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    by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D This book covers major topics of interest today. It begins with a section on “Barack Obama,” including the effects of “Obamacare.” Because a lot that is occurring in society at present has to do with values, the second section deals with “Morality,” including Biblical principles. Since the movement toward the New World Order is largely driven by “Economics,” that is the third section of the book and covers the coercive measures the Power Elite is using, as well as a look at the techno-feudal future. How well we can compete in the world today depends on our level of “Education,” which is explained in the fourth section of the book and includes an identification of our educational problems and solutions. The Power Elite’s plans include a one-world religion as well as a one-world government; therefore, section five is on “Religion and World Government.” Prominent among the Power Elite are the Rockefellers, so section six is entirely about “The Rockefeller Plan” in this regard. And the Rockefellers have been proponents of “Population Control,” which is section seven and includes the subjects of eugenics and euthanasia. A topic not really discussed in other books is how a “Secret Nazi Plan” has been part of the Power Elite’s strategy, and this is covered in part 8. A hot topic in the news today is what Iran will do, and section 9 looks at “What Is the Role of Iran” in the movement toward a New World Order. Finally, this book in section ten explains how “Big Brother” will emerge from the New World Order. And there is an extensive index in the book for those interested in conducting their own research on these subjects Pages: 270 Binding: Paperback
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    By Neil and Briar Whitehead OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED The authors explore the question of whether our sexual orientation is inherited or if it is a product of our upbringing and/or environment. Many people think gays are born that way, and few understand enough about genetics and human biology to mount a thorough defense of the facts. My Genes Made Me Do It explains the role of genetics and biology in human behavior with a particular, though not exclusive, emphasis on homosexuality. Conventional scientific method and research findings are brought together in a fresh, original way to argue that no human behaviors are biologically determined. This clearly written, simple-to-understand little paperback book should be stocked in all public libraries. Dr. Neil Whitehead, a research scientist and biochemist, with his wife Briar, a writer, methodically examine the evidence for the “born that way” theory and explain why none of the biologically based theories can be substantiated as causative, rather than simply predisposing. The authors address the following issues: Are Heterosexuals Born that Way? To What Extent Do Our Instincts Control Us? How Does Sexual Identity Develop? What is the Cross-Cultural Evidence? Does Prenatal Hormone Exposure Cause Homosexuality? How Does Sexual Identity Form in People with Genitalia of Both Sexes? Is Homosexuality Changeable?
  • by Andrew P. Napolitano What new crisis will the federal government manufacture in order to acquire more power over individuals? What new lies will it tell? Throughout our history, the federal government has lied to send our children off to war, lied to take our money, lied to steal our property, lied to gain our trust, and lied to enhance its power over us. Not only does the government lie to us, we lie to ourselves. We won't admit that each time we let the government get away with misleading us, we are allowing it to increase in size and power and decrease our personal liberty. In acquiescing to the government's continuous fraudulent behavior, we bear partial responsibility for the erosion of our individual liberties and the ever-expanding federal regulation of private behavior. This book attacks the culture in government that facilitates lying, and it challenges readers to recognize that culture, to confront it, and to be rid of it. Binding: Hardcover Pages: 256 Publisher: Thomas Nelson Date: March 2, 2010 Size: 8.5"x5.5"
  • By R. C. Murray Some very powerful people believe that knowledge is America's most valuable resource. For this reason, they have worked diligently during the last 150 years to limit & thereby control knowledge, all knowledge, academic & biblical. This monopoly on knowledge has given these elitists a form of mind control over America's children. Murray explains the buzz words that the school teachers use and what they mean. Reader will discover that the school children are dumbed down deliberately, what the seven deadly sins of public education are and much, much more. R. C. Murray is a former public school teacher. 311 Pages. Paperback
  • By Judith A. Reisman Ph.D. Kinsey wrestled human sexuality from the constraints of love and marriage in order to advance the grand scheme to move America and the world toward the euqenic future envisioned by the elite scientists of the "new biology." To ensure that his "grand scheme" would be more than a mere trend, Kinsey worked closely with elite members in the legal and medical professions to change or eliminate most sex offenders laws. America's sexology profession and accredited sex education field are based entirely on Kinsey's research. The question remains how far did Kinsey, his colleagues and supporters go to remake America and its way of life? The Indiana University Kinsey team closely collaborated in human sexual experiments on children without informed consent. The author asks, how could these human sexual experiments on thousands of little children have happened in America during the 1930s and 1940s? Or were these experiments even conducted in America? Shocking new discoveries reveal Kinsey's collaboration with a Nazi pedophile. In 1948, the Institute for Sex at Indiana U. was led by eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey whose sex research shocked America's moral foundations and launched the 1960s Sexual Revolution. Fifty years later new revelations confirm Dr. Judith Reisman's 1981 expose of scientific fraud and criminally derived data contained in the publicly funded Kinsey Reports. Dr. Reisman revealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof labratory built to his specifications at Indiana U, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was a scientific protocol for Kinsey's 1948 report. "Dr. Reisman has produced a scholarly and devastating study revealing the ugly and frighteningly dangerous pseudo-scientific assault on our children's innocence." -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger Published by The Institute for Media Education, Inc. 342 Pages. Paperback
  • By Cliff Kincaid The United Nations is now openly laying plans for a World Government to go along with its already functioning World Army. These plans include global taxation and an International Criminal Court that could prosecute American citizens. Kincaid also exposes U.N.’s support for forced abortion and forced sterilization, efforts to destroy the traditional family, transformation of U.S. soldiers into the U.N., etc. Kincaid Exposes: • U.N. support for forced abortion and forced sterilization. • U.N. involvement in efforts to destroy the traditional family. • U.S. - Russian "peacekeeping" operations and the possibility of Russian military commanding U.S. troops. • The transformation of American soldiers into "U.N. Fighting Persons" • Will America sign away its sovereignty? In Global Bondage, journalist Cliff Kincaid blows the lid off the United Nations, documenting its strategy for gaining complete control of the world. The author warns that the move toward global government is gaining ground and that it will succeed if steps are not taken to stop it. Published by, Huntington House Publishers OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 208 Pages. Paperback
  • This book is the third in a series, each covering three subjects: mental health, education, and social control. The impetus for this series has been the recommendation of President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. The problem with this legislation is its sweeping nature. Among its Purposes is to increase fund for, and expand the scope of, the Safe Schools-Healthy Students program in order to provide access to more comprehensive school-based mental health services. The danger with measures such as these involves how mental health joined with education can be used as a means of social control. This book, like the previous two, looks at issues like these and others concerning mental health, education, and the power elite's increasing social control over our lives. 128 Pages Out of Print, Supply is Limited
