Keep America Great! 150z ceramic Trump coffee mug
Talking Trump Christmas Card Wishes You A Merry Christmas In Donald Trump's REAL Voice! Surprise Someone With A Personal Holiday Greeting From The President Of The United States! Envelope Included WATCH VIDEO below to see and hear this great card! Yes, it’s really President Donald Trump’s voice! DONALD TRUMP'S VOICE ACTIVATES WHEN CARD IS OPENED! Create big laughs when someone opens this funny Christmas card and suddenly hears Donald Trump's booming voice saying: “We're going to start saying Merry Christmas again. Merry Christmas!" MAKE SOMEONE'S CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN! Whether you’re a patriot or a prankster (or a patriotic prankster), this is the greatest Christmas card you can give somebody. This novelty talking card is a funny gift for both Republicans and Democrats. And even thought it's a great gag or prank, the elegance and extra durability of this high-quality, glossy finish card is sure to impress colleagues and acquaintances.
Spread the word with a NewsWithViews.com bumpersticker As with any endeavor, there are costs associated with managing this free resource website. Every little helps and by purchasing a NewsWithViews bumper sticker, you are helping us to publish real and alternative news that you do not get in the mainstream media.
Classic black coffee mug with NewsWithViews.com printed on the side. Made of porcelain, the mug stands about 3.75” high, holds about 11oz and is dishwasher and microwave safe. Show your friends where you get the real news with a stylish NewsWithViews.com Mug. $19.95 Each Made in USA
PRESS TRUMP'S HAIR, HEAR HIM TALK! 10 new sayings in Donald Trump's real voice! Fantastic audio quality-you'll think Trump is actually in the room with you! Perfect as novelty gifts or political pranks. REAL & UNCENSORED! No voice actors here-this is the real and uncensored Trump at his boldest, brashest and funniest! Unique political joke gifts or office manager gift. It’s like a pen and an action figure rolled into one! REPLACEABLE BATTERIES INCLUDED IN EACH PEN! Winners aren't losers, and these novelty pens will keep talking for many years after President Trump – the boss - takes office! Own this unique election memorabilia and Make America great again! MAGA for Christmas, Birthday, father's day. THE GREATEST DONALD TRUMP GIFT GOD EVER CREATED! You've seen other humorous office gifts like the Hillary Nut Cracker, Obama and Donald Trump Toilet Paper, Donald Trump Doll, and other adult gag gifts for the office desk. Now experience one of the funniest 2016 presidential political gifts and novelty gifts EVER! Perfect birthday gift for Dad and Fathers Day gift. Shocking Prank! THE HILARIOUS POWER OF DONALD TRUMP IS IN YOUR HAND! Just click the pen and listen to Trump pump you up! Funny gag gift for Liberals, Democrats and Republicans. Whether you support Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, this pen will make you laugh!
Why are we seeing so many Mass Shootings in our schools, churches and public places? Our "experts" -- criminologists, psychiatrists, sociologists and clergy -- seem to have no answers, yet the "gun control lobby" has only one answer: disarm the citizenry. But is that wise? Scholars tell us that Governments have killed over 262 million of their own citizens in the past century alone? Given this, is the reason we "keep and bear arms" really for target practice and duck hunting? Scientific American says 1 in 6 Americans are on psych drugs: the very drugs the Mainstream Media profits from every day. Is there a connection between Big Pharma's product and Mass Shootings or are GUNS the problem? GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS -- a Matrix Production in association with OATH KEEPERS -- completes a Second Amendment Trilogy which includes MIDNIGHT RIDE and MOLON LABE. Length: 130 mins
by Mary Tocco This heart-stopping 6 DVD library series will answer your questions, expose toxic vaccine ingredients, prove the vaccine/autism connection and uncover the medical scandal at the root of the chronic illness crisis our children are suffering with. Not only will this information save lives, it will be the best healthcare investment you will make on you and your children's behalf. The First Comprehensive Educational DVD Series on Vaccines Part 1: Vaccine History, Polio and the Decline of Life-threatening Diseases (1hr 11min) Part 2: Natural Immunity Basics (40min) Part 3: Man-made Toxic Ingredients in Vaccines and Medical Studies Documenting Injury (1hr 28min) Part 4: Herd Immunity Deception: Do Vaccines Protect and Can Vaccines Cause Outbreaks (30min) Part 5: Vaccines and Autism: Has the Study Been Done and Have All The Vaccines Been Examined and Can Vaccines Cause Autism? (35min) Part 6: Congressional Hearing on Autism, Influenza vaccines, HPV Vaccines and More (56min) 6 DVDs Includes the free booklet: "Natural Immune Development - A Deeper Understanding of our Immune System" by Mary Tocco.
Have you noticed the police and surveillance state being quietly built around us since 9/11? MIDNIGHT RIDE -- the sister film to MOLON LABE -- explores what would happen if the dollar crashed taking the world financial system down with it? How would this police state be used in the ensuing civil unrest? Would martial law be declared? If it were, would this be Consitutional? Should such martial law be obeyed? The concerned citizen should be asking these questions. MIDNIGHT RIDE -- inspired by the book, BY TYRANNY OUT OF NECESSITY: The Bastardy of Martial Law by Edwin Vieira, Jr., available at Amazon -- explores the nature of martial law and how it relates to the Second Amendment and militia clauses in the U.S. Constitution. Duration: 110 minutes
By Servando Gonzalez In this second 1-hour program of the TruthLies series, Servando shows how the Council on Foreign Relations conspirators created the OSS and later the CIA to advance and protect their own interests. He also shares facts revealing that the CFR is actually an intelligence agency, and the CIA its secret armed branch in charge of covert operations of sabotage, assassination, subversion, terrorism and psychological warfare. He also shares his insight after years of research and data he’s collected that describes how the CFR conspirators used the newly created CIA to recruit Fidel Castro in early 1948, and sent him to Bogotá, Colombia, as an agent provocateur to participate in the assassination of Colombian leader Jorge Gaitán and start the Bogotazo riots that destroyed most of the city. US Secretary of State George Marshall and other secret CFR agents in Bogotá at the time blamed the communists for the riots. The Bogotazo PsyOp marked the beginning of the Cold War in the Western Hemisphere — a very profitable period for Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and the military-industrial complex. Servando also explains how the CIA worked behind the curtains to install Castro in power in Cuba in 1959 and betrayed the invaders at the Bay of Pigs to consolidate him in power. Also, how Castro heated up the Cold War by promoting guerrilla activity and terrorism all around the world. Guerrillas in Latin America resulted in the flight of capital to Wall Street banks. Servando shows how Castro’s invasion of Angola in 1975 put that country in the hands of American banks and transnational corporations. He also reveals Castro’s possible role in the shoot down of the Cuban airliner, the killing of Chile's president Salvador Allende, and well as the role of the CFR conspirators in the fateful 9/11 events.
