment that boldly established the God-given rights and freedoms of Americans. Today that parchment has been shred to ribbons. 290 Pages. Hard Cover
  • by Brother Gregory Williams The Covenants of the gods is a detail examination of the contractual nature of the governments of men, and the methods those institutions use to increase their power and authority over men. A central theme of the book was asked by Cecil B. DeMille in the movie The Ten Commandments: “Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world.” By presenting the facts and the progression of legal systems and relating them to the precepts of law passed down through that by ancient Biblical texts, the context of history, and the language and literature of men a unique perspective is unveiled. The vanity of mankind inclines him to blame others for his undesirable state, condition, or lack of liberty, when in truth the source of our decline into bondage is our own sloth and avarice. Proverbs 12:24 tells us: “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.” If men will be free, if they want their rights back they must first take back their responsibilities as free souls under God, for themselves, their families, and their community. If you want to know the whole truth and the ambuscade of your subjugation and the growing power of the governments of the world. The Covenants of the gods will reveal the process and the precept of that descent into slavery. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32 Binding: Softcover, spiral bound Pages: 141 Size: Large - 8.5"x11" About the Author Brother Gregory Williams is a minister with His Holy Church Married with 6 children and 11 grand children, he lives in Central Oregon. As a young man, he entered the seminary where he studied Latin, Greek and theology. In the course of his studies, he began to discover secrets hidden for centuries within ancient libraries which exposed the folly of the sophistry and superstition of the people. His quest to understand the whole truth has led him down a path of law and language, connecting the dots of history in a unique picture of bondage and freedom; discovering the problem and finding the solution.
  • By G. Edward Griffin This book is about the secret world of the international banking money cartel, the cause of all wars, inflations, depressions, land grabs, etc. After reading this book you will never trust a politician or a banker. Must read, great companion to The Coming Battle. 608 Pages. Paperback
  • Last Copy 181 pages Paperback The Cultural Devastation of American Women is a factual investigation into the American woman’s abuse of liberation. Levant burrows into the psyches and habits of American women. She exposes over-spending, over-decorating, obsessions with beauty, weight, social climbing, and the hiring out of traditional female functions. All of these demonstrate a rejection of biological instincts and behaviors. Levant exposes demanding, unreasonable, and incompetent mothers. She delves with brutal frankness into women and marriage, child rearing, divorce, hypochondria, self-absorption, and vanity, challenging the assumption that Westernized society freed women from social bondage. Levant calls for a critical evaluation of womanhood in 21st Century America. The Cultural Devastation of American Women is reckoning day for American women as readers of all ages and political persuasions find complete agreement with the proof of the voices of suffering children. By including the commentary of daycare children to create premise and purpose, Levant allows our children to report on the current state of parenthood, home life, and themselves.
  • Cancer can now be cured, not only the early stages, but also advanced cancer, stages four and five, including imminent death. We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure. This is possible because the true cause of cancer has been found. The Cause of the malignancy is explained in the earlier book, The Cure For All Cancers. But removing the malignancy left behind the tumors as they were, prior to the malignant development. So, eliminating tumors became the focus of additional research, and is the subject of this book. The 21 Day Program described in this book does both. Once you win this battle, even advanced cancer can be cured. The success rate for advanced cancer is about 95%. So you can count on this method, not merely hope it will work for you. It is a total approach that not only shrinks tumors, but also normalizes your blood chemistry, lowers your cancer markers, and returns your health. The small failure rate (5%) is due to clinical emergencies that beset the advanced cancer sufferer. However, if you combine the advice in this book with access to hospital care, even "hopeless" patients can gain the time necessary to become well again 583 pages
  • It took an independent research scientist to find the answers. Hulda Regehr Clark begen her studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada where she was awarded the Bachekor of Arts, Megna Cum Laude, and the Master of Arts, with High Honors. After two years of study at McGill University, she attended the University of Minnesota, studying biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate degree in physiology in 1958. In 1979 she left government funded research and began private consulting on a full time basis. Eleven years later she noticed clues as to the cause of cancer. Dr. Clark put her conclusions, her advice for curing cancer, her methods brfore you. Read and recover. Learn how to identify and remove what causes your cancer–your body will do the rest. No conflict with any physical treatment. Read how over 100 others recovered from all kinds of cancer. You can too! Step by step instructions. The startling new theory behind the cure. It doesn’t matter what kind of cancer you have or your prognosis! You will be well again! 586 pages