  • By Paul deParrie By Paul deParrie When traditional ethics were the standards in the field of medicine, one could take comfort in the knowledge that doctors and medical institutions put the well-being of the patient above all else. Today, however, pagan ethics have pervaded the professions once properly called "the healing arts" turning doctors into social engineers and petty gods, and patients into unwitting guinea pigs. The results of this unwise change in direction are horrific and often hard to belirve but, also, all to real. * The "worth" of patients is evaluated before treatment * Body parts of "less valuable" people are harvested and used to keep those deemed more valuable alive. * The bodies of aborted babies are used in the production of everything from earrings to cosmetics. The author exposes the vile underbelly of modern medical ethics. This world of morbid pragmatism and blatant disregard for human life is one that none of us can no longer ignore. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 213 Pages. Paperback
  • by Stephen E. Strang From the best-selling author of God and Donald Trump, which was brandished by the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos What’s at stake in this election? EVERYTHING. In 2016 God raised up Donald Trump to lead America at a pivotal time. Evangelicals who recognized this backed him more than any other presidential candidate in history. Heading into 2020, the stakes in his reelection are even higher. This election, nine months after this book releases, is a new fight for the soul of America. Stephen E. Strang makes the case that God wants America to be great because God has raised up America—beginning with our Founding Fathers—to be a beacon of light and hope for the world. We’ve been the nation with religious liberty that has supported those who have spread the gospel around the world. In this book Strang looks at the election, Trump, and America from a spiritual perspective and helps Christians (and others) see God’s hand at work. This book is as much about God and His purposes as about Donald Trump. But it is also an articulate, impassioned apologetic about why all Christians must support this imperfect president, because he has God’s blessing and because the destiny of America is riding on his reelection. This book also explores why he might lose, if his base is overconfident and doesn’t vote or if his opponents are dishonest enough to steal the election. God, Trump, and the 2020 Election is an inside look at how the political climate is affected by spiritual warfare—an important subject for Bible-believing Christians. The satanic schemes are so brazen on key issues that the book was written to explain what’s at stake. Strang believes that the intersection of faith and politics needs to be part of the national discussion about the division in our country. hardcover 255 pages
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    By Patrick Heron 'It is the darkest night, you are traveling along in a fast train full of people. Everyone is laughing and drinking and having a good time. A stranger stands up and calls for attention. When the crowd is silent, he tells them that he has evidence there is danger ahead. Not too far down the line the train will go across a wide ravine. Hundreds of feet below, the river rages in full torrent. Some of the track is missing and the train is doomed to plunge into the flood below with fatal consequences. Before the train reaches the river, it will make one final stop at a station where those who want to can get off -- then it will speed on to its final doom...' This book contains the evidence. The choice is yours. In Apocalypse Soon: The Beginning of the End, the author examines the prophecies of Jesus Christ concerning the last years of planet earth as we know it. You can know history before it happens in this easy to read account of God's warning to mankind. If you want to know what the future holds -- read this book. 172 Pages. Paperback Out of print - Only 10 copies left
  • by Paul McGuire Reveals the events soon coming and already taking place in America. Crisis of unprecedented proportions will happen suddenly and without apparent warning. It will strike fear into the hearts of Americans. Sadly, many Americans are ignoring the warning signs of economic collapse, terrorism, cities being targeted with "science fiction" weaponry, natural disasters, food and water shortages, concentration camps, cyber attacks, and unexplained signs and wonders. Will America as we know it cease to exist in the very near future? Will it cease to exist as a sovereign nation? A major identity shift is already under way…and we're just one major "crisis" away from a new world order being imposed on America. LEARN THE DETAILS ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: The secret occult plan for America to be the center of the New World Order and the "New Atlantis" Currency wars and the merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a a One World Government and Economic System Syria, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, America, World War III and Armageddon The Great Falling Away, the planned Illuminati and the Luciferian revolution The Satanic eite bloodlines, DNA, the antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and the Nephilim Global persecusion of Christians in the emerging New World Religion Hyperborea, Israel, Aleister Crowley and Nazi scientists Transhumanism, androids, the singularity and technologies that improve human performance Is it possible to change the future...? Binding: Soft Cover Pages: 410
  • By M. Lester O'Shea O'Shea tackles with courage, honesty, and fairness one of the most serious social problems of our time, the damage caused by the proliferation of anti-discrimination law (race, sex, age, disability, etc.). He shows with clarity and wit that the cure (for a problem that often does not exist) is far worse that the disease. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 266 Pages. Hard Cover
  • The Coming Battle tells the true story of how the banking money power gained control of America. First published in 1899. TCB is the chronological history of the usurping of every American’s sovereign rights by the unseen money powers and their agents. READ – how recessions depressions and panics are created at will and how the stock markets are manipulated for power and gain. READ – how the large corporations, with the banking money power, imported cheap foreign labor, resulting in countless labor riots. READ – how the European Socialists came to America with the backing of the money power took control of the influential colleges, universities and Seminary schools. READ – how the money power created food shortages, resulting in starvation and suffering in a nation of plenty and how small family farms are set up for foreclosures. READ – how silver was demonetized by the money power, resulting in a five-year depression, that devastated the people and the western regions of the United States. READ – President Andrew Jackson’s complete Farewell Address and his warning for America. READ – That President Andrew Jackson refused to renew the Banking Charter, then, angry Bankers recalled all their loans therefore bankrupting thousands of businesses.  READ – how the Bankers created two class of citizens, Creditor class and the Debtor class, poor and the rich. READ – how the banking money power fleeced the treasury of our gold and silver then replaced it with their worthless paper money. READ – how the legislation was signed and passed into law pledging every America citizen as collateral for the repayment of all government debts in gold and silver. By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. Nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself. Different players, the same game. World domination. Told in breathtaking detail with proof-positive evidence taken from Congressional records, newspaper reports, writings of the day, and statements by our founding fathers. You will not read about this in any history book. A Chilling and all-too-true saga of power run amok. Must reading for all Americans who want to know where our country went wrong an how we were set up.

