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    by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D This book covers major topics of interest today. It begins with a section on “Barack Obama,” including the effects of “Obamacare.” Because a lot that is occurring in society at present has to do with values, the second section deals with “Morality,” including Biblical principles. Since the movement toward the New World Order is largely driven by “Economics,” that is the third section of the book and covers the coercive measures the Power Elite is using, as well as a look at the techno-feudal future. How well we can compete in the world today depends on our level of “Education,” which is explained in the fourth section of the book and includes an identification of our educational problems and solutions. The Power Elite’s plans include a one-world religion as well as a one-world government; therefore, section five is on “Religion and World Government.” Prominent among the Power Elite are the Rockefellers, so section six is entirely about “The Rockefeller Plan” in this regard. And the Rockefellers have been proponents of “Population Control,” which is section seven and includes the subjects of eugenics and euthanasia. A topic not really discussed in other books is how a “Secret Nazi Plan” has been part of the Power Elite’s strategy, and this is covered in part 8. A hot topic in the news today is what Iran will do, and section 9 looks at “What Is the Role of Iran” in the movement toward a New World Order. Finally, this book in section ten explains how “Big Brother” will emerge from the New World Order. And there is an extensive index in the book for those interested in conducting their own research on these subjects Pages: 270 Binding: Paperback
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    By Neil and Briar Whitehead OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED The authors explore the question of whether our sexual orientation is inherited or if it is a product of our upbringing and/or environment. Many people think gays are born that way, and few understand enough about genetics and human biology to mount a thorough defense of the facts. My Genes Made Me Do It explains the role of genetics and biology in human behavior with a particular, though not exclusive, emphasis on homosexuality. Conventional scientific method and research findings are brought together in a fresh, original way to argue that no human behaviors are biologically determined. This clearly written, simple-to-understand little paperback book should be stocked in all public libraries. Dr. Neil Whitehead, a research scientist and biochemist, with his wife Briar, a writer, methodically examine the evidence for the “born that way” theory and explain why none of the biologically based theories can be substantiated as causative, rather than simply predisposing. The authors address the following issues: Are Heterosexuals Born that Way? To What Extent Do Our Instincts Control Us? How Does Sexual Identity Develop? What is the Cross-Cultural Evidence? Does Prenatal Hormone Exposure Cause Homosexuality? How Does Sexual Identity Form in People with Genitalia of Both Sexes? Is Homosexuality Changeable?
  • by B K Eakman Microchipped is a collection of articles and speeches prepared by the author after publication of her best seller Educating for the New World Order. A large number of standardized tests, administered annually to millions of school children throughout the United States and Canada, have been found to contain a substantial number of “affective” questions which have nothing to do with evaluating those students' academic accomplishment or potential. When challenged, state education officials deny that affective questions appear on the tests, but when claims are proven, tests have been withdrawn. Similar tests reappear months or years later under a new name. The fundamental question surrounding the issue must be: In whose vision of the future is a new world order to be structured? In that of the government and the myriad special interests that wield influence there? We hope not. Paperback: 285 pages Publisher: Halcyon House Product Dimensions: 8.9"x6"
  • by Andrew P. Napolitano What new crisis will the federal government manufacture in order to acquire more power over individuals? What new lies will it tell? Throughout our history, the federal government has lied to send our children off to war, lied to take our money, lied to steal our property, lied to gain our trust, and lied to enhance its power over us. Not only does the government lie to us, we lie to ourselves. We won't admit that each time we let the government get away with misleading us, we are allowing it to increase in size and power and decrease our personal liberty. In acquiescing to the government's continuous fraudulent behavior, we bear partial responsibility for the erosion of our individual liberties and the ever-expanding federal regulation of private behavior. This book attacks the culture in government that facilitates lying, and it challenges readers to recognize that culture, to confront it, and to be rid of it. Binding: Hardcover Pages: 256 Publisher: Thomas Nelson Date: March 2, 2010 Size: 8.5"x5.5"
  • By R. C. Murray Some very powerful people believe that knowledge is America's most valuable resource. For this reason, they have worked diligently during the last 150 years to limit & thereby control knowledge, all knowledge, academic & biblical. This monopoly on knowledge has given these elitists a form of mind control over America's children. Murray explains the buzz words that the school teachers use and what they mean. Reader will discover that the school children are dumbed down deliberately, what the seven deadly sins of public education are and much, much more. R. C. Murray is a former public school teacher. 311 Pages. Paperback
  • By Judith A. Reisman Ph.D. Kinsey wrestled human sexuality from the constraints of love and marriage in order to advance the grand scheme to move America and the world toward the euqenic future envisioned by the elite scientists of the "new biology." To ensure that his "grand scheme" would be more than a mere trend, Kinsey worked closely with elite members in the legal and medical professions to change or eliminate most sex offenders laws. America's sexology profession and accredited sex education field are based entirely on Kinsey's research. The question remains how far did Kinsey, his colleagues and supporters go to remake America and its way of life? The Indiana University Kinsey team closely collaborated in human sexual experiments on children without informed consent. The author asks, how could these human sexual experiments on thousands of little children have happened in America during the 1930s and 1940s? Or were these experiments even conducted in America? Shocking new discoveries reveal Kinsey's collaboration with a Nazi pedophile. In 1948, the Institute for Sex at Indiana U. was led by eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey whose sex research shocked America's moral foundations and launched the 1960s Sexual Revolution. Fifty years later new revelations confirm Dr. Judith Reisman's 1981 expose of scientific fraud and criminally derived data contained in the publicly funded Kinsey Reports. Dr. Reisman revealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof labratory built to his specifications at Indiana U, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was a scientific protocol for Kinsey's 1948 report. "Dr. Reisman has produced a scholarly and devastating study revealing the ugly and frighteningly dangerous pseudo-scientific assault on our children's innocence." -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger Published by The Institute for Media Education, Inc. 342 Pages. Paperback
  • by Rabbi Nachum Shifren Public Enemy #1 Our Schools ! Abusive racial epithets, physical assaults, death threats, his classroom burned to the ground. Rabbi Nachum Shifren, former LA City school teacher tells a brutally honest tale of racism and corruption in our public schools. Rabbi Shifren is a 2010 candidate for the California State Senate. Review "We now live in a world of Columbine-style school violence, on-campus gang violence, racial, and sexual violence, and student-on-teacher violence that has made our schools (especially inner city schools) more like correctional institutions focused on physical misbehavior control than institutions dedicated to learning. 'Kill Your Teacher' is not a how-to manual for abusing classroom instructors. It is a warning to us all that inept and corrupt school administration policies are exacerbating the risks to the safety and learning environment of teachers and their students. Rabbi Shifren writes with the special expertise and first-hand knowledge gained from having been a Los Angeles public school teacher teaching Spanish since 1991. Exposing what he was witnessed with over virulent Black/Hispanic and Black/Anglo racism in the student bodies of these schools, 'Kill Your Teacher' is sobering reading and will prove a substantial contribution to the national dialogue currently underway concerning issues of safety, race relations, and moral clarity withing the context of our public school systems and administrative policies." ~Mr. James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review Review "Rabbi Nachum Shifren exposes the bureaucratic stagnation that plagues the Los Angeles Unified School District. He documents instances of racism towards him, threats of violence, and the extreme application of PC politics. What is sad is that we have lost a talented teacher that truly cares about his students and actually brought standards and discipline to inner city schools". ~Miztvah Rabbi Shifren articles can be read here Paperback: 90 pages Publisher: Heaven Ink Pub Size: 8.3x5.3
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    Out of Print - Supply is Limited by Randall N. Bear For the first ever, a world-renowned, New Age leader tells the inside story of the fast-growing New Age movement. The week this book was published author Randall Bear meet a puzzling and untimely death. Upon completing a lecture tour in New Mexico on the topic of the New Age Movement, his car ran off a mountain pass. Inside The New Age Nightmare reveals Bear’s tale of seduction, from teen-age dabbling in Eastern religion to a meteoric rise in New Age leadership. He details the sequences of uncanny events and bizarre experiences that led him to become an internationally recognized expert in "crystal power" and New Age philosophy. In the midst of a storybook career, Bear had a dramatic and horrifying encounter with the evil forces behind the New Age movement. About the author: Randall bear, a former naturopathic doctor, was an internationally known authority in the area of crystals, sacred sciences and spiritual teachings. Formally a co-director of the Starcrest Academy of International Law and Science in northern New Mexico, he co-authored the best-selling New Age books Windows of Light: Quartz Crystals ans Self-Transformation and The Crystal Connection: A Guidebook for Personal and Planetary Ascension.