By Servando Gonzalez Over the years, even the most naive American has had a diffuse suspicion that there must be a secret reason why, most of the time, our government helps our enemies and betrays our friends. Servando Gonzalez provides exhaustive evidence proving that the reason for this is because a group of rich, powerful individuals have conspired to infiltrate the U.S. Government and most of the American life. This group of conspirators, the Invisible Government of the United States, reside at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations - an organization which, he demonstrates, operates like a secret society. In this program, Gonzalez shows how this corrupt organization operates, how it is internally organized, and what their plans are. He also provides ample information showing that, behind almost every act of treason committed against the peoples of the U.S., Latin America, and the world, there has been one or more CFR members. Gonzalez explains how CFR's secret agents infiltrated in the U.S. Government manipulated President Truman to create the CIA and the National Security Council. According to Gonzalez, since its creation in 1947, the CIA has never served the interests of the American people, but of Wall Street bunkers and oil transnational corporations. Gonzalez also shows that the NS( is a key element in understanding how the (FR conspirators, through selective flow of information, have gained almost total control over American presidents, treating them like mushrooms: keeping them in the dark and feeding them manure. He shows abundant evidence of CFR conspirators in the NSC commanding the Commanders-in-Chief, and the reasons why, like in the case of Vietnam, the Iraq war was lost even before it began. If some of you think that this vision of history is too conspiratorial, Gonzalez replies that conspiring is precisely what intelligence and espionage organizations do, including the Council on Foreign Relations: their main job consist in conspiring, lying, disinforming, obfuscating, and espying, to carry out their secret plans.
Directed and Producved by Josh del Sol The award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability. And be inspired by emerging solutions. With compelling insight from whistleblowers, government agents, lawyers, doctors, researchers and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates the claimed benefits and emerging risks of a profit-based global initiative that seeks to change the way we live. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle and ultimately empower you. 90 minutes
DVD by Doc Marquis The World knows it happened: on April 15, 2013 multiple explosions at the 'Boston Marathon Race' killed and injured hundreds but, was this just another "jihad by some radical Islamic group" or, is there more to what happened at Boston, MA than our own government wants us to know? Cound this have been a "False Flag Operation" under the auspices of the Illuminati and, if so, for what purpose? National/International lecturer, producer, television/radio personality, and author Doc Marquis puts the Boston Marathon Race Bombings to the litmus test. Some of what Doc wll challenge and contest are: "Why were runners at the race being told that there would be a "Bomb Exercise" going on before the race even began"? "Had the 'Illuminati Playing Cards' given forewarning to this event as they had with 9/11, the BP Oil Spill, and so many other events"? "Did the Illuminati have a hand in the Bonston Marathon Bombings and, if so, what evidence can be linked to them"? "How can anyone with injuries that would kill any person within 2 minutes, show no 'medical signs of trauma' and survive"? "Police personal who lived and worked around Sandy Hook mysteriously show up in Boston. Why? They have no jurisdiction there...or do they"? "How can anyone who died at Sandy Hook suddenly appear to be alive in Boston?" "The Same people who had been interviewed at the Sandy Hook killings by CNN mysteriously show up in Boston and are being interviewed by CNN once again, and these same people are, once again being interviewed in Watertown, MA by CNN. What is going on with this? What is CNN up to"? "What was the secretive, private, civilian military group known as 'The Craft', with their 'Skull cap Logo', doing at the Boston Marathon Bombings"? These and so many other questions will be answered as Doc Marquis, once again, teams up with his Director Cory Black to unveil the "False Flag Over Boston".
Sequel to A Lamp in the Dark In the 19th century, a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a never-before-seen manuscript called Codex Sinaiticus. The work was allegedly “discovered” by a German scholar named Constantine von Tischendorf, who declared this to be the oldest Bible ever found. Tischendorf said he found the work in a rubbish basket at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Egypt. While many in the academic world did not fully believe his story, they were willing to accept his claims about the antiquity of the codex. Yet shortly after his discovery was published, a renowned Greek paleographer named Constantine Simonides came forward and declared that the manuscript was no ancient text at all, but had been created by him in 1840. The controversy surrounding these events is, perhaps, the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. It involves Jesuits, the Pope, a high-minded German, a committee of Anglo Romanists, and a mysterious Greek patriot. It is a story that (while quite true and well documented) a vast majority of modern academics know nothing about. Yet the subject matter dramatically impacts the world of biblical scholarship, even to this present hour. Most of what today’s scholars believe about manuscript evidence is based on the events of this era, and the footnotes in your Bible are the proof of it. Topics discussed in this documentary: New details about the Counter Reformation and its origins Answers arguments concerning the Waldenses, Albigenses, Paulicans -- and the accusation that they were “Manichean heretics.” History of how the Papacy was established in 606 A.D. Italian missionary explains Rome’s works gospel vs. the gospel of grace The Jesuit plan to seize control of the Bible. The Oxford Movement and its use of “Protestants” as secret agents for Rome. The Jesuit origins of higher criticism as a weapon against the Bible. Rome’s history of creating forged manuscripts and fake relics. The never-before-told history of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. Westcott, Hort and the Revision of 1881. Featured experts: Dr. David Brown, Dr. Henry Hudson, Dr. Ronald Cooke, Dr. Alan O’Reilly, Les Garrett, Roger Oakland, Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. H.D. Williams. Duration: 2.5 hrs.