    364 pages


    Supply limited

  • How feminist spirituality is changing the church and betraying the women it promised to heal. Ignoring the danger signs, millions of women are traveling down similar cultural freeways to self-made spirituality. Why have feminist myths and goddesses become so believable to these women? What happens to Christians caught in this web of deception as they follow these "other gods"? Basing their beliefs on feelings, imaginations, and mystical experiences, they are trapped in a downward spiral. 237 pages - paper back
  • Health Myths Exposed marks the beginning of a war on deadly FDA-approved drugs and pharmaceutical industry campaigned health myths. In the name of exposing false promises, deceit, and blatant disregard for the health of all Americans, this book promises to bring you closer to good health and longevity. Led by Health Myths Exposed, this war will be energetically and boldly waged by exposing the ten most devastating health myths. To this end, you will learn about innovative medical research and natural alternatives that can safely and effectively cure the world's most pandemic killers, such as heart disease and obesity. As an added bonus, continuing education through the book's web site will provide a lifetime of knowledge and serve as a key weapon against the relentless promulgation of deadly health myths by those who stand to profit from them. Leaving behind anecdotal and sensational claims common to other books and articles, Health Myths Exposed guarantees to bring you empirical evidence surrounding the sordid pharmaceutical drug racket and the proper use of natural medicine. With this newfound knowledge and continuing education you will become empowered with the ability to take your health into your own hands rather than giving blind loyalty to FDA approved drugs and medical doctors. Your life or the life of a loved one or friend may depend on your reading this book. By exposing the myths that medical doctors, health practitioners, and pharmaceutical companies have blindly followed and perpetrated, this book will seriously compromise their reputations and status as leaders in the health community. No doubt, they will look away in hopes that you never read this material. Get ready to be shocked, get ready to become angry. But most importantly, get ready to learn some amazing things about yourself and how to live naturally healthy for life, despite medical doctors and pharmaceutical drugs.
  • The Bogotazo, the name given to the riots that took place in Colombia's capital in April 1948 in reaction to the assassination of populist leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, is a historical event which, despite having been widely studied, still remains shrouded in the mists of mystery. Many questions about the Bogotazo have not been answered and some of the answers do not seem to be true. In example, what role did the newly created CIA play in the events? Was Gaitán's assassin an isolated individual seeking revenge, or a Manchurian candidate created by a vast conspiracy? Was it a mere coincidence that Fidel Castro was in Bogota at the time, or did he play a relevant role as an agent provocateur in the events? The Bogotazo marked the beginning of the Cold War in the American Continent. According to the author, it was not just an affair of Colombian national politics, but an event of continental scope. Its main objective was to stir up the fear of communism and to affect Latin American and American thinking so that they would accept the beginning of the Cold War. Like so many similar events used as a pretext to terrorize people with the fear of terrorism, El Bogotazo was a typical false flag operation in a psychological warfare operation whose secret objectives were fully achieved. Using the methodology of the intelligence analyst rather than that of the historian, the author has here unraveled a mystery that had hitherto defied explanation. His compelling and groundbreaking conclusions have dramatic implications for our better understanding of the planned New World Order —the communo-fascist totalitarianism the globalist conspirators and their secret agents are striving to impose on the entire world. 248 pages paperback
  • "Enemies Within" profiles twenty US senators and more than a hundred US representatives, exposing their ties to the Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Council for a Livable World, and other radical anti-American organizations. “The Enemies Within” is designed to show American voters exactly how modern communism works and how it impacts on your life, every single day. Just how do the communists win big on things like Obamacare and immigration “reform,” which go completely against the wishes of the American people? Trevor Loudon’s research has been cited by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, countless articles, blog posts and in books by well known authors Paul Kengor, Aaron Klein and Jerome Corsi. He has given countless radio interviews and addressed audiences in more than 30 states in his four tours of the United States. Trevor Loudon speaks on internal subversion, communism and socialism, national security, culture and constitutional conservatism.