  • By Frosty Wooldridge "Few challenges throughout history will affect the course of human events like the topic of this book. Immigration, both legal and illegal, will determine if America is to survive as a viable, prosperous nation into the 21st Century or sink into the depths of poverty. Wooldridge offers a thorough examination of this topic with exhaustive research and critical thinking." -- Kenneth R. Hampshire, President, Advanced Health Group. "This book is the first of its kind. The impact is powerful and undeniable in reporting damages caused by the immigration invasion. The human flood pouring over our borders carries disease, crime, violence, lawlessness and chaos. National security is endangered by the "Trojan horse" of immigration from which terrorists can strike from the inside. Immigration's Unarmed Invasion is our call to action" -- Michael E. Crowe, Virginia Coalition Against Terrorism "Wooldridge opens the door for a debate of national importance, which few Americans realize at this time. His stark honesty, however grim in its reality, is the result of painstaking research. Every American needs to read this informative but shocking book." -- Joseph Kubiak, Manhattan Beach, California "Every American must read this compelling book. Wooldridge makes a clear and readable approach to the severe problems facing this nation as a result of illegal immigration and its impact. Readers will be overwhelmed by Wooldridge's clear, intelligent and factual information on this critical issue. After reading it, follow his list on 'How To Save America.' You'll be doing it for your kids."-- Jan Herron, Evergreen, Colorado 322 Pages. Paperback
  • By Dr. Edwin Vieira The most important constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of the rule of law and the ability of the people to enforce true law by restraining runaway activist judges. For decades, such judges have been simply making up law. What is worse, liberal and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behavior by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate. Today, one in every three Americans have been killed by abortion simply because a handful of unelected officials said it was acceptable for these Americans to be killed. But issues like abortion and homosexual marriages can be resolved immediately, without special constitutional amendments, if we will simply\ avail ourselves of the measures given to us by our Founding Fathers to hold renegade and lawless judges accountable for their behavior. In this brilliant, accessible, and documented work, Dr. Edwin Vieira offers us the best researched and clearest overview to date of the power of the people to control a runaway judiciary. "It is time to put the Judiciary back in its proper place. Dr. Edwin Vieira, a Trustee of The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF) and a brilliant legal scholar, has comprehensively addressed these and other issues in this study commissioned by the TCCF (Constitutional and Statutory Remedies for Judicial Usurpation and Tyranny). As I am sure you will agree after reading this important work, Dr. Vieira has made an historically significant contribution to the public policy debates of the twenty-first century." -- Howard Phillips, President, TCCF 328 Pages. Paperback
  • by Jonathan W. Emord In this book veteran constitutional lawyer Jonathan W. Emord explains the intellectual origins of freedom of speech from the Age of Enlightenment to the founding of the American republic. Today government censorship of health information worldwide relies on the same mechanisms of prior restraint that were used in Europe from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Emord shows this censorship to be a byproduct of government efforts to protect state-sponsored drug monopolies from competition. The protectionism locks out of the market information indispensable to human health to fill the coffers of drug companies and to establish drugs to be the only lawful means to prevent and treat disease when an enormous body of science reveals dietary ingredients to have disease prevention and treatment effects. Convinced that speech freedom and health are lost due to government censorship, Emord explains how litigation and legislation can be used to bring down the barriers and give the public access to information that can save lives. Jonathan W. Emord is an attorney who practices constitutional and administrative law before the federal courts and agencies. He served as an attorney at the Federal Communications Commission during the Reagan Administration and is a strong and consistent advocate of individual rights and limited government. He has defeated the Food and Drug Administration in federal court a remarkable seven times, six on First Amendment grounds, including in the landmark Pearson v. Shalala decision. Congressman Ron Paul describes Jonathan as "a hero of the health freedom revolution." A must read ~ Editor, NewsWithViews.com Binding: Hardcover Pages: 190 Publisher: Sentinel Press (2010)
  • Edited by Jennifer Brozek, Amanda Pillar The apocalypse has arrived. Humanity was decimated by bio-terrorism; three engineered plagues were let loose on the world. Barely anyone has survived. Just a year before the collapse, Grants Pass, Oregon, USA, was publicly labeled as a place of sanctuary in a whimsical online, “what if” post. Now, it has become one of the last known refuges, and the hope, of mankind. Would you go to Grants Pass based on the words of someone you’ve never met? Important Information: Grants Pass is really the place to be to ride out the coming storm. The book Grants Pass is published in Sweden by Morrigan Books. It prophesies that Grants Pass and the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon is going to be one of the safest places to live in the coming global upheaval. NewsWithViews staff knew about this 20 years ago and is the reason why we are headquartered here. NewsWithViews highly recommends those who can afford it, and who live in highly populated areas, especially the east coast, to move to Grants Pass, Oregon. We honestly believe the Rogue Valley to be one of the safest places to live in the coming apocalypse. Word of Caution: Jobs are scarce and hard to come by. You either must have a business to bring with you or be financially secure. The Rogue Valley is incredibly beautiful, with mountains, forests & rivers with long sunny summers and mild winters. A word to the wise, don't procrastinate! The bible says the prudent see danger coming and prepare, the fool doesn't and he suffers for it. For more information on relocating to Grants Pass, here are some handy links: http://www.visitgrantspass.org/index.aspx?page=8 http://www.grantspass.com/ http://www.thedailycourier.com/ http://www.grantspasschamber.org/ Binding: Paperback Pages: 243 Fiction
  • By Cliff Kincaid The United Nations is now openly laying plans for a World Government to go along with its already functioning World Army. These plans include global taxation and an International Criminal Court that could prosecute American citizens. Kincaid also exposes U.N.’s support for forced abortion and forced sterilization, efforts to destroy the traditional family, transformation of U.S. soldiers into the U.N., etc. Kincaid Exposes: • U.N. support for forced abortion and forced sterilization. • U.N. involvement in efforts to destroy the traditional family. • U.S. - Russian "peacekeeping" operations and the possibility of Russian military commanding U.S. troops. • The transformation of American soldiers into "U.N. Fighting Persons" • Will America sign away its sovereignty? In Global Bondage, journalist Cliff Kincaid blows the lid off the United Nations, documenting its strategy for gaining complete control of the world. The author warns that the move toward global government is gaining ground and that it will succeed if steps are not taken to stop it. Published by, Huntington House Publishers OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 208 Pages. Paperback
  • By Jeffrey M. Smith Eating genetically modified food is gambling with every bite. The biotech industry's claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe is shattered in this groundbreaking book. Sixty-five health risks of the foods that Americans eat every day are presented in easy-to-read two-page spreads. The left page is designed for the quick scanning reader; it includes bullets, illustrations, and quotes. The right side offers fully referenced text, describing both research studies and theoretical risks. The second half of Genetic Roulette shows how safety assessments on GM crops are not competent to identify the health problems presented in the first half. 317 Pages. Hard Cover
  • By Richard Mack In this book Sheriff Mack clearly outlines why the unrestricted right of the people as individuals "to keep and bear arms" is essential to the preservation of both individual liberty and domestic tranquility. Mack reminds us of facts that were self-evident to earlier generations of Americans, but which are all but forgotten in today's climate of incessant cries for more gun control. 223 Pages. Paper Back
  • By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny FOWL! examines the specter of mandatory vaccination and exposes how pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies, and agribusinesses are not separate industries but function more as "sister enterprises," working together for mutual benefit, profit, and power. Dioxins and other environmental chemicals are contributing to the toxic load in chickens, migratory birds,and humans, leading to massive death when combined with "bird flu" and other influenza viruses. However, this is far more than a book about the environment. Dr.Tenpenny is a regular guest on national radio and TV, and at medical conventions. She has published numerous articles for national magazines and medical internet sites, and is the author of books, DVDs and educational products, as well. Unflinching, thoroughly researched, and bound to be controversial, FOWL! will change forever perceptions of environmental policy, the pharmaceutical industry and the government's role in the dissemination of public health information. Through Scientific documentation, FOWL! exposes how Health officials are deliberately inflating bird flu morbidity statistics to frighten the public. The pharmaceutical industry is using the bird flu to revive the vaccine business, and why the vaccine currently under development will not only be extremely toxic, but will almost certainly be the wrong one. Agribusiness has plans for the global elimination of independent farmers, forcing them into economic servitude and replacing their stock with genetically modified chickens. Government agencies are embracing elaborate "risk communication" plans to ensure the cooperation of citizens potentially faced with quarantines and mandatory vaccinations. Vietnam era "Agent Orange" coupled with irresponsible environmental policies has compromised the eco-system in Southeast Asia, China and the rest of the world is linked to the global avian flu outbreaks 300 Pages. Soft Cover
  • By Byron J. Richards An expose into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies. Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs are pushed on Americans simply for profit. The FDA is actively attacking health freedom and seeking to eliminate natural health options. This book contains powerful information you want to know! 273 Pages. Paperback
  • By Ray Yungen Today there is a Society-changing movement. Every person needs to know what is taking place in their town, in their school, in their church, and in their family. Learn how the “entering prayer is re-shaping mainline denominations. Find out how some of the fastest growing techniques sweeping the medical field are based on occultism. This Book exposes one world religion. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 190 Pages. Paperback
  • by William Hunt This non-fiction book explores the science of climate and the science of weather. It will show that these and other legitimate sciences have been ignored while Global Warming/Climate Change proponents have 'pushed an alarming environmental agenda' that is soon to affect each of us worldwide. * The big difference between true conservation and a more radical environmentalism with their very different goals, methods and philosophies. * Creating practical alternatives to current electrical generation and alternative fuels. * Finding "common sense conservation" tips for the home that saves homeowners and businesses energy and therefore money. Finally, Mr. Hunt will allow for you, the reader, to 'weigh the evidence' and come to your own fact-based conclusion as to whether Global Warming/Climate Change is based on myth or fact. William Hunt is a naturalist and scientist with four degrees in the biological, geological and engineering sciences. Paperback 130 pages.