This eight-disc video/DVD set of presentations and written submissions, including ones by Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld, Dennis Cuddy, Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Anita Hoge, Jeannie Georges, et al, is the result of two 2-day conferences, held in Maine and Georgia, August 2012 and August 2013. Fifteen of the nation's most respected education and political researchers, writers, and speakers, including public school teachers - some in the trenches since 1965 - were videotaped. A special roundtable discussion involving researcher/activists Karen Bracken and Kelleigh Nelson, Tennessee, and Diane Kepus, Karen Schoen, and Debbie Gunnoe, Florida, provides up-to-date information related to Common Core, tax-funded school choice and charter schools with their unelected boards. Written submissions are included from the speakers, as well as from those who could not attend the conference. One is offered a banquet of written works, including rich history, from great patriots and recognized writers active from 1960-2000; i.e., Jacqueline and Malcolm Lawrence, Joan Masters, Elizabeth Trotto, Peggy Cuddy, and from equally talented individuals no longer with us: the late Maureen Heaton, Don Bell, Jo Hindman, Bettye Lewis, and Ruth Feld. This impeccable research is your tool kit: ammunition to fight and win the government/corporate/tax-exempt foundation-funded war against our children and grandchildren, and against our free constitutional republic, very aptly illustrated by Joel Pett, Pultizer Prize-winning cartoonist in his 1983 Phi Delta Kappan cartoon. 8 Disk DVD set
A James Jaeger Film History has demonstrated time and again that, to the degree citizens are unarmed or disarmed, government suppression and tyranny are inevitable. The Founders of the United States knew these lessons well. This is why the U.S. Constitution not only acknowledges and guarantees the "right to keep and bear arms -- but the DUTY to be well-organized as state Militia reporting to their respective governors. But this duty, as well as the Militia, are often misunderstood. As a result, a "gun-control lobby" has been steadily eroding the original intent of the Founders by passing unconstitutional gun control "laws," funding a standing, global army, and destroying the 300-year old Militia system established by WE THE PEOPLE. MOLON LABE - inspired by The Sword and Sovereignty by Edwin Vieira, Jr., explores the "power of the sword" and how it guarantees American's freedom. Watch the trailer for MOLON LABE which includes a clip of Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Chuck Baldwin, Edwin Vieira, Stewart Rhodes and Larry Pratt and help us raise the marketing budget for this important film by donating what you can.
by Doc Marquis Is it possible that the Satanic Paradigm Shift leading to a Universal Mind come in the form of a world-wide Marion apparition? We demonstrate that the Roman Catholic Papacy is anxiously awaiting just such an apparition as it will validate the Catholic Church as the only true worldwide church and will propel the Pope into position as the top world religious leader. Satanists call this event the Paradigm Shift while Catholics would call it a "Marion Apparition", but the result will be the same, the Universal Mindset. On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. This astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod – the finger of God – pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing. For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity. New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new “Garden of Eden” will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order. In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift". Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specificially stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church!
by Doc Marquis Doc's best DVD yet! Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis! After watching this 'One of a Kind' DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012! Is the New Age Christ ready to appear? Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012. At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall begin to reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012, a task he completes in Volume 2. On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. This astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod – the finger of God – pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing. For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity.New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new “Garden of Eden” will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order. In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift".The Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specifically stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! Doc Marquis uses the King James Bible 2 DVD Set Duration: 3 1/2 hours
Corporate Fascism explores a new kind of fascism: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever larger multinational corporations -- due to consolidation facilitated by endless FIAT money -- the corporatocracy has been in a position to literally purchase the U.S. Congress. As a result, many of the nation's laws have been re-configured to benefit We The Corporations, rather than We The People. Laws like NAFTA resulted in the outsourcing of the U.S. manufacturing base and the destruction of the Middle Class. Known as "Merchantilism" "Globalization" "New World Order" Free Trade" Monopoly Capitalism" -- this is NOT your Grandfather's capitalism. Featuring: • TED BAEHR, Media Expert • PAT BUCHANAN, Author/Political Analyst • G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Author/Producer • RON PAUL, U.S. Congressman • EDWIN VIEIRA, Author/Constitutional Attorney Produced by William L. Van Alen, Jr. Written & Directed by James Jaeger
By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.
Produced by James Jaeger, the documentary shows how a group of Marxist theoreticians, calling themselves The Frankfurt School, plotted the corruption and overthrow of non-Communist nations by systematically undermining their cultures. Called Cultural Marxism, its goal is the use of art, music, education, and media to condition people to accept the essential elements of Marxism without identifying them as such. After a few generations of this conditioning, Marxism becomes the new reality without a violent revolution and even without awareness that a revolution has occurred. If you want to know how the nations of the world became increasingly Marxist in form, if not in name, here is the strategy. The film's opening statement by Pat Buchanan prepares the viewer for what is to follow: "The United States has undergone a cultural, moral, and religious revolution. ... We are two countries now. We are two countries morally, culturally, socially, and theologically. Cultural wars do not lend themselves to peaceful co-existence. One side prevails, or the other prevails. The truth is that, while we won the Cold War with political and economic Communism, we lost the war with cultural Marxism, which now is dominant. Those of us who are traditionalists, we are the counterculture." Includes testimony from G. Edward Griffin, Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Edwin Vieira, and Ted Baehr. Run time: 98 mins.