  • Does Evil Exist? What if the evil we never acknowledge has infiltrated the Church, twisted the Gospel, and exploited otherwise well-meaning Christians for its own dark purposes? Enemies Within: The Church heralds a clarion call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted Holy Scriptures. This incredible DVD examines the evidence and exposes the false teachers behind one of the greatest evils of our time-the heresy of the “SOCIAL GOSPEL”! "Enemies Within: The Church" shows evidence for exposing false teachers and organizations with an underlying agenda to undermine the influence of Christ across the world. Every single problem we face in the western world is ultimately a theological problem, and every solution to each problem is a theological absolute. What happened to the living, powerful, transformative, nation-shaking Christianity that Jesus brought to our world? Something dressed up to look like Christianity is doing just fine here in America, but can it possibly be the real thing? It certainly resembles Christianity, but most of the people I know sense that something isn't right. Cashiers say that the best way to recognize a counterfeit dollar is not by studying counterfeit dollars, but by getting to know the real thing well enough that you can easily discern the fake. Maybe that's part of our problem today? Maybe members of this present generation who call themselves "Christians" really believe they are Christians, because they can't recognize the counterfeit? When we look at history, the western church we see right now hardly resembles what it once was. In the twentieth century, the twin evils of Communism and Fascism slaughtered nearly 200,000,000. Both forces are still attempting to co-opt Christianity to serve their goals. If this evil is still alive and active, why is it seldom addressed in most churches today? Could it be that this evil is compromising our churches from the inside out? What if these forces are twisting the doctrine that grew our great nation to suit its own purposes? This documentary will answer these questions and provide the theological solution necessary to stop the destruction of our beloved nation's foundation: The Church. —EWTC
  • In his famous 1929 painting “The Treachery of Images,” Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte depicted a very realistic pipe with the caption: "This is not a pipe." The meaning of this apparent contradiction is that a picture of a pipe is actually not a true pipe. In the same fashion, this comic is not about the Covid-19, a.k.a Coronavirus, which most likely will prove to be just as lethal, or even less lethal than the common flu virus that, coming from Asia, hits us almost every year and makes us feel miserable for a week or two. No. This comic is about the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus, the current ongoing psychological warfare operation (PsyOp) the globalist conspirators are waging against Americans and other peoples around the world. While the Coronavirus affects peoples’ lungs, the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus affects their brains. What are the symptoms of this dangerous virus affecting the peoples’ brains?People affected by the Fear of Coronavirus Virus follow to the letter keeping social distance. Some of them even wear gloves and constantly keep cleaning with ineffective anti-bacterial sanitizer all surfaces they touch and even their own gloves. They don’t dare to break the lockdown and get out of their home to breathe fresh air and enjoy the sun. They wear face masks at all times, even at home, mostly to make a politically-correct statement and to feel morally superior to the rest of us unbelievers.In 1881, Cuban doctor Carlos J. Finlay was the first to theorize that a mosquito was the carrier, now known as a disease vector, of the virus causing yellow fever. But who are the vectors carrying the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus? Well, I have identified them. As I will show you in this book, the main vectors propagating this extremely dangerous mental disease are anti-American traitors in President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, key members of both the Republican and the Democratic Party, and the mainstream press. They get their marching orders from their globalist masters at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller foundations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, and other known eugenicists. Their ultimate goal is to kill no less than 85 percent of the current population on planet Earth and reduce the few survivors to dirty-poor, pre-industrial levels of consumption, a real-life “Hunger Games” dystopia. This is the true New World Order they have in mind, and they are using the right tool to make us accept it willingly. They disingenuosly call it the Covid-19, a.k.a. Coronavirus. This book calls it by its true name: the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus. Though there is no vaccine that can fully protect you from a virus, this book is the best vaccine you can use to protect yourself from the Fear of the Coronavirus Virus. Moreover, this book does not includes a secret microchip to turn the readers into corporate-controlled zombies, and its author guarantees that it is completely safe. As of today, the only known side-effect is that it fully dezombifies the readers and turns them into skeptical critical thinkers. As expected, the above statement has not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. So, use it at your own risk and keep it out of reach from true-believing, politically-correct zombies. 175 pages paper back
  • 3 hr. running time The Untold History of the Bible: Based on the award winning documentary, A Lamp in the Dark, this newly edited version is about half the length of the three hour original. It has been designed as a concise witnessing tool, while preserving the vital insights and dramatic integrity of the original. Enter into the world of saints and martyrs wrestling against the powers and principalities of the Dark Age, when the Bible was outlawed by the Roman Church and those who dared to handle it faced imprisonment, torture and death. Learn the stories of the valiant men of faith who laid down their lives so that future generations could hear and believe the Word of God. The story of the Bible is also the story of the Church and the unfolding of the light of the Gospel in a dark and dying world. We truly believe it is sad that many of our brethren today do not realize the great sacrifice paid by the saints who have come before us for our sake. It is our prayer and sincere hope that this work will continue to equip and strengthen the faith of others. This new DVD is broken into the following chapters: 1. The Gospel: beginning in the first century, the gospel account is given, along with the warnings from Jesus and the Apostles concerning grievous wolves that should come to devour the flock of Christ. 2. Inquisition: while most modern believers are unaware of it, the Great Inquisition began not over Muslims, Jews or witches but rather, because of Bible believing Christians. Learn the details of how the Inquisition was launched to stamp out the preaching of the true Gospel and the knowledge of the Word of God. 3. Wycliffe: the man known as the Morning Star of the Reformation, John Wycliffe is one of the most important figures in Church history. Learn how he developed the first English Bible and was hated and accursed by Rome for it. 4. Reformation: from the influence of John Wycliffe and his Lollard preachers, to the Ninety-five Thesis of Martin Luther, along with the prophecy teachings of the Reformers themselves concerning Antichrist and Mystery Babylon the Great, this film documents the true (and often unknown) causes of the Protestant Reformation. 5. Tyndale: perhaps the single most important man in the history of English bibles, William Tyndale was known as the apostle of England, and was persecuted for years before being martyred for the Word of God. From his memorial on the River Thames to the Tyndale Museum near Brussels, travel with the production to see where this man of God was burnt at the stake for his faith. 6. English Bibles: the history of how our English bibles were developed, beginning with the Wycliffe Bible, to the collation of Greek texts by Erasmus, through the translation work of William Tyndale to the King James Version of 1611. 7. The Jesuits: in 1540 the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of overthrowing the Protestant Reformation, and to ultimately subvert the Bibles produced by the Reformation. Learn the origin of the society that was once called the engineer corps of hell. 8. The KJV: known as the best selling book of all time, the King James translation is seen as the crowing achievement of the Reformation, and a uniting text for English Protestantism. Because of its symbolism, Rome and the Jesuit Order have always hated this Bible and have spent centuries seeking to destroy it. Learn the plan set forth by the Jesuits in the 19th century to seize control of the Bible. Is it possible, that this affects our bibles even today? The Untold History of the Bible is designed as an educational tool, featuring powerful dramatizations of key historic events, along with on-location footage in the U.S., England and Belgium.