  • By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz The most massive, well-documented body of evidence in support of the idea that the AIDS virus could have been manufactured as a biological weapon, and then released into the world. Brilliantly written and documented. Highly recommended reading for those who are searching for answers. 594 Pages. Hard Cover
  • This book is the third in a series, each covering three subjects: mental health, education, and social control. The impetus for this series has been the recommendation of President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. The problem with this legislation is its sweeping nature. Among its Purposes is to increase fund for, and expand the scope of, the Safe Schools-Healthy Students program in order to provide access to more comprehensive school-based mental health services. The danger with measures such as these involves how mental health joined with education can be used as a means of social control. This book, like the previous two, looks at issues like these and others concerning mental health, education, and the power elite's increasing social control over our lives. 128 Pages Out of Print, Supply is Limited
  • By Dr. Leonard Horowitz Based on the latest science, this monumental book considers both uses and abuses of DNA – The Sacred Spiral. Stunning evidence compiled herein proves DNA is nature's bio-accoustic and electromagnetic (that is, spiritual) energy receiver, signal transformer, and quantum sound and light transmitter. In other words, the bioenergetics of genetics precipitates life. These scientific revelations bring expanded spiritual meaning to life, physical embodiment, and even evolution. 538 Pages. Hard Cover
  • By Dr. Carolyn Dean MD. ND Death by Modern Medicine identifies the tragic aspects of a medical system that in its short history of about eighty years, has managed to kill tens of millions of victims. It goes beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the medical monopoly that created the system in the first place, is allowed to control health care, propaganda, bureaucracy, the business of cancer, our own personal addictions to sugar and drugs, and the denial we all harbor. Death by Modern Medicine is a blockbuster book that will bust the blockbuster drugs that have become the hallmark of modern medicine. It contains an unprecedented three forewords by Dr. Abram Hoffer, the father of orthomolecular medicine, Dr. Joseph Mercola, well known for his top-rated website mercola.com, and Dr. Julian Whitaker author of the famous health newsletter Health and Healing. This book identifies the tragic aspects of a medical system that in its short history of about eighty years, has managed to kill tens of millions of victims. Death by Modern Medicine, A tale of propaganda, health care bureaucracy, the business of cancer, our own personal addictions to sugar and drugs, and the denial we all harbor to help us cope with the overwhelming burden are woven into this 360-page book. Since then people's eyes have been opened to the full horror of modern medicine. There have been 140,000 fatal or near fatal reactions to Vioxx; one third of the millions of women who took fen-phen, the weight loss drug, suffered heart and lung damage; heart disease is caused by Celebrex and all the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Prozac is causing suicides and homicides as well as heart disease; and the list goes on. 360 Pages. Paperback
  • By Paul deParrie By Paul deParrie When traditional ethics were the standards in the field of medicine, one could take comfort in the knowledge that doctors and medical institutions put the well-being of the patient above all else. Today, however, pagan ethics have pervaded the professions once properly called "the healing arts" turning doctors into social engineers and petty gods, and patients into unwitting guinea pigs. The results of this unwise change in direction are horrific and often hard to belirve but, also, all to real. * The "worth" of patients is evaluated before treatment * Body parts of "less valuable" people are harvested and used to keep those deemed more valuable alive. * The bodies of aborted babies are used in the production of everything from earrings to cosmetics. The author exposes the vile underbelly of modern medical ethics. This world of morbid pragmatism and blatant disregard for human life is one that none of us can no longer ignore. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 213 Pages. Paperback
  • By Judge Andrew P. Napolotino In this alarming book, Judge Napolitano makes the solid case that there is a pernicious and ever-expanding pattern of government abuse in America's criminal justice system, leading him to establish his general creed: "The government is not your friend." As an attorney, a law professor, a commentator, a judge, and now a successful television personality, Judge Napolitano has studied the system inside and out, and his unique voice has resonance and relevance. Whether in the big, headliner criminal cases or in the thousands of small-town trials no one ever hears about (but should), the police, the prosecutors, the politicians, the judges, and the machinery of government are inexorably grinding away at the individual liberties guaranteed to all Americans by the Constitution. But in this sensational new book, Napolitano sets the record straight, speaking frankly from his own experiences and careful, thorough investigation and revealing how government agencies will often arrest without warrant, spy without legal authority, imprison without charge, and kill without cause. Napolotino reveals: • Breaking the law to enforce it • Attacking the innocent • Creating crime • Grabbing guns, endangering citizens • Filching property • Gagging free speech • Bribing witnesses, buying convictions • Assaulting the people • Justice Department's terror tactics Thomas Nelson Publishers. 233 Pages. Softcover
  • By Phil Hart Phil Hart is currently serving in the Idaho State Legislature. Read this book to discover how our civil leaders have defrauded you and the rest of the hard working people of this great nation of their hard-earned wages. They have squandered the money on social programs that have fostered laziness and bred criminals - all for the sake of political power. You need to read the rest of the story in my book. "History, Mr. W. said, informed them of the annihilation of nations by means of direct taxation. He referred gentlemen to the situation of the Roman Empire in its innocence, and asked them whether they had any direct taxes? No. Indirect taxes and taxes upon the luxuries and spices from the Indies were their sources of revenue but, as soon as they changed their system to direct taxation, it operated to their ruin; their children were sold as slaves, and the Roman Empire fell from its splendor. Shall we then follow this system? He trusted not." The issue of direct v. indirect taxes has been debated in Congress beginning not long after the constitutional ink had dried. From page 1898 of The Annals of Congress (the 4th Congress, 1797) Representative Williams from New York was recorded as reminding Congress of the Roman example of direct v. indirect taxation. Taxes on labor, as currently collected by the IRS as an "income" tax, cannot be described as anything other than a direct tax. Senator Norris Brown from Nebraska, the man who wrote the 16th Amendment, defined clearly what income was and what the income tax was intended to accomplish. Not once did Sen. Brown mention that Congress intended to pass an amendment that would grant the federal government a new power to directly tax the wages or salaries of working people. Morris Publishing. 438 Pages. Paperback
  • By Scott Tips • Why does an obscure rule-making process called Codex Alimentarius hold the keys to your health • Why have health-freedom fighters been challenging this process? • Who stands to gain the most once Codex Rules are implemented? • How does the Codex process fit into the web of international treaties being woven around us? • How is Codex helping to promote the globalization agenda? • Why is the mainstream media strangely silent about Codex? • What do you need to know now to protect yourself and your health? Through the insightful articles written by a handful of health-freedom fighters who have actually researched, studied, and spoken out at Codex meetings, this first-of-its-kind collection of articles on Codex will help answer these questions and more. 290 Pages. Paperback
  • By Dean Tong, MSc With the rise in divorce and child custody battles, child abuse charges (oftentimes false) have become the weapon of choice. These false accusations rip families apart and leave a long line of destruction in their path. Elusive Innocence gives those falsely accused a vehicle for countering and defeating abuse allegations. 277 Pages. Paperback
  • By B. K. Eakman CLONING OF THE AMERICAN MIND focuses on America's "illiteracy cartel" which, the author maintains, is built around an out-of-control psychographic consulting industry. The book details how student and family records have assumed a "commodity" status under new education mandates coupled to rapid advances in "predictive" computer technology. As unethical behavioral scientists team up with school testing companies, computer specialists, and information brokers to produce polls and predict workforce needs, a political weapon is being created that holds a youngster's future employment prospects hostage to a set of quasi-political, psychological criteria . . . while the nation's cognitive and cultural knowledge base is systematically eradicated. Eakman argues that psychology has assumed a messianic political mission. An unwary public and its distracted elected representatives have bought in to the education reform movement's bogus agenda, which is being sold under the dual umbrellas of "mental health" and "testing standards." The book traces the contributions of two distinct factions within the behavioral science community -- one that emerged from the old Hitlerian Right and one on the Marxist Left -- and shows how their two disparate agendas eventually merged for the purpose of introducing psychological screening instruments and experimental therapies into the schools. The author demonstrates how this screening process takes on new meaning as students and their families are unknowingly assessed for supposed "markers" of psychological disorders, the most recent example being to label Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) as a "marker" for schizophrenia. The results of the various tests, analyses, and therapies designed to locate ADD students are placed into sophisticated, cross-referenceable electronic transfer systems, such as the SPEEDE/ExPRESS. The book describes how information thus collected can be overlaid with other public and private records, and downloaded at any time by "research groups" and underground information brokers for a small fee. A mathematical, computer model enables experts to predict probable future behavior and reactions. Psychological assessments masquerading as academic tests and curriculum, maintains the author, have frightening implications for both individual privacy and learning. Part IV provides a step-by-step guide on countering psychological manipulation by professional agitators-turned-facilitators in small-and large-group settings, and Part V recommends corrective measures that the author believes citizens and government should undertake. An indispensable book for parents, policymakers, and educators. This is a solution-oriented book that is jam-packed with information. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 606 Pages. Paperback
  • by Stephen E. Strang From the best-selling author of God and Donald Trump, which was brandished by the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos What’s at stake in this election? EVERYTHING. In 2016 God raised up Donald Trump to lead America at a pivotal time. Evangelicals who recognized this backed him more than any other presidential candidate in history. Heading into 2020, the stakes in his reelection are even higher. This election, nine months after this book releases, is a new fight for the soul of America. Stephen E. Strang makes the case that God wants America to be great because God has raised up America—beginning with our Founding Fathers—to be a beacon of light and hope for the world. We’ve been the nation with religious liberty that has supported those who have spread the gospel around the world. In this book Strang looks at the election, Trump, and America from a spiritual perspective and helps Christians (and others) see God’s hand at work. This book is as much about God and His purposes as about Donald Trump. But it is also an articulate, impassioned apologetic about why all Christians must support this imperfect president, because he has God’s blessing and because the destiny of America is riding on his reelection. This book also explores why he might lose, if his base is overconfident and doesn’t vote or if his opponents are dishonest enough to steal the election. God, Trump, and the 2020 Election is an inside look at how the political climate is affected by spiritual warfare—an important subject for Bible-believing Christians. The satanic schemes are so brazen on key issues that the book was written to explain what’s at stake. Strang believes that the intersection of faith and politics needs to be part of the national discussion about the division in our country. hardcover 255 pages
  • By Berit Kjos Parents have every reason to ask serious questions about the state of their children's education. Instead of academics, schools today are aiming squarely at another goal - preparing your children to become part of a global community...and a global spirituality. With concrete examples from public school material, Berit Kjos demonstrates how myths, feelings, and imagination have replaced facts, logic, and history in our classrooms. Brave New Schools will equip you to: • Recognize dangerous teaching methods and content. • Understanding the national computer monitoring system. • Help your child resist the seductive myths and misinformation. • Communicate your valid concerns to teachers and administrators. • Discover the inner workings of the new educational system. Published by, Harvest House Books Inc. 308 Pages. Paperback
  • By Dr. Stanley Monteith The story in this book is incredible but true. It is about secret societies, how they have directed the course of civilization, and how they influence your life today. Most people don't realize they exist because their minds have been conditioned to reject any thought of such organizations. Dr. Monteith reveals the amazing facts he discovered in his 40 years of research. A Must Read! 144 Pages. Paperback
  • By David Thibodaux The politically correct movement has moved beyond college and university campuses. It has succeeded in turning the educational system into a system of indoctrination. Its effect was predictable: Declining scores in public schools and students who know more about condoms and abortion than math and science. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 224 Pages. Paperback
  • By Thomas R. Horn & Terry L. Cook When a former police detective (Terry L. Cook) joined a best-selling prophecy writer and investigator (T homas R. Horn), you can't even guess what top secret plan they uncovered involving widespread adoption of human biometric tracking beginning in the year 2017. The research findings look into all emerging fields of related technology including smart tattoos, biochips with smart genetic components, etc. But what is disturbing is how a plan to use some form of this technology has been on the drawing board for some time with the target year 2017, as illustrated in this video. And now that the government shutdown is over, president Obama says he will begin pushing hard for immigration reform, which is a Trojan Horse for a national identification system without which nobody will be allowed to work (buy or sell).