Award-winning director Bill Still says the fix for our broken economy won’t be found in bailouts or stimulus. “It’s the interest on the national debt that’s killing the economy of every nation on earth,” said Still, who directed the 1995 classic, The MoneyMasters. “Ending the Fed, won’t fix this,” said Still. “As Prof. Milton Friedman told me,” ‘If you end the Fed and do nothing about fractional reserve lending, you’ve done nothing.’” NO MORE NATIONAL DEBT What does that mean? Governments don’t need to borrow their national money into existence. For example, in the UK, although the Bank of England was nationalized in 1945, still the commercial banks create 97% of the national money – all as loans. In other words, unelectable bankers control the quantity of the national money. That’s our problem today. We don’t just print our money. We borrow every dollar we have in our economy – mostly from big banks -- then pay interest on it. That’s what the National Debt is. We actually rent our money. In FY 2010, the interest on the U.S. National Debt could exceed $700 Billion. In FY 2011, that could exceed $1 Trillion. A sovereign government can and should create its money debt free. That’s the secret of Oz. This is nothing new. Ben Franklin did it, Thomas Jefferson wanted to do it. Abraham Lincoln did it to win the Civil War. The power to create money is the greatest governmental power. We gave that power to bankers with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Now our money is totally out of control. We need to take back the money power and strictly limit its quantity by ending federal borrowing before the interest on the debt implodes the U.S. economy. This solution is hidden in the most beloved children’s story of all time, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. Titled The Secret of Oz, the film features appearances by Peter Schiff, Joseph Farah, Professor Michael Hudson and authors Ellen Brown and Byron Dale. The film won Best Documentary of 2010 at the Beloit International Film Festival; the Silver Sierra award at the Yosemite Film Festival, the Award of Merit at The Accolade Competition in La Jolla, California, and the Silver Screen Award at the Nevada Film Festival. Featuring: James Robertson (UK), Peter Schiff, Ellen Brown, Byron Dale, Prof. Michael Hudson Director: Bill Still Format: Dolby, Color, Widescreen Region: All Regions Number of discs: 1 Rated: G (General Audience) Run Time: 101 minutes
Adullam Films The sequel to "A Lamp in the Dark" is Tares Among the Wheat A Lamp in the Dark is an exciting new documentary that unfolds the fascinating and “untold” history of the Bible, revealing critical information often withheld or overlooked in modern histories. Enter into a world of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the light of the Gospel to a world drowning in darkness. Once the people were able to read the Bible and had the Word of God in their hands, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation. In response, Rome would launch a Counter Reformation to destroy the impact of the Reformers, including the bibles they produced. The Counter Reformation We sincerely believe that Rome’s Counter Reformation is one of the most important subjects to be studied by Christians today. As we show in the film, the pope commissioned the Jesuit Order to lead the movement, and it has never ceased to function. Learn the influence of the Jesuits during the translation of the King James Bible, during the Civil War, in Nazi Germany; and especially how they have been exposed in modern times. Ignorance of the Counter Reform has enabled Rome to deceive millions through the Ecumenical Movement, the World Council of Churches, the Emerging Church movement, the current Interfaith Council with Tony Blair and Rick Warren, and the overall seduction of Biblical Christianity. Some researchers even believe the Counter Reformation is the real secret behind the European Union and the New World Order. Throughout the film, we show how the struggles of the past continue to impact current events, and are a guiding influence in the march toward globalization. The Bible: Enemy Number One Not surprisingly, at the heart of all this conflict is the Holy Bible. The Word of God was the weapon of choice for the Reformers, who subdued whole kingdoms by preaching the Gospel and exposing the idolatry of Rome. As a result, the scriptures became a key focus for the Jesuits in their attempts to conquer the world for the Pope, and bring mankind back into the Dark Ages. But do the deceptions of Rome continue today? And how does this impact the Bible? What to Expect “Lamp” was filmed on locations in England and Belgium, and features never before seen interviews with leading Bible scholars, including David Brown, Roger Oakland, Alan O’Reilly, D.A. Waite and others. Also included are chief curators from the British Library in London, Erasmus House in Belgium, and the William Tyndale Museum in Vilvoorde, where Tyndale himself was burnt at the stake. This ground breaking documentary is also filled with rich visual graphics and dramatic re-enactments of key historic events. Included in this 3 hour DVD: 1) The history of the early Church, with the warnings from Jesus and the Apostles about “grievous wolves” and apostasy. 2) The alleged “conversion” of Constantine the Great and development of the Roman Church. 3) How the Inquisition began for the purpose of silencing Christians and outlawing the Bible. 4) The Bible translations of John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, and finally the King James Version. 5) The Protestant Reformation and the reasons behind it. 6) Key doctrines confronted by the Reformers (i.e. inspiration of scripture, salvation, transubstantiation, veneration of Mary, and papal claims of authority). 7) Rome’s Counter Reformation with the founding of the Jesuit Order in 1540. Included is the history of the Council of Trent, the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, and the dreadful Jesuit oath. 8) The Jesuit plot of 1825 to “sieze” control of the Bible. 9) The Vatican’s involvement with the Critical Text used by seminaries in the 20th century. 10) Rome’s fully documented (and largely unknown) influence over modern biblical translations. A Witnessing Tool A Lamp in the Dark is also a great witnessing tool for salvation, since it begins with the witness of the Gospel in the first century, and then throughout the history of the Bible, unfolds some of the key doctrines taught by the Reformers, such as repentance from sin and justification by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. An Adullam Films Production Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Run Time: 3 hours