  • The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War, an event described in the West as “the end of history.” Post-Soviet Russia appeared to embrace free markets and democratic elections so the West would begin to view the “new” Russia as a friend. In 2014 Russian forces invaded and annexed Crimea. A New Cold war had begun. Russia was ready for this conflict, having armed itself to the teeth with new weapons. The demise of the Soviet Union now appears to have been greatly exaggerated or, at worst, an intentional deception. Although the intelligence service of the Soviet Era, the KGB, was renamed the Federal Security Service, (its Russian acronym—FSB) it facilitated the rise of President Vladimir Putin to power, himself a former KGB official, proving the Security service from the former Soviet era was still very much in power within the “new” Russia. In The New Tactics of Global War, the authors explore what happened at the end of the Cold War and why Russia remains the number one threat to the United States. The moves and counter-moves of the present crisis stem from a long-running deception game. The authors investigate this game, allowing the reader to understand the “mind of the enemy.” “And behold a second beast, like a bear, and it raised itself up on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.” Daniel 7:5
  • Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals describes in detail the process being used at every level of government to reorganize our society under the excuse of environmental protection. Author Tom DeWeese pulls back the curtain to reveal the policies and the powers behind them that are systematically changing our culture and system of government to impose a political agenda of top-down control at every level. He provides invaluable insight as to how elected officials are pressured by an army of private organizations, planners and federal agencies, armed with federal grants to impose specific regulations in the name of Sustainable Development. Sustainable serves as a hand book for property rights activists to organize opposition. It provides vital information to a news media that is basically clueless to these policies, and it provides a blue print for fighting back as it offers hope to those who are its victims. Soft Cover 195 pages
  • News with Views T-Shirt Be a proud sponsor of NewsWithViews.com and tell the world where you get the real news! Free bumpersticker with every T-Shirt As with any endeavor, there are costs associated with maneging this free resource website. Every little helps and by purchasing a NewsWithViews.com T-Shirt, you are helping us to publish real and alternative news that you do not get in the mainstream media.
  • Classic black coffee mug with NewsWithViews.com printed on the side. Made of porcelain, the mug stands about 3.75” high, holds about 11oz and is dishwasher and microwave safe. Show your friends where you get the real news with a stylish NewsWithViews.com Mug. $19.95 Each Made in USA
  • The Occult Agenda documentary series is designed to awaken the church and nonbelievers alike to the spiritual warfare happening in the world today. Part 1 focuses on Harry Potter phenomenon that has swept the world since author J.K. Rowlings introduced her best-selling book series. ut is Potter-mania merely the result of imaginative writing and clever marketing? Or, could there be a hidden power behind the craze that has cast a spell on adults and children alike? Pastor Joe Schimmel has spend nearly 25 years researching cults and the occult from a Biblical perspective. His research has led him to believe that the seducing spirits prophesied of in the Bible are today at work preparing the world for the coming counterfeit Christ. Can Harry Potter be a part of this occult agenda? DVD 100 minutes
  • Megiddo II focuses on the controversial New Age movement. Explores the Christian beliefs of early American fathers, and how their conviction has deminished as Western culture explores pagan & occult theology. But is the New Age really new? Or is it based on the ancient lie of the serpent in Eden? Global adherents claim to await a 'universal Christ' to lead the world. What happens to those who will not follow this world leader? And are there sinister warnings against those who refuse to be initiated into the New Age? This Video exposes the movement that seeks to unite mankind in a one-world religion through the United Nations. DVD - 120 minutes
  • Why are we seeing so many Mass Shootings in our schools, churches and public places? Our "experts" -- criminologists, psychiatrists, sociologists and clergy -- seem to have no answers, yet the "gun control lobby" has only one answer: disarm the citizenry. But is that wise? Scholars tell us that Governments have killed over 262 million of their own citizens in the past century alone? Given this, is the reason we "keep and bear arms" really for target practice and duck hunting? Scientific American says 1 in 6 Americans are on psych drugs: the very drugs the Mainstream Media profits from every day. Is there a connection between Big Pharma's product and Mass Shootings or are GUNS the problem? GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS -- a Matrix Production in association with OATH KEEPERS -- completes a Second Amendment Trilogy which includes MIDNIGHT RIDE and MOLON LABE. Length: 130 mins
  • Have you noticed the police and surveillance state being quietly built around us since 9/11? MIDNIGHT RIDE -- the sister film to MOLON LABE -- explores what would happen if the dollar crashed taking the world financial system down with it? How would this police state be used in the ensuing civil unrest? Would martial law be declared? If it were, would this be Consitutional? Should such martial law be obeyed? The concerned citizen should be asking these questions. MIDNIGHT RIDE -- inspired by the book, BY TYRANNY OUT OF NECESSITY: The Bastardy of Martial Law by Edwin Vieira, Jr., available at Amazon -- explores the nature of martial law and how it relates to the Second Amendment and militia clauses in the U.S. Constitution. Duration: 110 minutes
  • Directed and Producved by Josh del Sol The award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability. And be inspired by emerging solutions. With compelling insight from whistleblowers, government agents, lawyers, doctors, researchers and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates the claimed benefits and emerging risks of a profit-based global initiative that seeks to change the way we live. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle and ultimately empower you. 90 minutes
  • A James Jaeger Film History has demonstrated time and again that, to the degree citizens are unarmed or disarmed, government suppression and tyranny are inevitable. The Founders of the United States knew these lessons well. This is why the U.S. Constitution not only acknowledges and guarantees the "right to keep and bear arms -- but the DUTY to be well-organized as state Militia reporting to their respective governors. But this duty, as well as the Militia, are often misunderstood. As a result, a "gun-control lobby" has been steadily eroding the original intent of the Founders by passing unconstitutional gun control "laws," funding a standing, global army, and destroying the 300-year old Militia system established by WE THE PEOPLE. MOLON LABE - inspired by The Sword and Sovereignty by Edwin Vieira, Jr., explores the "power of the sword" and how it guarantees American's freedom. Watch the trailer for MOLON LABE which includes a clip of Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Chuck Baldwin, Edwin Vieira, Stewart Rhodes and Larry Pratt and help us raise the marketing budget for this important film by donating what you can.