  • Sale!
    By Patrick Heron 'It is the darkest night, you are traveling along in a fast train full of people. Everyone is laughing and drinking and having a good time. A stranger stands up and calls for attention. When the crowd is silent, he tells them that he has evidence there is danger ahead. Not too far down the line the train will go across a wide ravine. Hundreds of feet below, the river rages in full torrent. Some of the track is missing and the train is doomed to plunge into the flood below with fatal consequences. Before the train reaches the river, it will make one final stop at a station where those who want to can get off -- then it will speed on to its final doom...' This book contains the evidence. The choice is yours. In Apocalypse Soon: The Beginning of the End, the author examines the prophecies of Jesus Christ concerning the last years of planet earth as we know it. You can know history before it happens in this easy to read account of God's warning to mankind. If you want to know what the future holds -- read this book. 172 Pages. Paperback Out of print - Only 10 copies left
  • by Tom Horn Best selling author Thomas Horn had been wrestling with certain images and enigmatic information for years having to do with the beliefs of an Occult Elite pertaining to the return of a pagan deity, which they believe will rule a final earthly empire. The Bible identifies this personality as the Antichrist. But now things were making sense to Thomas – world affairs, changes to U.S. domestic and foreign policy, a renewed focus on the Middle East, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Babylon – and he found it astonishing. The words, deeds, gestures and coded language of the world’s most powerful men were clearly pointing to an ancient, prophetic, cryptic and even terrifying reality. What even the best researchers of the Illuminati and veiled fraternities such as the Freemasons were never able to fully decipher is spelled out herein for the first time. The power at work behind global affairs and why current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos is exposed. Perhaps most incredibly, one learns how ancient prophets actually foresaw and forewarned of this time. Thomas believes this New World Order is very near. "Apollyon Rising 2012" Reveals for the First Time... • Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all time, sitting right in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram-the Lost Symbol-which waits it's final use by the hidden, occult hand guiding the Secret Destiny of America toward the year 2012. • Catholic priests who tried to warn about what was coming died under mysterious circumstances. • In more than one place in the New Testament, scripture reveals by the same name that the deity encoded in the Masonic prophecy on the Great Seal and elsewhere throughout Washington DC will be the dreaded Antichrist • Jesus himself, in Matthew 24, may have set the date for the apocalypse around the year 2012. Review Apollyon Rising 2012... could be one of the most dramatic times to live that we have ever witnessed.... Incredible! --George Noory, Coast to Coast AM. Binding: Paperback: Pages: 320
  • By Debra Rae In todayÕs spiritual arena, defined by what Christian author Dave Hunt calls a religiously pluralistic international community, believers face a deadly beast. That beast is a meticulously molded, highly seductive, and broadly held world view that effectively undermines Bible truth and, if possible, derails even the most devout among unsuspecting believers. As the story goes, a young Robert Lewis Stevenson pressed his face against the front window of his family's home. When darkness set in, the lad remained riveted to the sight of an old lamplighter systematically illuminating the old-fashioned gas lamps flanking the street. The boy cried out to his nanny, Nana, Nana, come quickly! There’s a man out the punching holes in the darkness! In ABCs of Cultural-Isms, Debra Rae does just that. With thoughtful precision, she skillfully punches holes in contemporary darkness. A well-researched, alphabetical, single-volume primer, ABCs of Cultural-Isms is a sequel to ABCs of Globalism (Huntington House Publishers, 1999). Information packed contents feature little known facts in up-to-date overviews interwoven with sound Biblical perspective. Each peerless volume belongs in libraries of all concerned Christians who revere Bible truth and who seek to engage the culture for godly purposes. A master educator, Debra skillfully scrutinizes contemporary cultural "isms" from progressivism to postmodernism, syncretism to New Age mysticism, pseudo-egalitarianism to globalism. In so doing, she defines critical, but often confusing terms to expose pervasive cultural influences that miss the mark of sound theology and thereby give way to confusion, complacency, and even cunning. 308 pages. Paperback
  • by Paul McGuire Reveals the events soon coming and already taking place in America. Crisis of unprecedented proportions will happen suddenly and without apparent warning. It will strike fear into the hearts of Americans. Sadly, many Americans are ignoring the warning signs of economic collapse, terrorism, cities being targeted with "science fiction" weaponry, natural disasters, food and water shortages, concentration camps, cyber attacks, and unexplained signs and wonders. Will America as we know it cease to exist in the very near future? Will it cease to exist as a sovereign nation? A major identity shift is already under way…and we're just one major "crisis" away from a new world order being imposed on America. LEARN THE DETAILS ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: The secret occult plan for America to be the center of the New World Order and the "New Atlantis" Currency wars and the merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a a One World Government and Economic System Syria, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, America, World War III and Armageddon The Great Falling Away, the planned Illuminati and the Luciferian revolution The Satanic eite bloodlines, DNA, the antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and the Nephilim Global persecusion of Christians in the emerging New World Religion Hyperborea, Israel, Aleister Crowley and Nazi scientists Transhumanism, androids, the singularity and technologies that improve human performance Is it possible to change the future...? Binding: Soft Cover Pages: 410
  • By Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Napolitano frankly discusses how the federal government has circumvented the Constitution and is systematically dismantling the rights and freedoms that are the foundation of American democracy. He challenges Americans to recognize that they are being led down a very dangerous path and that the cost of following without challenge is the loss of the basic freedoms that facilitate our pursuit of happiness and that define us as a nation. Judge Napolitano reminds readers what America is all about, that the purpose of government is to protect freedom, and freedom is the ability to follow your own free will and not the will of government bureaucrats. He asks the simple question, which are YOU, a sheep or a wolf? Do you blindly follow behind where you are led, or do you challenge the government at every pass, forcing it to make decisions that will protect our freedoms? Judge Napolitano asks the questions that no one else will, challenging readers to rethink why they are blindly following a government that has only its own interests in mind. He asks: • Why is the government using the war on terror as an excuse to sidestep the Constitution? • Why are Americans not challenging and questioning the government as it continues to limit more and more of our freedoms? • What part of "Congress shall make no law..." does the government not understand when it criminalizes speech? • Whatever happened to our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that are proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, guaranteed by the Constitution, yet ignored by the governments elected to protect them? • Why does every public office holder swear allegiance to the Constitution, yet very few follow it? • Don't we have rights that are guaranteed and cannot be taken from us? Published by Thomas Nelson Publishing. 256 Pages. Hard Cover
  • Trumped: The New American Revolution TRUMPED is about a national movement to "make America great again," a second American Revolution to restore the Constitutional republic via a rebirth of the Republican Party, represented by the political establishment outsider Donald Trump. That movement can be best described as an organic uprising by the conservative base of the Republican Party, fed up with the anti-American counter-revolution against America that consumes Washington D.C. politics. TRUMPED is a story not about the man at the front of the Revolution. Rather, it is about "the people" responsible for the Revolution. "The People" are turning out in record numbers to take back control of their party and their country from so-called "anti-imperialist" global elites. TRUMPED is about a counter-revolution to destroy America and the New American Revolution to save the republic. The following questions are answered in TRUMPED: * Who is the real enemy within? * Why are DNC voters flying the Soviet flag? * What is their real agenda? * What are their tactics? * What motivates the enemy? * Why Trump? * Why now? * Your role? * The true State of our Union? * Why no American flag at the opening of the DNC convention? * The complete truth about the 2016 revolt? 165 pages, Paperback
  • Why In the World Are They Spraying Since the release of the groundbreaking documentary “What in the World are They Spraying?”, millions have woken up to the damaging effects from chemtrail/geoengineering programs. As a result, movements around the world are being formed to address these crimes. While many who were previously unaware of these programs are now taking action, the question now that is often asked is “Why” is this happening. Michael J. Murphy, Originator and Co-Producer of “What in the World are They Spraying?” in association with Barry Kolsky have produced “Why in the World are They Spraying?” which will answer that question. “Why in the World are They Spraying?” is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, “weather control”. We are encouraging everyone who purchases a DVD to make copies and hand out for free in support of our vision of making this issue known to all. Order yours now! DVD $29.95 60 min.
  • Matrix Entertainment in association with OATH KEEPERS present a James Jaeger film. SYNOPSIS: Globalists in the Power Elite -- working through the United Nations -- are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as "Agenda 21." Considered a "conspiracy theory" by the Mainstream Media and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term for Agenda 21 -- "sustainable development" -- crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory"? The UN says "sustainable development" is simply the "Environmental Movement" reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it's the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government. What's the reality? FEATURING: TOM DEWEESE MICHAEL SHAW ROSA KOIRE JOHN McMANUS DEBBIE BACIGALUPI LORD CHRISTOPHER MONCKTON EDWIN VIEIRA, JD G. EDWARD GRIFFIN PASTOR CHUCK BALDWIN STEWART RHODES, JD WILLIE SOON, PHD KRISANNE HALL, JD DAVID KOPACZ HAL SHURTLEFF KEN GULLEKSON NIKOLA LONCHAR MARK PASSIO REV. STEVEN LOUIS CRAFT Special Appearance: PAT BUCHANAN
  • 3 hr. running time The Untold History of the Bible: Based on the award winning documentary, A Lamp in the Dark, this newly edited version is about half the length of the three hour original. It has been designed as a concise witnessing tool, while preserving the vital insights and dramatic integrity of the original. Enter into the world of saints and martyrs wrestling against the powers and principalities of the Dark Age, when the Bible was outlawed by the Roman Church and those who dared to handle it faced imprisonment, torture and death. Learn the stories of the valiant men of faith who laid down their lives so that future generations could hear and believe the Word of God. The story of the Bible is also the story of the Church and the unfolding of the light of the Gospel in a dark and dying world. We truly believe it is sad that many of our brethren today do not realize the great sacrifice paid by the saints who have come before us for our sake. It is our prayer and sincere hope that this work will continue to equip and strengthen the faith of others. This new DVD is broken into the following chapters: 1. The Gospel: beginning in the first century, the gospel account is given, along with the warnings from Jesus and the Apostles concerning grievous wolves that should come to devour the flock of Christ. 2. Inquisition: while most modern believers are unaware of it, the Great Inquisition began not over Muslims, Jews or witches but rather, because of Bible believing Christians. Learn the details of how the Inquisition was launched to stamp out the preaching of the true Gospel and the knowledge of the Word of God. 3. Wycliffe: the man known as the Morning Star of the Reformation, John Wycliffe is one of the most important figures in Church history. Learn how he developed the first English Bible and was hated and accursed by Rome for it. 4. Reformation: from the influence of John Wycliffe and his Lollard preachers, to the Ninety-five Thesis of Martin Luther, along with the prophecy teachings of the Reformers themselves concerning Antichrist and Mystery Babylon the Great, this film documents the true (and often unknown) causes of the Protestant Reformation. 5. Tyndale: perhaps the single most important man in the history of English bibles, William Tyndale was known as the apostle of England, and was persecuted for years before being martyred for the Word of God. From his memorial on the River Thames to the Tyndale Museum near Brussels, travel with the production to see where this man of God was burnt at the stake for his faith. 6. English Bibles: the history of how our English bibles were developed, beginning with the Wycliffe Bible, to the collation of Greek texts by Erasmus, through the translation work of William Tyndale to the King James Version of 1611. 7. The Jesuits: in 1540 the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of overthrowing the Protestant Reformation, and to ultimately subvert the Bibles produced by the Reformation. Learn the origin of the society that was once called the engineer corps of hell. 8. The KJV: known as the best selling book of all time, the King James translation is seen as the crowing achievement of the Reformation, and a uniting text for English Protestantism. Because of its symbolism, Rome and the Jesuit Order have always hated this Bible and have spent centuries seeking to destroy it. Learn the plan set forth by the Jesuits in the 19th century to seize control of the Bible. Is it possible, that this affects our bibles even today? The Untold History of the Bible is designed as an educational tool, featuring powerful dramatizations of key historic events, along with on-location footage in the U.S., England and Belgium.