  • This book describes the causes of both common and extraordinary disease and gives specific instructions for their cure. The sick have been held hostage for their money or intangible assets since time immemorial. Doctors, even primitive and natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use herbs or chemicals and incantations or “prognoses” to help the sick recover. Today, the medical industry (doctors and their suppliers and insurers) take a significant amount of the worker’s earnings. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could all go back togardening or some other primitive and useful endeavor? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the sick could join them? The most promising discovery in this book is the effectiveness of electricity to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. Does this mean you can cancel your appointment with your clinical doctor? No it does not. Killing your invaders does not make you well instantly. But happily, at your next doctor visit she or he will be removing drugs, not adding them. No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no cancer, no HIV/AIDS, no migraines, no Alzheimers, no lupus, no Parkinson's, no Multiple Sclerosis and so on. Paperback: ‎ 616 pages
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    Out of Print - This book is over $250 for a used one on Amazon The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America By Charlotte T. Iserbyt This book will change forever the way you look at your child's education. Iserbyt has directed her flashlight into the darkest, secret, elitist corners of academe, flushing out and exposing to the light of day the termites who have been eating away at the foundations of traditional academic education. Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the "deliberate dumbing down" of American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.
  • This work provides an in-depth analysis of the ingenious system that the Framers designed to identify the best possible presidential candidates. Unfortunately the system has been destroyed by the machinations of party politics. All patriots interested in restoring the Framers' original plan will recognize the need to understand this unique process. Important concepts discussed: • Direct vs. indirect elections • A representative republic vs. a democracy • The role of independent electors • Electoral votes are nominating votes • The principle of federalism • The subversion of the process by political parties • The 12th Amendment institutionalized party usurpation • The empty shell we have today Gary and Carolyn Alder are dedicated to teaching the principles of freedom. Pages: 115 Binding: Paperback
  • By Peter and Timothy Flaherty The name alone evokes a myriad of reactions. But, who is this lawyer from Arkansas who would change America's values & alter our country's course? What underlines the ambitions, ethical lapses, and scandals. This book covers it all. Her early years; Her rise to power; Scandal and corruption in high places. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 237 Pages. Paperback
  • By Christopher Bryson Hard Cover "The Fluoride Deception unearths the mystery of how a grim workplace poison and the most damaging environmental pollutant of the Cold War was added to our drinking water and toothpaste. A chronicle of the abuse of power and of the manufacture of state-sponsored medical propaganda, The Fluoride Deception reveals how a secretive group of powerful industries, all of which faced extensive litigation for fluoride pollution, collaborated with officials from the National Institute of Dental Research to launder fluoride's public image."--BOOK JACKET In the spirit of Rachel Carson, Chris Bryson defines the relationship between an industrial pollutant that is added to our drinking water and a host of health issues and environmental concerns and dispels the controversy that has dogged the fluoride issue for decades. In a society where asbestos, lead, silica, beryllium and many other carcinogens have found their way into the marketplace and then been recalled, one has to wonder why fluoride, so toxic it is used as a rat poison and pesticide, is embraced so thoroughly and so blindly. "It is my sincere hope that Christopher Bryson's apparently thorough and comprehensive perusal of the scientific literature on the biological actions of fluoride and the ensuing debates through the years will receive the attention it deserves and that its implications will be seriously considered." --Arvid Carlsson, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine Published by Seven Stories Press. Hard Cover. 374 pages.
  • There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America - a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today. "This stylish film is not just for food faddists and nutritionists. It is a look at something we might not want to see: Monsanto, Roundup and Roundup-resistant seeds, collectively wreaking havoc on American farmers and our agricultural neighbors around the world. In the end, this documentary is a eloquent call to action." --The Telluride Daily Planet "If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food..." -Newstarget.com "As we move on into this so-called biotech revolution and we start producing more and more transgenic manipulations, we'll start seeing pieces of DNA interacting with each other in ways that are totally unpredictable... I think this is probably the largest biological experiment humanity has ever entered into." --Ignacio Chapela "If this video doesn't scare you out of your comfort zone, nothing will" -- NewsWithViews.com. DVD 90 minutes.