Joan Veon Established in 1944 and named after the New Hampshire town where the agreements were made, Bretton Woods I created a system that made the dollar the reserve currency of the world. In addition, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were established. Globalization is the process of breaking through the protective barriers designed to separate the nation-states from the world system. Between 1944 and 2008 (BW I & BW II) all the nation-state barriers have been removed with exception of the national regulatory laws governing financial institutions, insurance companies, mortgages, and Wall Street. The real purpose of BWII is to establish the framework for a global regulatory system. This also presents the possibility of merging all regional currencies into a global currency. On the agenda for 2009 is the passing of the Treasury's "A Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory System", which will transfer to the Federal Reserve the remaining financial assets of America, effectively gutting our country. Joan has spent about 250 hours listening and reading all that she could to determine the agenda for the world. This video builds on "21st Century Feudalism" and "2008 Credit Crisis." It is a must. The structure of our government is changing, the role of Congress is basically null and void, and the Federal Reserve, our private corporate central bank is ruling. Learn what happens when "Central Banks Rule the World." Joan Veon is a businesswoman, international journalist and renown expert in the areas of global economics, Sustainable Development, and the United Nations. Since 1994, Joan has covered 100 global meetings, seeking answers to the evolving economic trends, and many of the world issues we are faced with today. DVD - 90 Minutes
Eye of the Phoenix” documents the bizarre history of the design of the dollar bill, exposing the occult activity surrounding the FDR administration. There is perhaps no other period in U.S. history when so many people were so deeply involved in the occult, and held positions of power that reached all the way to the White House. Phoenix focuses specifically on the years prior to World War II leading up to 1935, when the Great Seal was taken out of obscurity and placed on the foundation of America’s currency. According to official records from the State Department, FDR and his Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, specifically chose to use the Great Seal because, as Freemasons, they believed the “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (which they equated with the New Deal) could only be fulfilled under “the eye” of the Great Architect of the Universe (the god of Masonry). Two heavily influential occultists during the FDR era were Manly P. Hall and a Russian mystic named Nicholas Roerich. Manly Hall’s writings influenced Freemasonic presidents FDR and Harry S. Truman. It is even said that Hall was responsible for the number of stones on the pyramid of the Great Seal, and for the identification of the eagle as a phoenix. Meanwhile, Nicholas Roerich was an international figure and Theosophist. His quest for Shambhala and the Stone of Destiny (symbols of the New World Order) captivated Henry Wallace. According to a variety of sources, it was Roerich’s influence over Wallace (and ultimately FDR) that led to the placement of the Great Seal on America’s currency. As American Heritage writes: “The State Department grew very nervous about Roerich, but he had influence in the Oval Office.” Some Christian leaders continue to downplay the occult nature of the dollar bill; but once you understand the beliefs and influence of Roerich, Wallace and Manly Hall, you will clearly recognize the Luciferian nature of its design. Also discussed in this documentary are: the Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati past and present, Theosophical Society, Benjamin Crème and the Maitreya (i.e. Antichrist); along with a prediction for how the dollar will be used to establish the New World Order. Part I - The New Atlantis Part II - Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, DC. Part III - Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill Producer/Director: Christian J. Pinto Adullam Films Run Time: 170 Minutes
Marie-Monique Robin Monsanto's controversial past combines some of the most toxic products ever sold with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. They now race to genetically engineer (and patent) the world's food supply, which profoundly threatens our health, environment, and economy. Combining secret documents with first-hand accounts by victims, scientists, and politicians, this widely praised film exposes why Monsanto has become the world's poster child for malignant corporate influence in government and technology. How much outrage can a single multinational corporation inspire? How much damage can they inflict? The breathtaking new film, The World According to Monsanto, features a company that sets the new standard. From Iowa to Paraguay, from England to India, Monsanto is uprooting our food supply and replacing it with their patented genetically engineered creations. And along the way, farmers, communities, and nature become collateral damage. This DVD includes the bonus film Your Milk on Drugs and the audio CD Don't Put That in Your Mouth
Reviews "Devastating exposé... Will freeze the blood in your veins" ~The Gazette "Extraordinary documentary" ~LeMonde "Scrupulous, thorough, and damning" ~Montreal Mirror DVD - 109 minutes
Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Why are America's children disappearing? Why must parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Parents live in a state of continual fear. No longer do mothers worry about little Johnny coming home late for dinner - they must wonder if he will come home at all. But how did our country reach this point? The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be "the father of the sexual revolution." But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society? This documentary shows how "The Kinsey Reports" have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education -- training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey's research really based upon? Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet." Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped - all in the name of "science." Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in "Table 34" of Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society? Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference? American History Films presents a Jude 3 Production Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar Production Coordinators: Lisa Schimmel, Meg Pinto Running Time: Approx 2 hours
Joan Veon World Government is no longer coming... IT IS HERE For years Joan has talked and written extensively about an evolving global system that will interconnect our currency, tax code, stock exchange, and regulatory system into a global governmental structure, uniting all countries of the world into one. For America, the transition will take place through the congressional passage of "The Department of the Treasury Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory System", authored by Hank Paulson, Robert Steel, and David Nason. In this DVD, Joan reveals how the American people have much to lose, as the last vestiges of our financial sovereignty is being torn down through a complete restructuring of our current financial system led by U.S. Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, and in collaboration with Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke. Joan puts into perspective the power held by the Central Banks of the world, and how the Federal Reserve, central bank to the United States, has the power and ability to usurp the Constitution of the United States of America. "Paulson and Bernanke have taken the lead, not only from lawmakers, but from President Bush. Bush has left direct management of the crisis to them and other advisers, and has limited his public remarks on the economy." Washington Post 9/17/08 Joan Veon is a business women, international journalist and renown expert in the areas of global economics, Sustainable Development, and the United Nations. Since 1994, Joan has covered 100 global meetings, seeking answers to the evolving economic trends, and many of the world issues we are faced with today.