  • The True Christian History of America is a powerful documentary, showing the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back to England and the great Reformation. For many years, Americans have been taught in our schools and universities that the founding of our Republic was the result of the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment first declare no taxation without representation? Or trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare that the “reign of political Protestantism” would commence, just before signing the Declaration of Independence? Filmed on location in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary contains unique interviews with experts from around the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. At a time when America and the principles of freedom stand in peril, it has never been more important for the Christian world to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history on the influence of Christianity in the United States. What you will learn from this documentary: 1) The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, and its basis in Scripture, along with how it influenced the American Revolution. 1a) Thomas Paine’s admission that the Biblical arguments in his pamphlet Common Sense were derived from the teachings of the Puritans. 1b) The Treaty of Tripoli -- how its declaration against Christianity was refuted by a prominent founding father, and signer of the U.S. Constitution. 2) The Biblical origins of the Magna Carta of 1215 A.D., and its use by the founders. 3) How Magna Carta introduced the lawful right of resistance against tyranny. 4) The influence of John Wycliffe on the concept of God given rights. 5) The influence of the Wycliffe Bible of 1384 on government of the people. 6) How the death of Jan Huss impacted the origins of free speech. 7) The Hussite Wars and their influence. 8) Martin Luther’s influence on freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. 9) What Luther and the Reformers believed about the right of self-defense against tyranny. 10) The Reformed view of the Old Testament examples of war and whether or not New Testament Christians could engage in warfare like ancient Israel. 11) How Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans abolished the doctrine of the divine right of kings through the use of Psalm 149. 12) The English Civil War, and how it set the pattern for the American Revolution. 13) The French Huguenots and their influence on the American Revolutionaries. 14) How the English Bill of Rights in 1689 set the pattern for the American Bill of Rights. 15) Samuel Rutherford and Lex Rex (the Law is King) and its influence on the U.S. Constitution. 16) Why George Washington refused to be crowned king of America. 17) The Reformers influence on Thomas Jefferson, and the doctrine of man’s depravity. 18) John Adams on the history of the Christian founding of America. 19) Early American leaders who declared that Christianity is the only true religion, with proof that they never intended it should be counted equal with Islam or paganism. 20) Explanation from our original interviews with Constitutional lawyers about the Bible-based Christian worldview contained in the Declaration of Independence. 21) Harvard trained lawyer, Herbert W. Titus explains how the Constitution itself proclaims Jesus Christ as the Lord of “time” and of the United States. 170 min.
  • HARDCOVER Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. He is anything but. As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward. During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed a shocking story that obliterates media spin on Dr. Fauci . . . and that will alarm every American—Democrat or Republican—who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children’s health. The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how “America’s Doctor” launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies. In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent. HARDCOVER
  • The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War, an event described in the West as “the end of history.” Post-Soviet Russia appeared to embrace free markets and democratic elections so the West would begin to view the “new” Russia as a friend. In 2014 Russian forces invaded and annexed Crimea. A New Cold war had begun. Russia was ready for this conflict, having armed itself to the teeth with new weapons. The demise of the Soviet Union now appears to have been greatly exaggerated or, at worst, an intentional deception. Although the intelligence service of the Soviet Era, the KGB, was renamed the Federal Security Service, (its Russian acronym—FSB) it facilitated the rise of President Vladimir Putin to power, himself a former KGB official, proving the Security service from the former Soviet era was still very much in power within the “new” Russia. In The New Tactics of Global War, the authors explore what happened at the end of the Cold War and why Russia remains the number one threat to the United States. The moves and counter-moves of the present crisis stem from a long-running deception game. The authors investigate this game, allowing the reader to understand the “mind of the enemy.” “And behold a second beast, like a bear, and it raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” Daniel 7:5
  • While it is generally accepted that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth came to promote a Biblical world view, can the same be said of the revolutionaries who lived 150 years later? The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers explores this question in depth as this powerful documentary delves into the controversial and often debated beliefs of the founders of the American Revolution. Were these men Christians, according to the Bible? Was it their "original intent" to found America on the teachings of Christ and the Apostles? Or were their opinions closer to those of the Enlightenment thinkers in Europe? Most importantly, how do the answers to these questions impact the thinking of the Church today? This film is a must-see for all American Christians as the answers to these questions are sure to shock even the most zealous patriots. "For there is nothing covered, that shall no be revealed…" Luke 12:2
  • This book describes the causes of both common and extraordinary disease and gives specific instructions for their cure. The sick have been held hostage for their money or intangible assets since time immemorial. Doctors, even primitive and natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use herbs or chemicals and incantations or “prognoses” to help the sick recover. Today, the medical industry (doctors and their suppliers and insurers) take a significant amount of the worker’s earnings. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could all go back togardening or some other primitive and useful endeavor? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the sick could join them? The most promising discovery in this book is the effectiveness of electricity to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. Does this mean you can cancel your appointment with your clinical doctor? No it does not. Killing your invaders does not make you well instantly. But happily, at your next doctor visit she or he will be removing drugs, not adding them. No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no cancer, no HIV/AIDS, no migraines, no Alzheimers, no lupus, no Parkinson's, no Multiple Sclerosis and so on. Paperback: ‎ 616 pages
  • It took an independent research scientist to find the answers. Hulda Regehr Clark begen her studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada where she was awarded the Bachekor of Arts, Megna Cum Laude, and the Master of Arts, with High Honors. After two years of study at McGill University, she attended the University of Minnesota, studying biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate degree in physiology in 1958. In 1979 she left government funded research and began private consulting on a full time basis. Eleven years later she noticed clues as to the cause of cancer. Dr. Clark put her conclusions, her advice for curing cancer, her methods brfore you. Read and recover. Learn how to identify and remove what causes your cancer–your body will do the rest. No conflict with any physical treatment. Read how over 100 others recovered from all kinds of cancer. You can too! Step by step instructions. The startling new theory behind the cure. It doesn’t matter what kind of cancer you have or your prognosis! You will be well again! 586 pages
  • Cancer can now be cured, not only the early stages, but also advanced cancer, stages four and five, including imminent death. We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure. This is possible because the true cause of cancer has been found. The Cause of the malignancy is explained in the earlier book, The Cure For All Cancers. But removing the malignancy left behind the tumors as they were, prior to the malignant development. So, eliminating tumors became the focus of additional research, and is the subject of this book. The 21 Day Program described in this book does both. Once you win this battle, even advanced cancer can be cured. The success rate for advanced cancer is about 95%. So you can count on this method, not merely hope it will work for you. It is a total approach that not only shrinks tumors, but also normalizes your blood chemistry, lowers your cancer markers, and returns your health. The small failure rate (5%) is due to clinical emergencies that beset the advanced cancer sufferer. However, if you combine the advice in this book with access to hospital care, even "hopeless" patients can gain the time necessary to become well again 583 pages
  • Last Copy 181 pages Paperback The Cultural Devastation of American Women is a factual investigation into the American woman’s abuse of liberation. Levant burrows into the psyches and habits of American women. She exposes over-spending, over-decorating, obsessions with beauty, weight, social climbing, and the hiring out of traditional female functions. All of these demonstrate a rejection of biological instincts and behaviors. Levant exposes demanding, unreasonable, and incompetent mothers. She delves with brutal frankness into women and marriage, child rearing, divorce, hypochondria, self-absorption, and vanity, challenging the assumption that Westernized society freed women from social bondage. Levant calls for a critical evaluation of womanhood in 21st Century America. The Cultural Devastation of American Women is reckoning day for American women as readers of all ages and political persuasions find complete agreement with the proof of the voices of suffering children. By including the commentary of daycare children to create premise and purpose, Levant allows our children to report on the current state of parenthood, home life, and themselves.