  • By Wayne LaPierre Wayne LaPierre's The Global War on Your Guns takes you inside the U.N. plan to destroy the Bill of Rights by attacking the one right that makes any right possible, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. LaPierre's well-researched chapters outline the threat itself, how the U.N. works, and the phalanx of international forces determined to eliminate the basic human right of self-preservation through elimination of all private firearm ownership. 270 Pages. Hard Cover
  • By Erica Carle Please Note: Sadly Erica is no longer with us and this book is now out of print. We have limited copies remaining. What happened to our schools? Why are some so woefully lacking in discipline and order that guards have to be brought in to prevent violence? What about the children? Why do so many fail to graduate? What is wrong with the education system? In The Hate Factory Erica Carle reveals the truth about destructive classroom changes that began many years ago, but continue to this day. No doubt about it, the curriculum has changed, and in most cases, not for the better. What is behind the changes that have destroyed the enthusiasm for learning for so many students? And what has happened to love for God, family, and country? Why are some children alienated from their parents and parental instruction? The Hate Factory reveals the history, goals, and methods of those who are using children to bring about changes in our social, moral, political, and economic principles and customs. It is an ongoing process, and we know of nowhere else that this vital information is available in such an easy to read, compact form. Thousands of copies of The Hate Factory have been sold since it was first published in 1972. Binding: Softcover Pages: 92
  • By Constance Cumbey This book exposes the New Age movement and our coming age of Barbarism. The New Age Movement uses Rainbows to signify their building of the Rainbow Bridge between man and Lucifer. New Agers place small rainbow decals on their automobiles and book stores as a signal to others in the Movement. Some people, of course, use the rainbow as a decoration, unaware of the growing popular acceptance of its occult meaning and the hidden dangers. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 268 Pages. Paperback
  • While it is generally accepted that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth came to promote a Biblical world view, can the same be said of the revolutionaries who lived 150 years later? The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers explores this question in depth as this powerful documentary delves into the controversial and often debated beliefs of the founders of the American Revolution. Were these men Christians, according to the Bible? Was it their "original intent" to found America on the teachings of Christ and the Apostles? Or were their opinions closer to those of the Enlightenment thinkers in Europe? Most importantly, how do the answers to these questions impact the thinking of the Church today? This film is a must-see for all American Christians as the answers to these questions are sure to shock even the most zealous patriots. "For there is nothing covered, that shall no be revealed…" Luke 12:2
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    By Randall Fitzgerald The Hundred Year Lie presents a devastating expose of how chemicals in everyday products are ruining our health. In The Hundred-Year Lie, investigative journalist Randall Fitzgerald shatters dozens of myths being perpetuated by the chemical, pharmaceutical and processed food industries. Fitzgerald not only sheds light on the problems we face from the unprecedented chemical onslaught, he presents suggestions for what we can to do to turn the tide. Over the past one hundred years, we have been guinea pigs in a vast chemistry experiment that uses our bodies, our health, and our good will to test the proposition that modern science can improve upon nature. Find out why you would never be FDA-approved and why humans are becoming one of the most polluted species on the planet: • The average American now carries a "body burden" of 700 or more synthetic chemicals, including Teflon, plastics, and dozens of pesticides. • A 2005 study of lactating women in eighteen US states found perchlorate (a toxic component of rocket fuel) in practically every mother's breast milk. • Musk fragrances used in detergents and air fresheners are not filtered out by our current water treatment facilities, ending up in our drinking water. • The artificial sweetener aspartame, an ingredient in 1,200 food products from diet drinks to chewing gum, has been linked to eighty-eight toxic symptoms. 292 Pages. Paper Back
  • by Doc Marquis Doc's best DVD yet! Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis! After watching this 'One of a Kind' DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012! Is the New Age Christ ready to appear? Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012. At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall begin to reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012, a task he completes in Volume 2. On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. This astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod – the finger of God – pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing. For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity.New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new “Garden of Eden” will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order. In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift".The Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specifically stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! Doc Marquis uses the King James Bible 2 DVD Set Duration: 3 1/2 hours
  • Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Why are America's children disappearing? Why must parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Parents live in a state of continual fear. No longer do mothers worry about little Johnny coming home late for dinner - they must wonder if he will come home at all. But how did our country reach this point? The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be "the father of the sexual revolution." But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society? This documentary shows how "The Kinsey Reports" have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education -- training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey's research really based upon? Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet." Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped - all in the name of "science." Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in "Table 34" of Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society? Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference? American History Films presents a Jude 3 Production Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar Production Coordinators: Lisa Schimmel, Meg Pinto Running Time: Approx 2 hours
  • By Dr. Jan Strydom and Susan duPlessis If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or some other behavior disorder, be careful. This diagnoses might be false. The authors of this book explain how parents can teach their children the skills of concentration and self-control without drugging them into submission. This book is about parenting with out using harmful drugs. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED Throughout the world youth-related problems are becoming more and more acute. The number of children being diagnosed with behavior disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and Tourette syndrome is multiplying. Youth violence, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage promiscuity, and teen suicides have become commonplace. Learning disabilities and illiteracy are increasing at an alarming rate. Who or what is to blame for these problems? Are some of these problems truly the result of biochemical imbalances or neurological disorders 'in the brain? Are some caused by foods containing artificial colors and flavors? Should we blame vaccines? Heredity The TV? Peer pressure? The authors deliver ample evidence to demonstrate that these popularly proposed causes play no more than a minuscule role - if any - in the creation of these problems. Backed by in-depth research, they offer a very logical explanation for their origin as well as their alarming increase. The book reveals the true causes of ADHD and other youth-related problems. Parents, who know the true cause or causes of such problems, can prevent them from occurring. Parents who are already in dire need of finding help for their children will find that the book also explains what they can do to overcome ADHD and other emotional and behavioral problems - all without the use of drugs.Jan Strydom, a doctor in education, had been involved in consultation and research of learning and behavior problems over a period of 25 years. He also holds a M.A. in philosophy. 298 Pages. Paperback
  • The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War, an event described in the West as “the end of history.” Post-Soviet Russia appeared to embrace free markets and democratic elections so the West would begin to view the “new” Russia as a friend. In 2014 Russian forces invaded and annexed Crimea. A New Cold war had begun. Russia was ready for this conflict, having armed itself to the teeth with new weapons. The demise of the Soviet Union now appears to have been greatly exaggerated or, at worst, an intentional deception. Although the intelligence service of the Soviet Era, the KGB, was renamed the Federal Security Service, (its Russian acronym—FSB) it facilitated the rise of President Vladimir Putin to power, himself a former KGB official, proving the Security service from the former Soviet era was still very much in power within the “new” Russia. In The New Tactics of Global War, the authors explore what happened at the end of the Cold War and why Russia remains the number one threat to the United States. The moves and counter-moves of the present crisis stem from a long-running deception game. The authors investigate this game, allowing the reader to understand the “mind of the enemy.” “And behold a second beast, like a bear, and it raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” Daniel 7:5
  • The Occult Agenda documentary series is designed to awaken the church and nonbelievers alike to the spiritual warfare happening in the world today. Part 1 focuses on Harry Potter phenomenon that has swept the world since author J.K. Rowlings introduced her best-selling book series. ut is Potter-mania merely the result of imaginative writing and clever marketing? Or, could there be a hidden power behind the craze that has cast a spell on adults and children alike? Pastor Joe Schimmel has spend nearly 25 years researching cults and the occult from a Biblical perspective. His research has led him to believe that the seducing spirits prophesied of in the Bible are today at work preparing the world for the coming counterfeit Christ. Can Harry Potter be a part of this occult agenda? DVD 100 minutes
  • By Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams "He (Adolph Hitler) was the central figure around which a number of men grouped themselves, from the 1920's onwards, in a movement to gain control of the German people. As the movement developed they were aided and abetted and supported financially as well as politically by the industrial capitalists of the Rhineland; but the initiative did not come from the latter. It came from Hitler as the condottiere of a band of evil men who were united by a common vice." -- Samuel Igra, Germany's National Vice, 1945 387 Pages. Paperback