  • Award-winning director Bill Still says the fix for our broken economy won’t be found in bailouts or stimulus. “It’s the interest on the national debt that’s killing the economy of every nation on earth,” said Still, who directed the 1995 classic, The MoneyMasters. “Ending the Fed, won’t fix this,” said Still. “As Prof. Milton Friedman told me,” ‘If you end the Fed and do nothing about fractional reserve lending, you’ve done nothing.’” NO MORE NATIONAL DEBT What does that mean? Governments don’t need to borrow their national money into existence. For example, in the UK, although the Bank of England was nationalized in 1945, still the commercial banks create 97% of the national money – all as loans. In other words, unelectable bankers control the quantity of the national money. That’s our problem today. We don’t just print our money. We borrow every dollar we have in our economy – mostly from big banks -- then pay interest on it. That’s what the National Debt is. We actually rent our money. In FY 2010, the interest on the U.S. National Debt could exceed $700 Billion. In FY 2011, that could exceed $1 Trillion. A sovereign government can and should create its money debt free. That’s the secret of Oz. This is nothing new. Ben Franklin did it, Thomas Jefferson wanted to do it. Abraham Lincoln did it to win the Civil War. The power to create money is the greatest governmental power. We gave that power to bankers with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Now our money is totally out of control. We need to take back the money power and strictly limit its quantity by ending federal borrowing before the interest on the debt implodes the U.S. economy. This solution is hidden in the most beloved children’s story of all time, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. Titled The Secret of Oz, the film features appearances by Peter Schiff, Joseph Farah, Professor Michael Hudson and authors Ellen Brown and Byron Dale. The film won Best Documentary of 2010 at the Beloit International Film Festival; the Silver Sierra award at the Yosemite Film Festival, the Award of Merit at The Accolade Competition in La Jolla, California, and the Silver Screen Award at the Nevada Film Festival. Featuring: James Robertson (UK), Peter Schiff, Ellen Brown, Byron Dale, Prof. Michael Hudson Director: Bill Still Format: Dolby, Color, Widescreen Region: All Regions Number of discs: 1 Rated: G (General Audience) Run Time: 101 minutes
  • Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Why are America's children disappearing? Why must parents live in fear that their children will be molested, abducted, or worse? Parents live in a state of continual fear. No longer do mothers worry about little Johnny coming home late for dinner - they must wonder if he will come home at all. But how did our country reach this point? The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be "the father of the sexual revolution." But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society? This documentary shows how "The Kinsey Reports" have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education -- training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey's research really based upon? Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet." Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped - all in the name of "science." Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in "Table 34" of Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society? Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference? American History Films presents a Jude 3 Production Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar Production Coordinators: Lisa Schimmel, Meg Pinto Running Time: Approx 2 hours
  • Hollywood's War on God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a "strong delusion" as the world joins Satan & the final Antichrist in their war on God. Such titles include: • Ron Howard & Tom Hanks The Da Vinci Code • Keanu Reeves The Matrix and Constantine • Brad Pitt's Fight Club • Jim Carrey's Truman Show • Toby McQuire's Pleasantville • Arnold Swarzenegger's Total Recall • Johnny Depp's From Hell • Sean Connery's League of Extraordinary Gentleman • J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter • Harrison Ford's Bladerunner • Tom Cruise's Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut and Minority Report and many others. This has to be one of the most important documentaries ever produced. You will never see anything like it on TV. It will change your view of Hollywood and TV for ever. Joe Schimmel, the producer, used to be heavily involved in the occult and has spent many years exposing various deceptions of Satan, especially in the fields of music and movies. Run Time: 2 hours 31 minutes Format: Region 0 - plays on all DVD players
  • Megiddo: The March to Armageddon explores Bible prophecy concerning the last day empire prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. For the past four years, Adullam Films has been developing a documentary series called Megiddo: The March to Armageddon. Believing we are called to this by God, we have been immersed in research and have conducted original on-camera interviews with some of the leading authors & researchers in Bible prophecy and its fulfillment in the world today. Megiddo reveals how God uses prophecy to prove His existence and to separate Himself from all others that claim His authority. This informative documentary also chronicles startling quotes from powerful men of history who have spoken of the need for world government to further the cause of peace. But what does the Bible say about ‘world peace’ and its consequence for mankind? Seen through the lens of prophecy, what is the significance of World War I and II? Were these birth pangs to prepare the nations for World War III and Armageddon? "Great …! Very in depth and informative. I pray that it shakes the church and the nonbelievers alike." -- L.A. Marzulli, Author of Nephilim & The Unholy Deception "By far, the best documentary I have seen on this subject" -- Dr. Stan Monteith, Radio Liberty DVD. 135 Minutes
  • • Why has new evidence about 9-11 been ignored by the mainstream press? • Why did the 9-11 Commission conceal eyewitness testimony? • Was there a bomb on the undercarriage of UA flight #175? • Was the Trade Center Towers brought down using controlled demolition? Producers Lewis and vonKleist take the audience on a behind-the-scenes tour of the largest attack in United States history while at the same time exposing the falshoods of the official account using live video feed and photographs shot on the morning of September 11, 2001. Pilots, military personnel, and 9-11 researchers share their professional analysis and assist in frame-by-frame digital examinations of some of the most talked about footage ever uncovered. DVD 85 minutes.
  • This documentary focuses on the growing police state in America and shows how the Bill of Rights and the Constitution literally have been cancelled by recent legislation and executive orders. With the next crisis, the President will have the power to confiscate all property including homes, cars, and money; all commercial property; all means of transportation; and can round us up into work brigades. Anyone who criticizes can be imprisoned without legal defense. Presidents now have more dictatorial power than King George had when Americans fought the Revolutionary War to rid themselves of him. This program includes a plan for restoring the Constitution without armed revolution. DVD 75 min.