  • The Bogotazo, the name given to the riots that took place in Colombia's capital in April 1948 in reaction to the assassination of populist leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, is a historical event which, despite having been widely studied, still remains shrouded in the mists of mystery. Many questions about the Bogotazo have not been answered and some of the answers do not seem to be true. In example, what role did the newly created CIA play in the events? Was Gaitán's assassin an isolated individual seeking revenge, or a Manchurian candidate created by a vast conspiracy? Was it a mere coincidence that Fidel Castro was in Bogota at the time, or did he play a relevant role as an agent provocateur in the events? The Bogotazo marked the beginning of the Cold War in the American Continent. According to the author, it was not just an affair of Colombian national politics, but an event of continental scope. Its main objective was to stir up the fear of communism and to affect Latin American and American thinking so that they would accept the beginning of the Cold War. Like so many similar events used as a pretext to terrorize people with the fear of terrorism, El Bogotazo was a typical false flag operation in a psychological warfare operation whose secret objectives were fully achieved. Using the methodology of the intelligence analyst rather than that of the historian, the author has here unraveled a mystery that had hitherto defied explanation. His compelling and groundbreaking conclusions have dramatic implications for our better understanding of the planned New World Order —the communo-fascist totalitarianism the globalist conspirators and their secret agents are striving to impose on the entire world. 248 pages paperback
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    With mountains of documentation, mostly from government and corporate sources, Sutton shows that Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and allied gifts, "peaceful trade" and exchange programs. We've built for, sold or traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, computers - even the Space Shuttle. Peaceful trade is a myth ... to the Soviets all trade is strategic. The paradox is that we spend $300 billion a year on a defense against an enemy we created and continue to keep in business. The deaf mute blindmen, as Lenin called them, are the multi-national businessmen who see no further than the next contract, who have their plants defended by Marxist troops (in Angola); who knowingly sell technology that comes back to kill and maim Americans. Sutton proves conclusively that the United States financed the economic and military development of the Soviet Union. Without this aid, financed by U.S. taxpayers, there would be no significant Soviet military threat, for there would be no Soviet economy to support the Soviet military machine, let alone sophisticated military equipment. The book reads almost like a legal brief from the prosecution. By Antony C. Sutton Paper Back 260 pages $19.95
  • Author: Devvy Kidd *Buy 2 and Save!* Only $39.90 CLICK HERE Do You Know...? * Do you know not a penny of your federal income tax funds a single function of the U.S. government? 'What?' you say. 'How can that be?' Where does the money go? * Do you know the Federal Reserve isn't federal and why it is the head of the beast for our economy? * Do you know social security is not an insurance? What is it then? * Obamacare is destroying the middle class. More major premium hikes are about to hit Americans while that unconstitutional behemoth has begun its final meltdown. Tens of billions of wasted dollars ó all borrowed with the debt slapped on our backs. Is there a solution or will more politics continue to destroy health care for Americans? * More money for education! Why is that worn out slogan worthless? Why are students in this country so poorly educated? The U.S. government spends more than $600 BILLION BORROWED dollars a year on education yet a large majority of high school seniors in this country are too poorly educated for even college level reading. What is the solution? * What do you know about those dangerous smart meters being installed on people's homes across this country? What you don't know is deadly for you and your family. * The massive invasion by illegal aliens continues to loot and destroy our country. Do you know that since 9/11 more Americans have been killed and murdered by illegal aliens than were killed that horrible day? That is a fact. The real solution is right there ignored by YOUR congress critter while ten to twelve Americans die at the hands of illegals everyday. * Why do many of us call the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) the Federal Death Administration? Most Americans have no idea how deadly the FDA is and why nothing has been done to stop them from approving drugs that kill and maim thousands of Americans before they're pulled from the market. The answers to all those questions and so many more are in this book. This isn't about politics, it's about taking politics out of solutions already there. * Devvy Kidd is an author, investigative journalist and federal whistle blower. She has appeared many thousands of times on talk radio over the past 26 years. She lives in West Texas with her two rescue dogs, Missy and Maddy. 430 pages *Buy 2 and Save!* Only $39.90 CLICK HERE
  • Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals describes in detail the process being used at every level of government to reorganize our society under the excuse of environmental protection. Author Tom DeWeese pulls back the curtain to reveal the policies and the powers behind them that are systematically changing our culture and system of government to impose a political agenda of top-down control at every level. He provides invaluable insight as to how elected officials are pressured by an army of private organizations, planners and federal agencies, armed with federal grants to impose specific regulations in the name of Sustainable Development. Sustainable serves as a hand book for property rights activists to organize opposition. It provides vital information to a news media that is basically clueless to these policies, and it provides a blue print for fighting back as it offers hope to those who are its victims. Soft Cover 195 pages
  • Security Risk Senators: Part 2: Michigan to Wisconsin By: Trevor Loudon Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations. Security Risk Senators profiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again. Book 2 of 2: Security Risk Senators 366 Pages Paperback SEE ALSO Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts
  • Security Risk Senators: Part 1: Arizona to Massachusetts By: Trevor Loudon Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations. Security Risk Senators profiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again. Book 1 of 2: Security Risk Senators 396 Pages Paperback SEE ALSO Security Risk Senators: Part 2: Michigan to Wisconsin
  • America is at war. But this not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes in conventional battlefields —at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies in a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany. Though important, however, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a psychological war —a PSYWAR. If an unfriendly foreign power had carried out against the American people the actions carried out by Wall Street bankers, Oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations entrenched at the Council on Foreign Relations and its parasite organizations, we might well have considered it an act of war. Unfortunately, most Americans ignore that they are under attack. The reason is because, like Ninja assassins, the main weapon used by the conspirators who have managed to infiltrate and take control of the U.S. Government and most of American life has been their invisibility. For almost a century, these small group of conspirators have been waging a quiet, non-declared war of attrition against the American people, and it seems that they are now ready for the final, decisive battle. Unfortunately, as the last two presidential elections showed, the brainwashed American people reacted by changing the puppets, leaving the puppet masters untouched and in control.In this book Servando Gonzalez studies in detail the origins of the conspiracy, who the conspirators are, the main elements of this PSYWAR and, what’s more important, how we can fight back and win
  • BOOK CLAIMS DONALD TRUMP WILL RUN AND WIN IN 2024! A riveting account of the HOAX that sent a presidential campaign chairman to solitary confinement because he wouldn’t turn against the President of the United States. The chief weapon deployed by the government-corporate-media Establishment against the Trump presidency was propaganda. Time and again, allegations from anonymous sources were disseminated by a partisan media, promoted by a dishonest Democrat Party leadership, and ultimately debunked when the facts surfaced. But by the time the truth came out, it was too late. There had already been casualties. One of the highest profile casualties was Paul Manafort. Desperate to defeat Donald Trump—or hamper his presidency after he won—Democrats and their Establishment allies colluded with foreign operatives to concoct a completely false narrative about Paul’s supposed conspiracy with pro-Russian elements in Ukraine to further Vladimir Putin’s efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election. But it wasn’t just defamation of Paul’s character. They took the unprecedented step of enlisting the US intelligence and law enforcement communities in using their power against President Trump and his campaign team. Political Prisoner finally exposes the lies left unchallenged by media who pronounced Paul guilty long before his case ever saw the inside of a courtroom. Not only is it untrue that Victor Yanukovych or any of Paul’s clients were “pro-Putin,” it is the opposite of the truth. Paul’s work in Ukraine and throughout his career was 100 percent aligned with US interests in the countries he worked in, sometimes even acting as a back channel for the White House itself. Neither was Paul guilty of laundering money, evading taxes, or deliberately deceiving the US government by failing to register as a foreign agent—which he wasn’t. These were all politically motivated charges manufactured by the Special Counsel’s team for one reason and one reason only: to get Paul to testify against Donald Trump about a conspiracy that never existed. When they hear the basis of these spurious charges, Americans will wonder what country they are living in and what has happened to our system of justice. Political Prisoner tells the real story of Paul’s life and career, exploding the lies about his work in Ukraine, his previous work with foreign governments and business interests in other countries, his involvement with the Trump campaign, and the “process crimes” for which he was wrongly convicted and sent to prison. It is no exaggeration to say that everything most Americans think they know about Paul Manafort is false. 360 pages
  • Most books about the assassination of President Kennedy written by “serious” authors and published by “prestigious” publishing houses fully agree with the Warren Commission’s conclusions that Lee Harvey Oswald was a mentally disturbed individual who acted alone and there was no conspiracy surrounding him. Nonetheless, the few who blame the CIA, usually lefties and “progressives,” never mention the key role played by important Council on Foreign Relations’ members both in the assassination and the cover-up.
  • 2 DVD Set ORIGINAL INTENT takes a look at the Founders' intentions at the time they wrote the U.S. Constitution, not some "living" interpretation that merely caters to the political whims of the day. Unfortunately, influences, such as Cultural Marxism and Corporate Fascism, have perverted the Democratic and Republican parties so much, the Founders' original intent has been seriously compromised. As a result, the republic guaranteed by the Constitution has wandered down a road towards insolvency, immorality and totalitarianism. ORIGINAL INTENT explores how this has happened and offers solutions that Americans, no matter what party affiliation, can apply to restore a nation of values, general welfare, and leadership-by-example. 180 Min.
  • Be a proud sponsor of NewsWithViews.com and tell the world where you get the real news! Free bumpersticker with every Sweatshirt As with any endeavor, there are costs associated with managing this free resource website. Every little helps and by purchasing a NewsWithViews.com Sweatshirt, you are helping us to publish real and alternative news that you do not get in the mainstream media.
  • News with Views T-Shirt Be a proud sponsor of NewsWithViews.com and tell the world where you get the real news! Free bumpersticker with every T-Shirt As with any endeavor, there are costs associated with maneging this free resource website. Every little helps and by purchasing a NewsWithViews.com T-Shirt, you are helping us to publish real and alternative news that you do not get in the mainstream media.
  • MAINSTREAM: How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda a James Jaeger Film MAINSTREAM traces Hollywood’s origins from the early art-driven movie moguls to the profit-driven corporations of today. With the government-decreed divestiture of movie theaters in 1948, the Golden Age of Hollywood was destroyed. Along with this destruction of the “studio system,” movies became increasingly formulaic, exploitative, violent and produced by a small “control group” of insiders. Then, with the advent of TV and various influences from Europe, Hollywood movies descended into a morass of political correctness and fake news that gave birth to what we know as the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Now governed by just 6 huge conglomerates, Hollywood movies and the New York-based media (collectively the MAINSTREAM MEDIA) have become involved with hundreds of predatory, unethical and often times illegal business practices that result in discrimination against talents, crews, executives and whole populations. Worse, the movies and network news have become a tool of the Globalist Agenda, an agenda to outsource the U.S. manufacturing base in the name of “free trade” and destroy the American Middle Class in the name of “stockholder value.” Hollywood has become one of the “big bad” corporations it endlessly dramatizes in its movies. And all this started as a consequence of government intervention into the right of the movie moguls to market their own movies in their own theaters. 180 Min.