Hollywood's War on God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a "strong delusion" as the world joins Satan & the final Antichrist in their war on God. Such titles include: • Ron Howard & Tom Hanks The Da Vinci Code • Keanu Reeves The Matrix and Constantine • Brad Pitt's Fight Club • Jim Carrey's Truman Show • Toby McQuire's Pleasantville • Arnold Swarzenegger's Total Recall • Johnny Depp's From Hell • Sean Connery's League of Extraordinary Gentleman • J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter • Harrison Ford's Bladerunner • Tom Cruise's Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut and Minority Report and many others. This has to be one of the most important documentaries ever produced. You will never see anything like it on TV. It will change your view of Hollywood and TV for ever. Joe Schimmel, the producer, used to be heavily involved in the occult and has spent many years exposing various deceptions of Satan, especially in the fields of music and movies. Run Time: 2 hours 31 minutes Format: Region 0 - plays on all DVD players
David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM According to many experts and a great deal of published scientific research, toxins can be the main cause of numerous health conditions. Cancer, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, environmental illness, polymyalgia, and numerous other neurological, degenerative, and auto-immune conditions are or may be caused by the effects of accumulated toxic substances in the body tissues. These toxins have been shown to disrupt or destroy nerve cells and disrupt the immune system and numerous biochemical systems and pathways in many different and insidious ways. Just a few of these toxins include: lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, detergents, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, artificial colorings and flavorings, artificial sweeteners, etc. These poisonous substances come from a plethora of areas including our air and environmental pollution, fish, silver amalgam dental fillings, carpet dyes and adhesives, press board and MDF board in our homes, kitchen and bathroom cleansers, the chlorine and fluoride in our drinking and bathing water, and even chemicals in our toothpastes, lotions, shampoos, air fresheners and plug-ins, deodorants, anti-static washing machine sheets, and zillions of other culprits too numerous to list here. Our bodies were never designed to be able to protect themselves or rid themselves from this onslaught of toxic substances which did not exist on our planet until industrialization began producing them in huge and ever increasing quantities. • Essential information for anyone wanting to live a long healthy disease free life. • Invaluable for individuals suffering from environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity. • Start moving toxins out instead of in and watch your health improve while you reduce your risk of countless conditions, illnesses and syndromes. Included: DVD and a text CD Run Time: 2 hours Format: NTSC, Region 1 (USA & Canada only)
David J. Getoff, CTN, CCN, FAAIM Milk and milk products have been the food staple of mankind since the beginning of recorded history. They are truly the one food source that has allowed us to become civilized and to develop societies as we know them today. But now, in 2007, milk has a bad name. Is it the milk itself or is it the way that it is being processed and delivered in this corporate farming world we now live in?? Are the problems we see a result of pasteurizing and homogenizing, which are relatively new developments in the history of milk? Is raw milk a viable alternative? In this program, we will take you on a tour of a Raw Milk Dairy Farm, give you the chance to meet the cows themselves and speak with Mark McAfee the owner of this farm who happens to be one of the top advocates of Raw Milk. Then, we will meet and talk with David Getoff, an internationally recognized Traditional Naturopathic Doctor who is an expert on the relationship of natural foods and health. He will share with us some amazing facts about processed milk v's raw milk. Watch a 10 minute preview About David Getoff Director: Lenny Magill Format: NTSC, Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only) Number of discs: 1 DVD Release Date: May 16, 2007 Run Time: 120 minutes
BORDER takes a firsthand look at the real human consequences of America’s failure to secure its borders, unleashing a haunting, inside portrait of what has arguably become a war zone of illegal immigration, drug smuggling, sex trafficking, Mexican military incursions and more. From the mouths of besieged ranchers, local law enforcement, the Minutemen, the ACLU, political leaders and illegal immigrants themselves, comes a searing portrait that does not flinch from the truth. This is a front row seat on a failed policy gone completely out of control. This award-winning documentary is an expose of problems occurring on the US-Mexico border. BORDER provides real events covered by the documentartians along with additional data and footage to provide an understanding of the extent and magnitude of the issues. The film unveils how people on both sides of the border are being victimized by politicians, corporations, and drug cartels. The blatent disregard and denial from national leaders are clearly presented. BORDER examines how border security affects the country on many different levels: immigration, economics, education. But, the primary focus is on the danger that is created by an unsecure border -- to both the citizens of this country and the people who want to come into the country. BORDER features interviews with Minutemen Civil Defense Corp founder Chris Simcox, ACLU representative Ray Ybarra, California Representative Dana Rohrbacher, Human Rights activist Isabella Garcia, Victor Davis Hanson, author of Mexifornia, Colorado representative Tom Tancredo, sisters who came across the Border illegally, a young man who made his way through the desert, ranch owners, volunteers of the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, an Arizona hospital administrator and an informed DC insider who wished to remain anonymous. Awards: Winner Director's Choice Award: Pensacola International Film Festival Winner Best Documentary: California Independent Film Festival Winner Bronze Remi Award: Wordfest-Houston Int'l Film Festival "AS A VISUAL EXPOSE, BURGARD CARRIES HIS CAMERAS TO THE NO-MAN'S LAND SURROUNDING THE SOUTHERN U.S. BOUNDARY, FOR A TERRIFYING GLIMPSE OF... HORRORS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION." --Nathan Southern, New York Times "This documentary should be viewed by every Representative and Senator in Congress. There is no sane reason for anyone not agreeing with addressing the security issue at our borders with aggressive action." --Senator Richard Burr Border DVD. Run time: 105mins Jennifer A Champagne, Producer Chris Burgard, Director
While aspartame was the single focus in "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World," Sweet Remedy demonstrates that a corrupt flagship regulatory agency has given birth to numerous toxins in our food supply. This is no accident. A close examination of the global corporate power stucture demonstates that neurotoxic foods resulting in a dumber populace is simply a matter of policy. In the United States and through each nation within its global corporate grasp, maintaining a healthy mind and body is an act of civil disobedience. Ultimately, healing has become the path of resistance for informed individuals. We interview a host of MD's and Natural Health practitioners to gain the clearest possible perspective for a path to recovery. Perhaps the sweetest remedy this film offers is the hope provided by witnessing a variety of people withstand the confusion, casualties and obstacles involved with taking control of their food and their health. • What happened after aspartame was approved? • What happens when people in the public spotlight start getting sick? • A thorough history and examination of MSG. • A more definitive link between aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis. • What happened with Stevia? • How could it be that so many diseases are linked to excitotoxicity? • Why do so-called experts get away with lying to us in the media? • Exactly how dangerous are these foods to children? • An unsettling link between aspartame and genetically modified foods. • How Monsanto and its star aspartame executive hit a brick wall. DVD. Run time: 90 min.