  • • Why Remove Genetically Engineered Foods From Schools. • The Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and their Cover-Up. • The Impact of Healthy Food on Learning and Behavior at a Wisconsin School. Shocking research results, inadequate regulations, and warning from eminent scientists, explain why genetically engineered foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids' meals. The dramatic story of how student behavior in a Wisconsin school was transformed with a healthy diet, provides added motivation to make a change. International bestselling Author Jeffrey M. Smith describes how the biotech companies rig research, cover up health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve foods that even FDA scientists said were unsafe. Parents, teachers, students and school officials describe dramatic improvements in student behavior following a change in school meal.Discover the evidence that confirms that these dangerous foods should never have been approved, and find out how to protect yourself, your family, and the next generation. DVD 100 min.
  • During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization manipulated to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy. Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principal business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed. • The Monopoly men who run the Federal Reserve • The declining value of your money • Social Security • What assets to hold on in uncertain and perilous times DVD 50 minutes
  • This internationally televised expose is the most powerful rockumentary ever produced, bar none! Fasten your seat belts as you go on an eye popping ride upon the roller coaster of Rock, and find out how Rock's most popular artists have "Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll". In this mind blowing expose Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God's plan for family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth. DVD 180 minutes
  • by various authors A collection of essays by prominent conservatives including Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews.com Special limited print, collectors edition, highly recommended. Only 75 books available, when they're gone they're gone!! Sales help fund the Tea Party Express movement. Conservatism is America is back with a vengeance! People are awakening to the disturbing sound of a war that is encroaching upon our freedoms and liberties by progressives and liberals who are intent on disrupting what is treasured by many American loving patriots. in Why the Conservative Mind Matters, you will be inspired by the views of people who play a vital role in preserving America's liberties, from pastors and political leaders, to mothers and business professionals. We are confident that you will enjoy our second edition, and encourage you to inquire on how you can potentially be in a future edition by visiting us at: www.whyconservativemindsmatters.com to learn more Binding: Softcover Pages: 254
  • By Dr. Jan Strydom and Susan duPlessis If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or some other behavior disorder, be careful. This diagnoses might be false. The authors of this book explain how parents can teach their children the skills of concentration and self-control without drugging them into submission. This book is about parenting with out using harmful drugs. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED Throughout the world youth-related problems are becoming more and more acute. The number of children being diagnosed with behavior disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and Tourette syndrome is multiplying. Youth violence, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage promiscuity, and teen suicides have become commonplace. Learning disabilities and illiteracy are increasing at an alarming rate. Who or what is to blame for these problems? Are some of these problems truly the result of biochemical imbalances or neurological disorders 'in the brain? Are some caused by foods containing artificial colors and flavors? Should we blame vaccines? Heredity The TV? Peer pressure? The authors deliver ample evidence to demonstrate that these popularly proposed causes play no more than a minuscule role - if any - in the creation of these problems. Backed by in-depth research, they offer a very logical explanation for their origin as well as their alarming increase. The book reveals the true causes of ADHD and other youth-related problems. Parents, who know the true cause or causes of such problems, can prevent them from occurring. Parents who are already in dire need of finding help for their children will find that the book also explains what they can do to overcome ADHD and other emotional and behavioral problems - all without the use of drugs.Jan Strydom, a doctor in education, had been involved in consultation and research of learning and behavior problems over a period of 25 years. He also holds a M.A. in philosophy. 298 Pages. Paperback
  • By Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams "He (Adolph Hitler) was the central figure around which a number of men grouped themselves, from the 1920's onwards, in a movement to gain control of the German people. As the movement developed they were aided and abetted and supported financially as well as politically by the industrial capitalists of the Rhineland; but the initiative did not come from the latter. It came from Hitler as the condottiere of a band of evil men who were united by a common vice." -- Samuel Igra, Germany's National Vice, 1945 387 Pages. Paperback
  • Sale!

    The Rise of Tyranny

    $24.95 $19.95
    Jonathan W Emord Jonathan Emord is a constitutional lawyer whose many legal victories over the federal government have exposed the true nature of bureaucracy’s unchecked, unprincipled, and unconstitutional expansion. He is a man who has devoted his life to reversing the tide that draws us closer to the abyss of medical tyranny (and, by extension, totalitarianism) and to winning back our health freedom and all the other freedoms that constitute individual liberty. ~ Will Block The Rise of Tyranny brilliantly explains how we arrived at the sordid state where our Constitution is in exile, and how we are all increasingly held hostage to the behemoth of a multi-headed bureaucracy that threatens not only our well-being but also our survival. Excerpt from the book: "We can perceive abuses whenever agency actions sacrifice fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property to yield outcomes favorable to a preferred regulatee. At FDA, the agency's Commissioner has repeatedly approved drugs that the agency's own medical reviewers have deemed too unsafe to enter the market, thus favoring the pharmaceutical company proponent of the drug over the American public. The results have been catastrophic, leading to tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Likewise, FDA maintains a pervasive censorship over therapeutic claims for foods and dietary supplements to ensure that the drug industry enjoys a federally enforced monopoly on the right to communicate treatment information. At DEA, the agency's Administrato has driven out of existence some 50 independent supplies of cough and cold remedies, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs, actions that financially benefit drug company suppliers to traditional pharmacies. At CMS, the agency has permitted its contract carriers to audit and demand reimbursement of Medicare funds from practitioners who supply non-Medicare covered services, do not bill Medicare for those services, and are nonetheless denied Medicare reimbursement for the services Medicare does cover - all on the basis that the practitioners have provided non-Medicare covered and non-billed services that Medicare disfavors". Paperback: 148 pages Publisher: Sentinel Press Size: 9"x 6"