  • This DVD is no longer available in stores - only 5 copies left. The politicians told us that we had to bail out Wall Street to keep Main Street afloat. Yet many of us continue to lose our savings, our jobs and our homes. They told us that we had to swallow hard and make difficult sacrifices for the good of the country while Wall Street executives received enormous bonuses. The same political class tried to convince everyday Americans that the reasons for the bailout were just too complicated for us to understand. We must hold our noses and simply accept the solutions offered by the financial experts . . . the same ones that allegedly did not see the bubbles expanding or their imminent collapse. They gave our hard-earned money to Wall Street, without any strings attached, without oversight, while turning a deaf ear to our intense and vocal opposition to the bailout. The politicians did this just weeks before an election. They saddled us and our children with an alarming debt burden as they facilitated the greatest transfer of wealth in American history. And we sent more than 90% of the incumbents back to Washington. “Life On The Edge of A Bubble” challenges the prevailing myth of the sudden, unforeseeable and unique nature of the economic crisis. The film brings to light the seemingly unfamiliar historical pattern; in fact, economic bubbles and their subsequent panics are a rather all too frequently repeated economic pattern. Each generation inevitably finds itself precariously perched on the edge of yet another financial bubble. The DVD also includes a special documentary short on the genesis of our nation's banking and financial system. If knowledge is power, then this film arms the viewer with the information they need to restore the promise of the American Dream. * Why are politicians rewarding greedy con-men on Wall Street with your hard earned money? * Why didn't the "experts" see this coming * Is this time really different? * How did the American people lose control of their banking system? * Is there a pattern to this madness? * Have backroom deals killed our Economy? * Can we sever the link between money and politics?
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    What happens globally when: a) Healtcare/Controlled-Planning b) Sustainable Environmental Development c) Economic/Credit Crisis d) Public/Private/Partnership ALL COLLIDE TOGETHER
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    a) The Power b) Their (globalists) Role c) Total Control (of everyone and everything)
  • Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide Hardcover 224 pages When a drug-addled Hunter Biden abandoned his waterlogged computer at a Mac repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019, just six days before his father announced his candidacy for the United States presidency, it became the ticking time bomb in the shadows of Joe Biden’s campaign. The dirty secrets contained in Hunter’s laptop almost derailed his father’s presidential campaign and ignited one of the greatest media coverups in American history. This is the unvarnished story of what’s really inside the laptop and what China knows about the Bidens, by the New York Post journalist who brought it into the open. It exposes the coordinated censorship operation by Big Tech, the media establishment, and former intelligence operatives to stifle the New York Post’s coverage, in a chilling exercise of raw political power three weeks before the 2020 election. A treasure trove of corporate documents, emails, text messages, photographs, and voice recordings, spanning a decade, the laptop provided the first evidence that President Joe Biden was involved in his son’s ventures in China, Ukraine, and beyond, despite his repeated denials. This intimate insight into Hunter’s dissolute lifestyle shows he was incapable of holding down a job, let alone being paid tens of millions of dollars in high-powered international business deals by foreign interests, unless he had something else of value to sell—which of course he did. He was the son of the vice president who would go on to become the leader of the free world.
  • 257 pages Paperback The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) describes itself as a sort of social club where the rich and powerful get together to discuss national and international politics from a rational, non-partisan, patriotic perspective. But, really, what is the Council on Foreign Relations? The CFR is many things. It is a millionaires club, a communo-fascist party in power, an intelligence agency, a think tank, a criminal gang, an association of assassins and mass murderers, a cabal of sociopaths and psychopaths, a sect involved in the occult and a pirates’ den. Moreover, the CFR is the visible head of the Invisible Government of the United States. Its core nucleus is composed of international bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations. But, most importantly, the CFR is the true axis of evil in the world. The CFR’s main enemy is the people of the world, particularly the American people. This explains why, behind every single act of treason against the American people, you can always find, hiding in the shadows, one or more members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR’s true, secret goal, is the elimination of 85 percent of the world’s population as the first step in establishing a New World Order — a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship with just two social classes: the all-powerful masters, living in opulence, and the other 99 percent of the population, made up of oppressed serfs, with no rights at all, living in the most abject economic and moral poverty under a total surveillance police state. Is it time to overthrow the Invisible Government of the United States? Read this book and reach your own conclusions.
  • Health Myths Exposed marks the beginning of a war on deadly FDA-approved drugs and pharmaceutical industry campaigned health myths. In the name of exposing false promises, deceit, and blatant disregard for the health of all Americans, this book promises to bring you closer to good health and longevity. Led by Health Myths Exposed, this war will be energetically and boldly waged by exposing the ten most devastating health myths. To this end, you will learn about innovative medical research and natural alternatives that can safely and effectively cure the world's most pandemic killers, such as heart disease and obesity. As an added bonus, continuing education through the book's web site will provide a lifetime of knowledge and serve as a key weapon against the relentless promulgation of deadly health myths by those who stand to profit from them. Leaving behind anecdotal and sensational claims common to other books and articles, Health Myths Exposed guarantees to bring you empirical evidence surrounding the sordid pharmaceutical drug racket and the proper use of natural medicine. With this newfound knowledge and continuing education you will become empowered with the ability to take your health into your own hands rather than giving blind loyalty to FDA approved drugs and medical doctors. Your life or the life of a loved one or friend may depend on your reading this book. By exposing the myths that medical doctors, health practitioners, and pharmaceutical companies have blindly followed and perpetrated, this book will seriously compromise their reputations and status as leaders in the health community. No doubt, they will look away in hopes that you never read this material. Get ready to be shocked, get ready to become angry. But most importantly, get ready to learn some amazing things about yourself and how to live naturally healthy for life, despite medical doctors and pharmaceutical drugs.
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    200 pages Out of print, only 6 copies left God has revealed to John McTernan a most urgent message for a nation that is turning away from the living God. This wake-up call is for both those who know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, and for those who do not. John delivers a message with overwhelming evidence that God is warning America with disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires that occur during acts of national disobedience. Although the Lord is not in nature, He does use His power over nature to warn nations and individuals that they must turn from sin or ultimately suffer destruction. He is in the still, small voice that speaks to the hearts of men, calling them to follow Jesus Christ and secure the blessings of liberty that only those who obey God's Word can enjoy.
  • Does Evil Exist? What if the evil we never acknowledge has infiltrated the Church, twisted the Gospel, and exploited otherwise well-meaning Christians for its own dark purposes? Enemies Within: The Church heralds a clarion call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted Holy Scriptures. This incredible DVD examines the evidence and exposes the false teachers behind one of the greatest evils of our time-the heresy of the “SOCIAL GOSPEL”! "Enemies Within: The Church" shows evidence for exposing false teachers and organizations with an underlying agenda to undermine the influence of Christ across the world. Every single problem we face in the western world is ultimately a theological problem, and every solution to each problem is a theological absolute. What happened to the living, powerful, transformative, nation-shaking Christianity that Jesus brought to our world? Something dressed up to look like Christianity is doing just fine here in America, but can it possibly be the real thing? It certainly resembles Christianity, but most of the people I know sense that something isn't right. Cashiers say that the best way to recognize a counterfeit dollar is not by studying counterfeit dollars, but by getting to know the real thing well enough that you can easily discern the fake. Maybe that's part of our problem today? Maybe members of this present generation who call themselves "Christians" really believe they are Christians, because they can't recognize the counterfeit? When we look at history, the western church we see right now hardly resembles what it once was. In the twentieth century, the twin evils of Communism and Fascism slaughtered nearly 200,000,000. Both forces are still attempting to co-opt Christianity to serve their goals. If this evil is still alive and active, why is it seldom addressed in most churches today? Could it be that this evil is compromising our churches from the inside out? What if these forces are twisting the doctrine that grew our great nation to suit its own purposes? This documentary will answer these questions and provide the theological solution necessary to stop the destruction of our beloved nation's foundation: The Church. —EWTC
  • "Enemies Within" profiles twenty US senators and more than a hundred US representatives, exposing their ties to the Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Council for a Livable World, and other radical anti-American organizations. “The Enemies Within” is designed to show American voters exactly how modern communism works and how it impacts on your life, every single day. Just how do the communists win big on things like Obamacare and immigration “reform,” which go completely against the wishes of the American people? Trevor Loudon’s research has been cited by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, countless articles, blog posts and in books by well known authors Paul Kengor, Aaron Klein and Jerome Corsi. He has given countless radio interviews and addressed audiences in more than 30 states in his four tours of the United States. Trevor Loudon speaks on internal subversion, communism and socialism, national security, culture and constitutional conservatism.
  • The true story of the Georgia guidestones Adullam Films has released a new documentary, "Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidstones." This film is a must see for those who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism towards the cause of population control. In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C. Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted to erect a monument they hoped would inspire “the Age of Reason.” The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or “guides” that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide? 120 min.