Megiddo: The March to Armageddon explores Bible prophecy concerning the last day empire prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. For the past four years, Adullam Films has been developing a documentary series called Megiddo: The March to Armageddon. Believing we are called to this by God, we have been immersed in research and have conducted original on-camera interviews with some of the leading authors & researchers in Bible prophecy and its fulfillment in the world today. Megiddo reveals how God uses prophecy to prove His existence and to separate Himself from all others that claim His authority. This informative documentary also chronicles startling quotes from powerful men of history who have spoken of the need for world government to further the cause of peace. But what does the Bible say about ‘world peace’ and its consequence for mankind? Seen through the lens of prophecy, what is the significance of World War I and II? Were these birth pangs to prepare the nations for World War III and Armageddon? "Great …! Very in depth and informative. I pray that it shakes the church and the nonbelievers alike." -- L.A. Marzulli, Author of Nephilim & The Unholy Deception "By far, the best documentary I have seen on this subject" -- Dr. Stan Monteith, Radio Liberty DVD. 135 Minutes
Prepare to be instantly propelled into a world dominated by spying, tracking, and control as you go behind enemy lines drawn in our own backyards. Through the education system, the mainstream media, and corporate America it will quickly become clear that the US Constitution and the American way of life have been sacrificed on the all-mighty altar of Corporatism by the very people that we have entrusted with their protection. •The United Nations Invasion •Secret Societies & Dreams of The Elite •Secrets of September 11 •The Re-education System •Taking Back The Media Under Siege envelopes vital issues surrounding the United Nations, the Education system, Public Schools, Mental Health Screening, the USA PATRIOT Act, Media Spin, the War on Terrorism, the Recent Big Brother Spying Scandal, and the destruction of civil liberties in the United States of America. Is it too late to rise to the occasion? Do we have any hope of defeating this rapidly growing Big Brother society? If we fail, what will the U.S. look like five years from now? Is the United States still the land of free and the home of the brave? Under Siege leaves no eye unopened... "If this video doesn't scare you out of your comfort zone, nothing will" -- NewsWithViews.com DVD - 2 Disc set 190 Minutes
Video Chronicles Medical Horrors of Aspartame. An industry case study of a food supply in crisis. In November of 2001, Cori Brackett, co-owner of Sound and Fury Productions, unaware of any controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners and had been a heavy consumer of diet soda, began experiencing a tingling sensation in her hands and feet. She read an article about aspartame being connected to many health problems and quit using products like diet soda - which contain aspartame. However, the tingling stubbornly continued, eventually convincing her to seek medical advice. Her doctor ordered an MRI of her brain which resulted in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. After 7000 miles, and 25 hours of footage, Sweet Misery reveals one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence in the history of the industrial revolution. The toxic long-term effects of aspartame are often dismissed as a "hoax" by the sweetener industry and at least five other Internet websites. The real footwork, however, unravels something less comforting than a mere "Hoax. Sweet Misery is a documentary just released by Sound and Fury Productions. Aspartame is inherently, markedly and uniquely unstable in aqueous media" is a quote from the congressional record in 1985, yet it was approved for use in soft drinks and other beverages. So what happened? Is there credible evidence if you look beyond the smokescreen of corporate medicine? The primary research and interviews have been quite disturbing. DVD 90 minutes
• Why has new evidence about 9-11 been ignored by the mainstream press? • Why did the 9-11 Commission conceal eyewitness testimony? • Was there a bomb on the undercarriage of UA flight #175? • Was the Trade Center Towers brought down using controlled demolition? Producers Lewis and vonKleist take the audience on a behind-the-scenes tour of the largest attack in United States history while at the same time exposing the falshoods of the official account using live video feed and photographs shot on the morning of September 11, 2001. Pilots, military personnel, and 9-11 researchers share their professional analysis and assist in frame-by-frame digital examinations of some of the most talked about footage ever uncovered. DVD 85 minutes.
If you were to ask ten people on the street if mankind's activities was causing global warming, at least eight out of ten would say yes. After all, Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth provides incontrovertible evidence that this is the case. Yet, contrary to what is heard in the media, there is overwhelming evidence that the warming we are experiencing is natural, with maybe a small amount contributed by man's activities. Nor is there any scientific consensus. DVD 80 min.
This documentary focuses on the growing police state in America and shows how the Bill of Rights and the Constitution literally have been cancelled by recent legislation and executive orders. With the next crisis, the President will have the power to confiscate all property including homes, cars, and money; all commercial property; all means of transportation; and can round us up into work brigades. Anyone who criticizes can be imprisoned without legal defense. Presidents now have more dictatorial power than King George had when Americans fought the Revolutionary War to rid themselves of him. This program includes a plan for restoring the Constitution without armed revolution. DVD 75 min.
• Why Remove Genetically Engineered Foods From Schools. • The Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and their Cover-Up. • The Impact of Healthy Food on Learning and Behavior at a Wisconsin School. Shocking research results, inadequate regulations, and warning from eminent scientists, explain why genetically engineered foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids' meals. The dramatic story of how student behavior in a Wisconsin school was transformed with a healthy diet, provides added motivation to make a change. International bestselling Author Jeffrey M. Smith describes how the biotech companies rig research, cover up health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve foods that even FDA scientists said were unsafe. Parents, teachers, students and school officials describe dramatic improvements in student behavior following a change in school meal.Discover the evidence that confirms that these dangerous foods should never have been approved, and find out how to protect yourself, your family, and the next generation. DVD 100 min.