  • Author: Holly Swanson The Education for Sustainability movement is drastically altering the curriculum in our schools, changing the role of public education and imposing a political agenda on our innocent children. The aim of this indoctrination program is to train Americas children to be against our form of government, free enterprise system, religious beliefs and much more. Parents, grandparents, family and friends... Find out how this harmful program affects the hearts, the minds and the future of the children you love. Find out how it affects you. This book is an indispensable resource that exposes the agenda of the Education for Sustainability movement; identifies the groups that are pushing this program into our schools, confirms the intended outcome and explains why this program must be expelled. Stopping the misuse of public education to indoctrinate our children is one of the most important issues of our time. Our children are in harms way and this is a call to action. Cover: Paperback Pages: 200 pages Publication Date: July 12, 2012 Size: 10.9 x 8.4inches
  • by Brother Gregory Williams The Covenants of the gods is a detail examination of the contractual nature of the governments of men, and the methods those institutions use to increase their power and authority over men. A central theme of the book was asked by Cecil B. DeMille in the movie The Ten Commandments: “Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God? This same battle continues throughout the world.” By presenting the facts and the progression of legal systems and relating them to the precepts of law passed down through that by ancient Biblical texts, the context of history, and the language and literature of men a unique perspective is unveiled. The vanity of mankind inclines him to blame others for his undesirable state, condition, or lack of liberty, when in truth the source of our decline into bondage is our own sloth and avarice. Proverbs 12:24 tells us: “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.” If men will be free, if they want their rights back they must first take back their responsibilities as free souls under God, for themselves, their families, and their community. If you want to know the whole truth and the ambuscade of your subjugation and the growing power of the governments of the world. The Covenants of the gods will reveal the process and the precept of that descent into slavery. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32 Binding: Softcover, spiral bound Pages: 141 Size: Large - 8.5"x11" About the Author Brother Gregory Williams is a minister with His Holy Church Married with 6 children and 11 grand children, he lives in Central Oregon. As a young man, he entered the seminary where he studied Latin, Greek and theology. In the course of his studies, he began to discover secrets hidden for centuries within ancient libraries which exposed the folly of the sophistry and superstition of the people. His quest to understand the whole truth has led him down a path of law and language, connecting the dots of history in a unique picture of bondage and freedom; discovering the problem and finding the solution.
  • By Holly Swanson Just below the radar a subversive movement is hijacking public education to politically indoctrinate America's children. This movement is targeting our children, changing the purpose of public education and politicizing the curriculum to dictate how our children will think, live and VOTE. Learn how: • The party and movement behind the plan to use education to indoctrinate our children • The name of the programs designed to change our children's cultural, religious, social, economic and political beliefs • The solution: what we can do to expel these political indoctrination programs. 463 Pages. Paperback
  • By Debra Rae Do you know what organizations are working together to form a New World Order? Finally! A reference of over 100 entries covering topics on religion, economics, education, environment and much, much more. Includes up-to-date overviews, coupled with Biblical perspectives. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 352 Pages. Paperback
  • By Jeffrey M. Smith Is your food safe? What the biotech industry doesn't want you to know... Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS You're Eating. This explosive expose reveals how industry manipulation and political collusion-not sound science-allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Scientists were offered bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or distorted. Government employees who complained were harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. Laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The crop was approved without further tests. When a top scientist tried to alert the public about his alarming discoveries, he lost his job and was silenced with threats of a lawsuit.Read the actual internal memos by FDA scientists warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases-all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for Monsanto. Discover how industry studies are designed to avoid finding problems. Learn why the FDA withheld information from congress after a genetically modified supplement killed nearly a hundred people and disabled thousands. Published by, Yes Books, Inc. 288 pages. Paperback
  • By Dr. Anthony Kubek The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, outlined some of the long-range objectives of the Chinese Communists in a speech he delivered to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the party. A summary of his speech in Beijing Review stated three long-range objectives of Red China's Rulers. They are: • To become the world's leading economic power. • To become the world's leading military power. • To strengthen the Chinese Communist Party and its dictatorial power over the economic and military might of China. "We cannot and must not ignore Taiwan. When I was at General Instrument Corporation we had some 5,000 employees in Taiwan, so I visited there over the years. And I have never ceased to be amazed at what the handful of people on that relatively small island have succeeded in doing. Taiwan's accomplishments are indeed breathtaking." -- Donald H. Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary(pg. 172) "A must read to understand the United States TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT commitment!" -- M. Stanton Evans, National Journalism Center Published by, Hallberg Publishing Corp. OUT OF PRINT, SUPPLY IS LIMITED 227 Pages. Paperback
  • James Wesley Rawles Part novel, part survivalist-handbook, Patriots tells of a small group of friends facing every American's worst nightmare葉he total collapse of society. The stock market plummets and hyperinflation cripples commerce and then a seemingly isolated financial crisis passes the tipping point when an unprepared government fails to act. Practically overnight, the fragile institutions of democracy fall apart and every American is forced to survive on their own. Evading mobs of desperate, out-of-control citizens who have turned Chicago into a wasteland of looting and mayhem, this novel's protagonists make their way to a shared secure ranch in the wilds of northern Idaho. Here the survival-driven group fends off vicious attacks from the outside and eventually assists in restoring order to the country. The compelling, fast-paced action-adventure novel has readers jotting notes and referencing the book's impressive index for informative survivalist tips on everything from setting up a secure shelter to treating traumatic flesh wounds. From the Author Most of my outdoor skills were learned from my father and grandfather. I'm from a pioneer family -- my great-great grandfather brought his family out west in 1857 by covered wagon -- and a lot of knowledge was passed down through the generations. Things like how to start a fire in the rain, how to shoot, how to hunt, knot tying, how to butcher wild game, how to make jerky, how to cut and split wood safely -- all of the basic back country skills. -- James Wesley Rawles Binding: Soft Cover Pages: 384 Size: 6"x9" Publisher: Ulysses Press Fiction