  • In his famous 1929 painting “The Treachery of Images,” Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte depicted a very realistic pipe with the caption: "This is not a pipe." The meaning of this apparent contradiction is that a picture of a pipe is actually not a true pipe. In the same fashion, this comic is not about the Covid-19, a.k.a Coronavirus, which most likely will prove to be just as lethal, or even less lethal than the common flu virus that, coming from Asia, hits us almost every year and makes us feel miserable for a week or two. No. This comic is about the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus, the current ongoing psychological warfare operation (PsyOp) the globalist conspirators are waging against Americans and other peoples around the world. While the Coronavirus affects peoples’ lungs, the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus affects their brains. What are the symptoms of this dangerous virus affecting the peoples’ brains?People affected by the Fear of Coronavirus Virus follow to the letter keeping social distance. Some of them even wear gloves and constantly keep cleaning with ineffective anti-bacterial sanitizer all surfaces they touch and even their own gloves. They don’t dare to break the lockdown and get out of their home to breathe fresh air and enjoy the sun. They wear face masks at all times, even at home, mostly to make a politically-correct statement and to feel morally superior to the rest of us unbelievers.In 1881, Cuban doctor Carlos J. Finlay was the first to theorize that a mosquito was the carrier, now known as a disease vector, of the virus causing yellow fever. But who are the vectors carrying the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus? Well, I have identified them. As I will show you in this book, the main vectors propagating this extremely dangerous mental disease are anti-American traitors in President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, key members of both the Republican and the Democratic Party, and the mainstream press. They get their marching orders from their globalist masters at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller foundations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, and other known eugenicists. Their ultimate goal is to kill no less than 85 percent of the current population on planet Earth and reduce the few survivors to dirty-poor, pre-industrial levels of consumption, a real-life “Hunger Games” dystopia. This is the true New World Order they have in mind, and they are using the right tool to make us accept it willingly. They disingenuosly call it the Covid-19, a.k.a. Coronavirus. This book calls it by its true name: the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus. Though there is no vaccine that can fully protect you from a virus, this book is the best vaccine you can use to protect yourself from the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus. Moreover, this book does not includes a secret microchip to turn the readers into corporate-controlled zombies, and its author guarantees that it is completely safe. As of today, the only known side-effect is that it fully dezombifies the readers and turns them into skeptical critical thinkers. As expected, the above statement has not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. So, use it at your own risk and keep it out of reach from true-believing, politically-correct zombies. 175 pages paper back
  • A Simple Self Awareness Exercise for Overcoming Stress & Illness If you could learn the secret of how to control your emotional responses, how to find that God-given switch in your mind which would allow you to energize and motivate yourself, you would never again feel conflict, guilt, fear or depression. If you are willing to be shown how, you can become the person you were created to be. A simple procedure that will prove to you, through your own experience, that control over yourself without unbearable suppression is not only possible, but vital to your health, to your future happiness – and to your very existence. "The exercise is the only program of self-therapy which achieves the desired end-state of therapy; to lessen the dependence on the therapist – the goal is self-awareness. It’s the only approach that I have ever seen in the whole field of psychology which allows you to become independent, competent and effective.” ~ Dr. George Hayter, M.D.
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    Conspiracy: A secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act. Esp with political motivation. Have you ever wondered how people like H.G. Wells seemed to know what was going to happen? these people either had to be privy to the plans of the power elite, or they were extraordinarily intelligent at figuring out what the secret cabal running the world had planned. An ancient saying. "Ordo ab Chao" (Order Out of Chaos) applies to the power elite's machinations. And so as to make particular problems seem intractable, they select global leaders who feign incompetence. This is one way the American people are manipulated. In the end, the political candidates, and the power elite controls both major parties. 207 Pages
  • 2 Book Pack! Author: Devvy Kidd *Bulk Discounts* Discounts are available for bulk orders - Please call 800-955-0116 Do You Know...? * Do you know not a penny of your federal income tax funds a single function of the U.S. government? 'What?' you say. 'How can that be?' Where does the money go? * Do you know the Federal Reserve isn't federal and why it is the head of the beast for our economy? * Do you know social security is not an insurance? What is it then? * Obamacare is destroying the middle class. More major premium hikes are about to hit Americans while that unconstitutional behemoth has begun its final meltdown. Tens of billions of wasted dollars ó all borrowed with the debt slapped on our backs. Is there a solution or will more politics continue to destroy health care for Americans? * More money for education! Why is that worn out slogan worthless? Why are students in this country so poorly educated? The U.S. government spends more than $600 BILLION BORROWED dollars a year on education yet a large majority of high school seniors in this country are too poorly educated for even college level reading. What is the solution? * What do you know about those dangerous smart meters being installed on people's homes across this country? What you don't know is deadly for you and your family. * The massive invasion by illegal aliens continues to loot and destroy our country. Do you know that since 9/11 more Americans have been killed and murdered by illegal aliens than were killed that horrible day? That is a fact. The real solution is right there ignored by YOUR congress critter while ten to twelve Americans die at the hands of illegals everyday. * Why do many of us call the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) the Federal Death Administration? Most Americans have no idea how deadly the FDA is and why nothing has been done to stop them from approving drugs that kill and maim thousands of Americans before they're pulled from the market. The answers to all those questions and so many more are in this book. This isn't about politics, it's about taking politics out of solutions already there. * Devvy Kidd is an author, investigative journalist and federal whistle blower. She has appeared many thousands of times on talk radio over the past 26 years. She lives in West Texas with her two rescue dogs, Missy and Maddy. 430 pages
  • In 1881, two scholars named Westcott and Hort published a revision of the New Testament that would send shockwaves through the academic world. Their new textual theory declared that the King James Version (which had been trusted for centuries) was full of errors. Sacred readings, long cherished by the faithful, were now declared to be forgeries. The world was informed that the book, which had been called the inerrant Word of God, was in need of correction. The new theory claimed that recently recovered manuscripts revealed a truer version of Scripture. Yet others warned that these manuscripts were, in fact, the creation of early Gnostic heretics that had been rightly abandoned centuries before. Was the new revision filled with ancient corruptions? Follow the story of the Bible’s controversial history into the twentieth century, as the work of Westcott and Hort would transform biblical scholarship, inspire the work of various Bible Societies, and pave the way for the cause of ecumenical unity between Evangelical Protestants and Rome. INFORMATION COVERED IN THIS DOCUMENTARY: 1) The history of the Revision of the Bible in 1881. 2) The objections of Dean John W. Burgon concerning the “new Greek text” invented by Anglican scholars, B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort. 3) The analysis of George Sayles Bishop, R.L. Dabney and William G. Blaikie who likewise opposed the Revision of Westcott and Hort in the 19th century. 4) Proof that the purpose of the Revision was to overthrow the Received Text of the Protestant Reformation. 5) The warnings of Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener who declared that the theory behind the new Greek text was based on conjecture and fantasy. 6) The “Romish” doctrines of Westcott and Hort, as revealed in their letters, along with admissions of willful deception and heresy. 7) The warnings of early Church fathers concerning the corruptions of Gnostic heretics who altered ancient manuscripts in the early centuries. 8) Examples from the Critical Text of what are believed to be Gnostic influences that currently influence the majority of modern bibles. 9) How the work of Westcott and Hort was transformed into the Nestle-Aland Greek text, used by the vast majority of Bible colleges and universities, as well as most Bible translations. 10) The beliefs of Dr. Kurt Aland (the chief influence behind the Nestle-Aland Greek text) who denied the apostolic authorship of the New Testament, and suggested that Jesus may have been a mere “phantom.” 11) The influence of Dr. Bruce Metzger, a leading Bible critic of the 20th century (who worked on the RSV and NRSV translations) and his denial of the authorship of Moses in the Old Testament. 12) The influence of William Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and Dr. Eugene Nida, father of the dynamic equivalence method of Bible translation (i.e. paraphrase). 13) The development of “bridge bibles” and what they mean. 14) The discovery of the Bodmer Papyri by a Jesuit priest. 15) Proof that the discovery of the Bodmer Papyri is associated with ancient Gnostic groups from the Nag Hammadi region of Egypt. 16) The influence of Rome, her Jesuits, and the ecumenical movement in the development of a single Greek text, as the “one world Bible” to unify all churches. 17) Discussion with Dr. James White (author of The King James Only Controversy) concerning his defense of the Critical Text and modern versions in general. 120 min.
  • New York Times bestselling author and FOX News host Pete Hegseth is back with what he says is his most important book yet: A revolutionary road map to saving our children from leftist indoctrination. Behind a smokescreen of “preparing students for the new industrial economy,” early progressives had political control in mind. America’s original schools didn’t just make kids memorize facts or learn skills; they taught them to think freely and arrive at wisdom. They assigned the classics, inspired love of God and country, and raised future citizens that changed the world forever. Today, after 16,000 hours of K-12 indoctrination, our kids come out of government schools hating America. They roll their eyes at religion and disdain our history. We spend more money on education than ever, but kids can barely read and write—let alone reason with discernment. Western culture is on the ropes. Kids are bored and aimless, flailing for purpose in a system that says racial and gender identity is everything. Battle for the American Mind is the untold story of the Progressive plan to neutralize the basis of our Republic – by removing the one ingredient that had sustained Western Civilization for thousands of years. Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin explain why, no matter what political skirmishes conservatives win, progressives are winning the war—and control the “supply lines” of future citizens. Reversing this reality will require parents to radically reorient their children’s education; even most homeschooling and Christian schooling are infused with progressive assumptions. We need to recover a lost philosophy of education – grounded in virtue and excellence – that can arm future generations to fight for freedom. It’s called classical Christian education. Never heard of it? You’re not alone. Battle for the American Mind is more than a book; it’s a field guide for remaking school in the United States. We’ve ceded our kids’ minds to the left for far too long—this book gives patriotic parents the ammunition to join an insurgency that gives America a fighting chance. 288 pages Hardcover
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    Breaking 170 years of secrecy, this intriguing exposé takes a behind-the-scenes look at Yale's mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Explored is how Skull and Bones initiates have become senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, spies, titans of finance and industry, and even U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush. This book reveals that far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the postcollegiate world. Included are a verified membership list, rare reprints of original Order materials revealing the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen, and a peek inside the Tomb, their 140-year-old private clubhouse. 335 Pages
  • How feminist spirituality is changing the church and betraying the women it promised to heal. Ignoring the danger signs, millions of women are traveling down similar cultural freeways to self-made spirituality. Why have feminist myths and goddesses become so believable to these women? What happens to Christians caught in this web of deception as they follow these "other gods"? Basing their beliefs on feelings, imaginations, and mystical experiences, they are trapped in a downward spiral. 237 pages - paper back
  • The following treaties on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook om Russian "psychopolitics." It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations. 65 page booklet
  • By M. Lester O'Shea O'Shea tackles with courage, honesty, and fairness one of the most serious social problems of our time, the damage caused by the proliferation of anti-discrimination law (race, sex, age, disability, etc.). He shows with clarity and wit that the cure (for a problem that often does not exist) is far worse that the disease. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 266 Pages. Hard Cover