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America - a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today. "This stylish film is not just for food faddists and nutritionists. It is a look at something we might not want to see: Monsanto, Roundup and Roundup-resistant seeds, collectively wreaking havoc on American farmers and our agricultural neighbors around the world. In the end, this documentary is a eloquent call to action." --The Telluride Daily Planet "If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food..." -Newstarget.com "As we move on into this so-called biotech revolution and we start producing more and more transgenic manipulations, we'll start seeing pieces of DNA interacting with each other in ways that are totally unpredictable... I think this is probably the largest biological experiment humanity has ever entered into." --Ignacio Chapela "If this video doesn't scare you out of your comfort zone, nothing will" -- NewsWithViews.com. DVD 90 minutes.
Disc 1: The UN Agenda for America's Children The UN has declared 2005-2015, The Decade of Education For Sustainable Development (ESD). President Bush has brought America back as "full partners" with UNESCO- the lead agency in ESD! Is it a coincidence that No Child Left Behind must be implemented by 2015? Disc 1 explains the answer and reveals the globalist education curriculum agenda in America. Disc 2: Restructuring For a State-Planned Economy Find out how School-to-Work and State Economic Development Plan relate to the UN agenda to transform America away from it's founding principles and systematically prepare our children to accept their new roles as "human resources" under a government-planned and managed global economy. See For Yourself: • Original Source UN Publications and Evidence • Actual Curriculum Examples Exposing the Propaganda • Rare Video Clips--From the "horse's mouth" DVD 115 minutes
Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles interviews experts on both sides of a heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington Monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation only, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or does Washington, D.C. symbolize another Christ, the Masonic Christ? Find out, in this bold and sure-to-be controversial documentary. Part two explores the highly controversial subject of America's capitol. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of American freedom, or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? DVD 170 minutes
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. • Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? • Are the Revolutionary War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge? • If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols based on Pagan traditions? There is no doubt that much of America’s national heritage was Christian, but just as a coin has two sides, our national heritage has a second side – one based squarely on occult secret societies and their values. To find the answer to these questions, we follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their ancient hope: to rebuild the lost empire of Atlantis. In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England. When Bacon penned his classic work, "The New Atlantis" he believed that America and Atlantis were one and the same. He outlined his vision for the perfect society, and some suggest the program he set forth has been the driving force behind the course of modern history. While he did not originate the concept, it was Bacon who articulated an ancient plan to be carried out by all the secret orders. As Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, Bacon sent his followers to the new world. A 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads, "Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme". Because of his influence, Francis Bacon is considered by some to be "the real and true founder of America". For centuries, controversy has surrounded this figure who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I, and secret author of the Shakespeare plays; the man whom Thomas Jefferson considered one of the three most influential men in history. Is it possible that Bacon’s vision guides America today? Where The DaVinci Code meets National Treasure, learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation’s infrastructure. Find out why some believe that from ancient times America has been chosen to fulfill a secret destiny. Winner of "Best Documentary Feature Screen Craft Award" at the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival. DVD 120 minutes
During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization manipulated to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy. Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principal business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed. • The Monopoly men who run the Federal Reserve • The declining value of your money • Social Security • What assets to hold on in uncertain and perilous times DVD 50 minutes
This Telly Award-winning documentary features presidential candidate RON PAUL (R-Texas), NWVs and Dr. Edwin Vieira Ph.D., J.D. from Harvard Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it's simply "a bunch of organized crooks." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to $9 trillion than raise taxes. Find out how the corporate media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to disclose what's going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve Member Banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders. DVD - 2 Disc Set 165 minutes
Exposing The European Union Compelling Criticism of t he Proposed EU Constitution. Who Governs Britain offers a simple analysis of the proposed EU Constitution, and a powerful argument why Britain must not ratify it Written and directed by Ashley Mote, the program is based on a speech given at meetings across the UK during 2004. Includes 3 Political Exposes Reveals the real face of the EU and Who Governs Britain. DVD 35 min.
This internationally televised expose is the most powerful rockumentary ever produced, bar none! Fasten your seat belts as you go on an eye popping ride upon the roller coaster of Rock, and find out how Rock's most popular artists have "Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll". In this mind blowing expose Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God's plan for family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth. DVD 180 minutes
Comparing his unique rare-books collection with current textbooks. Michael proves how widespread the censorship of American heritage really is! See for yourself how anti-Christian world view bias and propaganda work with today's curriculum to undermine American principles and prepare children to accept citizenship in a p postmodern global state. America's Censored Heritage. • Rare Video clips & actual curriculum examples prove the agenda to prepare your children for Global Citizenship • Original sources show America's true Christian Heritage. • How postmodernism effects the purpose & content of education. DVD 100 minutes
A More Perfect Union - Education Version America Becomes a Nation is a two-hour motion picture dramatizing the events of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. America, 1786. Ten years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. England wages a new war off unfair trade and tariffs. Bickering and jealousy fracture the once united states. But a handful of brilliant men, James Madison, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin, led a political battle to create a new form of government. One that will establish the standard of self-government to the world. A More Perfect Unionis the first comprehensive recreation of those stirring, heated debates during the sweltering summer of 1787. Filmed on location at Independence Hall, Williamsburg, Virginia, and other historical sites, it dramatically chronicles how America became a nation and those underlying principles that guard our freedoms today. This is the most ambitious film ever made covering the happenings at the Constitutional Convention and is "...of exceptional merit". Filmed on location at Independence Hall, Williamsburg, Virginia, and other historical sites, it dramatically chronicles how America became a nation and those underlying principles that guard our freedoms today. DVD 110 minutes